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Learn about the release schedule and rules for making RCRAInfo data available to the public. Find out how to access the data online and the organizations that tailor the data for release.
Releasing RCRAInfo Data to the Public 2005 RCRAInfo National Users Conference August 2 – 5, 2005 Nashville, TN
Release Schedule • RCRA data is released to the public on the 10th of each month. • This data is made available to the public in zip flat files at ftp://ftp.epa.gov/rcrainfodata/rcra_flatfiles/ - (Use a browser to access this website.). This data is also made available to: • Envirofacts • NTIS • Each of these organizations tailor the data and create their own reports for release to the public • OECA receives a more comprehensive version of RCRAInfo data on the 9th and 19th of each month. • OECA subsequently releases it’s own version of the data to the public via the Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) data system.".
Rules enforced when data is extracted from RCRAInfo V3 database for release to the public 0 - Implementer defined Not nationally required Routinely released 1 - Nationally defined Nationally required Routinely released 3 - Nationally defined Not nationally required Routinely released 5 - Implementer defined Nationally required Routinely released 2 - Nationally defined Nationally required Not routinely released 6 - Implementer defined Nationally required Not routinely released 8 - Implementer defined Not nationally required Not routinely released 4 - Nationally defined Not nationally required Not routinely released 7 - Implementer defined Not nationally required Routinely released 9 - Implementer defined Not nationally required Routinely released • In order to have your data made available to the public, you must check the extract_flag checkbox which is located on the Site Identification Form (V3). Any translator must populate extract flag with an X to achieve the same results. • Usage Codes must be one of the following: • 3. Data marked with these Usage code are not released to the public: • 4. Enforcement data is subject to more stringent rules documented in later slides.
Handler Tables Any record in these tables is releasable if its handler_id is found in hbasic and the extract_flag in hbasic = 'X'. Table: hhandler2 Table: howner_operator2 Table: hcertification Table: hprevious_id Table: hreport_univ3 Table: huniverse_detail3 Any record in these tables is releasable if it meets the above conditions and the usage field in its lookup table = 0,1,3,5,7,or 9. Table: hstate_activity Table: hother_permit2 Table: hnaics Table: hwaste_code Table: huniversal_waste Any record in these lookup tables is releasable if the usage field = 0,1,3,5,7,or9. All records in lu_county are releasable. Table: lu_state_activity Table: lu_other_permit Table: lu_naics Table: lu_universal_waste Table: lu_waste_code
Corrective Action Tables Any record in these table is releasable if its handler_id is found in the table hbasic and the extract_flag in table hbasic = 'X'. Table: aca_area Any record in these tables is releasable if it meets the above conditions and the usage field in its lookup table = 1,3,5, or 7. Table: aca_event Table: aln_area_event Table: aca_authority Table: aln_event_authority Table: astatute_citation Records in lookup tables are releasable if the usage is in (1,3,5,7). Table: lu_ca_event Table: lu_authority Table: lu_statutory_citation
Permitting Tables Any record in these table is releasable if its handler_id is found in the table hbasic and the extract_flag in table hbasic = 'X'. Table: pseries Any record in these tables is releasable if it meets the above conditions and the usage field in its lookup table = 1,3,5, or 7. Table: pevent Table: pln_event_unit Table: punit Table: punit_detail Records in lookup tables are releasable if the usage is in (1,3,5,7). Table: lu_legal_operating_status Table: lu_permit_event_code Table: lu_commercial_status Table: lu_process_code Table: lu_unit_of_measure Table: lu_capacity_type
RCRAInfo Version 3's Enforcement Sensitive Definition Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Enforcement Actions: Before any other enforcement sensitive rules are applied, any handler_id released must exist in hbasic and have an extract_flag = ‘X’. Civil/Judicial Referrals (RCRAInfo data field: enforcement_type = 400 series) are enforcement sensitive and will only be released once the violations they are linked to have a Civil/Judicial Action (RCRAInfo data field: enforcement_type = the 500 series indicating that the case has been filed in Court. Users will have to ensure that this information is entered as soon as possible in order for the information to become publicly available in a timely manner, as required by the Freedom of Information Act. Note: If the Original Petition or Complaint is filed under seal, then a Civil/Judicial Action (RCRAInfo data field: enforcement_type = the 500 series with a date entered in the “enf_action_date” field) should not be entered in the data system until it is no longer under seal.
Criminal Actions (RCRAInfo data field: enforcement_type = 700 - 709) and Referrals to Criminal (RCRAInfo data field: enforcement_type = 710 - 719) will be enforcement sensitive UNTIL they have one of the following: a. Criminal Indictment is issued (RCRAInfo data field: enforcement_type = 720 -729) b. Criminal Conviction is entered (RCRAInfo data field: enforcement_type = 730 - 739), or c. Criminal Acquittal entered (RCRAInfo data field: enforcement_type = 740 - 749). State-to-EPA Referrals (RCRAInfo data field: enforcement_type = 810 action) and EPA-to-State Referrals (RCRAInfo data field: enforcement_type = 820 action) will be enforcement sensitive until an enforcement action is entered by the receiving agency. All other enforcement actions will be released. EPA HQ considers all comments/notes to be enforcement sensitive. Therefore, no comments/notes will be released on the national CM&E RCRAInfo Freedom of Information Request (FOIA) report or any other HQ public access web sites. RCRAInfo Version 3's Enforcement Sensitive Definition: Continued
RCRAInfo Version 3's Enforcement Sensitive Definition: Continued HBASIC: The “extract_flag” located in thehbasic table must be equal to “X” in order to be reported to the public. Evaluations: The SNC designation evaluation type = SNY will continue to be released as soon as it is entered into RCRAInfo, regardless of whether or not an enforcement action has been issued. (No change) Commitment/initiative information will be considered enforcement sensitive until the evaluation corresponding to it has begun (has an evaluation start date). Only after the evaluation has begun will commitment/initiative information be released to the public. All evaluations will be released, whether linked to a violation or not. The “day_zero” field in the cevaluation3 table will always be enforcement sensitive. Violations: Since RCRAInfo V3 will no longer have pending violations, all violations will be released, whether addressed or unaddressed.
RCRAInfo Version 3's Enforcement Sensitive Definition: Continued Any records maybe released from tables in these lists, if the handler_id is found in hbasic and the extract_flag = ‘X’. Evaluations: Table: cevaluation3 Table: crequest3 Table: c6002fed3 Enforcement: Table: cln_violation_enforcement3 Table: csny_date3 Table: milestone3 Any record in these tables is releasable if it handler_id is found in ef_enforcement, defined above, and the usage field in its lookup table is in (0,1,3,5,7, or 9). Evaluations: Table: cln_evaluation_violation3 Table: cln_evaluation_commitment3 Enforcement: Table: cpenalty3 Table: cmedia3 Table: csep3
RCRAInfo Version 3's Enforcement Sensitive Definition: Continued Records in lookup tables are releasable if the usage is in (0,1,3,5,7, or 9). Table: lu_evaluation_type Table: lu_suborganization Table: lu_staff Table: lu_citation Table: lu_commitment_type Table: lu_focus_area Table: lu_violation_type Table: lu_enforcement_type Table: lu_media_type Table: lu_penalty_type Table: lu_sep_type Table: lu_cafo Table: lu_disposition_status
Representation of Active/Inactive Sites In Envirofacts • Current multi-system query that shows Environ at 36 Bartlett Rd as a Hazardous Waste Handler. • New multi-system query that shows the 'Hazardous Waste Handler' column heading has been changed to 'RCRA Hazardous Waste Handler?'. It also changes value from 'Yes' to 'Inactive' for sites that are in RCRAInfo, but inactive. • Drill down on site name to show that Environ at 36 Bartlett Rd is not in a universe and considered inactive. • Drill down on site name to show that Envirofacts omits the 'Handler Type' table for Environ at 18 Gorham Industrial Park (ID ends 3144) because its activities are not ones Envirofacts currently reports. • Current drill down on 'View Facility Info' hyperlink to show 'Unspecified' interests for Environ at 18 Gorham Industrial Park because its activities are not ones Envirofacts currently reports. • New drill down corrected so that its 'Environmental Interests' values for Environ at 18 Gorham Industrial Park show all the site's activities (plus some that it doesn't have that are newly reported in Envirofacts under this proposal.) It also provides new, more-specific 'Data Sources'. • *Note that: 'Handler Type' table (reached by drilling down on site name) and screens reached from Waste Queries should present 'Environmental Interests' the same as 3_new_3144 does. Let's have one pattern and stick with it.