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Blood. Blood. Blood is not an epithelial tissue, and it’s not loose or dense connective tissue; it’s classified as a “special connective tissue”. You have about 5 liters of blood, but that is only half of the body fluid.
Blood • Blood is not an epithelial tissue, and it’s not loose or dense connective tissue; it’s classified as a “special connective tissue”. • You have about 5 liters of blood, but that is only half of the body fluid. • The other half includes fluid around each cell, and joint fluids, etc.
Blood plasma circulates outside of the blood vessels too! PLASMA EXTRACELLULAR FLUID ↑↓ ↓↑ ↓↑ SYNOVIAL FLUIDS JOINTS CSF
Blood consists of the following: • Plasma • Red blood cells • White blood cells • Platelets
FUN FACTS • In one day, your blood travels nearly 12,000 miles. • Your heart beats around 35 million times per year. Your heart pumps a million barrels of blood during the average lifetime -- enough to fill three supertankers. If an artery is cut, blood will shoot out 30 feet.
Plasma • Plasma is what the blood cells float around in. If you spin a blood sample in a test tube, the red blood cells sink to the bottom, and you’ll see the yellow plasma on top. • Some people who need blood just need the packed RBCs (anemia), some need the platelets (hemophilia), others need the plasma (burn victims), and some need whole blood (hemorrhage), which is both plasma and RBCs.
Overview: Composition of Blood Figure 17.1
PLASMA CONTENTS • Water (90%) • Dissolved substances (10%) • Proteins • Albumin (egg white). Most common protein in blood (needed for homeostasis of blood volume) • Antibodies • Clotting factors; main one is called fibrin. • Lipoproteins (move fats through blood: HDL, LDL) • Nutrients • Glucose (main energy source) • Amino Acids (builds proteins) • Wastes (urea) • Gases (O2, CO2, Nitrogen) • Electrolytes = ions (Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca++)
ERYTHROCYTES (Red blood cells) • 5 million • Like a doughnut with the hole not fully cut out. • These are among the smallest cells in the body • They have no nucleus • Biconcave to increase surface area • Filled with hemoglobin (Hgb), which carries O2 throughout the body. Oxygenated Hgb is bright red, deoxyHgb is deeper red, almost a bluish-purple.
Hemoglobin Molecule • Hemoglobin consists of 2 alpha units and 2 beta units. Hemoglobin abnormalities are classified by which unit is deformed. • The heme group is where the oxygen molecule binds. An iron (Fe++) molecule is in the middle, which attracts the oxygen to the heme group.
ERYTHROCYTES: • Average life span is 120 days. Old ones are destroyed in the spleen and liver, and Hgb and iron are recycled. • In one day, 100 billion of these cells are destroyed, and 100 billion are made: where? • Red bone marrow.
Disorders of RBCs • Polycythemia • Anemia • Too few RBC’s • Iron deficiency • Hemorrhagic anemia (person lost blood) • Hemolytic anemia (immune disorder, infection, blood transfusion) • G6PD deficiency • Hemoglobin abnormalities • Pernicious (Megaloblastic) anemia (lack of vitamin B12 or intrinsic factor) • Thalassemia • Sickle cell disease
PolycythemiaToo many RBC’s; can cause clots. Need to donate blood frequently
ANEMIA • Any condition of RED BLOOD CELLS in which the blood’s capacity for carrying oxygen is diminished. • HYPOXIA is lack of oxygen to tissues. • It can be caused from: • Ischemia (reduced blood flow to a tissue) • Malfunctioning hemoglobin • Increasing altitude
Anemia • Characteristic sign of anemia: see reticulocytes in the blood (immature red blood cells). • Remnants of the nucleus are still in the cell.
Anemia can be caused by many things. One type of anemia is from too few RBC’s.
IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA that was treated with blood transfusion These are the healthy RBCs from blood transfusion
Hemolytic Anemia • Hemolysis means rupture of RBC’s. • Hereditary (born with the genes that cause the disease) • Immune disorders and G6PD deficiency. • Acquired • Infections (malaria), and receiving the wrong blood type in a transfusion.
G6PD Deficiency • Hereditary, X-linked; almost all are males • G6PDH is an enzyme which is important for RBC metabolism. • G6PD is the most common human enzyme defect. A person with this develops hereditary (NOT acquired) hemolytic anemia in response to a number of causes, most commonly infection or exposure to certain medications, chemicals, or ingestion of fava beans.
HEMOGLOBINOPATHIES • Pernicious anemia (megaloblastic anemia) • Thalassemia • Sickle Cell Disease
Pernicious anemia (megaloblastic anemia) • Caused by lack of vitamin B12 or intrinsic factor • When a person has gastric bypass surgery, the stomach is no longer able to produce intrinsic factor, which is needed to absorb vitamin B12, which is needed to make hemoglobin in RBC’s. • Without this vitamin, the blood cells are fewer and much larger than normal (megaloblastic). • The surgery patient must take vitamin B12 shots or sublingual supplements for the rest of their life.
Megaloblastic Anemia (Large RBCs: Note that the lymphocyte is the same size as the huge RBCs)
ThalassemiaA hereditary form of anemia where the RBCs have abnormal hemoglobin that deforms the cells TEAR DROP TARGET CELLS SPHEROCYTE
Sickle Cell Disease • Present in African Americans more than in other groups, and is always characterized by sickled erythrocytes. • The sickle shape helps prevent malaria infections, but it also causes blood clots.
Sickle Cell Anemia SICKLE CELL
RBC, Hgb, Hct • Red blood cell (RBC) count is a count of the actual number of red blood cells per volume of blood. Both increases and decreases can point to abnormal conditions. • Hemoglobin (Hgb) measures the amount of oxygen-carrying protein in the blood. • Hematocrit (Hct) measures the percentage of red blood cells in a given volume of whole blood.
Hematocrit • A quick screening test for anemia is the hematocrit. • A drop of blood is drawn up a small glass capillary tube and the tube is centrifuged to pack the red blood cells at the bottom with the plasma on top. • Hematocrit measures the percentage of blood volume that consists of erythrocytes. • The hematocrit is the ratio of packed red blood cells to total blood volume. • Normal is about 45% (46% for men and 38% for women.)
Blood Doping • Blood doping is the practice of boosting the number of red blood cells in the bloodstream in order to enhance athletic performance. • Because such blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the muscles, a higher concentration in the blood can improve an athlete’s aerobic capacity and endurance.
IOC strips Lance Armstrong of Olympic medal • The winner of seven straight Tour de France titles confessed to Oprah Winfrey to using blood doping during that time. • Two months after the France tournament, he won the bronze medal at the 2000 Sydney Games. • Olympic officials won a suit to have the medal returned.
BLOOD TYPING: The ABO SYSTEM • Blood typing is the technique for determining which specific protein type is present on the RBC membranes. • Only certain types of blood transfusions are safe because the cell membranes of the red blood cells carry certain types of proteins that another person’s body will think is a foreign body and reject it.
BLOOD TYPING • These proteins are called antigens (something that causes an allergic reaction). There are two types of blood antigens: Type A and Type B. • A person with Type A antigens on their blood cells have Type A blood. • A person with Type B antigens have Type B blood. • A person with both types has type AB blood. • A person with neither antigen has type O blood.
BLOOD TYPING • If a person with type A blood gets a transfusion of type B antigens (from Type B or Type AB, the donated blood will clump in masses (coagulation), and the person will die. • The same is true for a type B person getting type A or AB blood. • Type O- blood is called the universal donor, because there are no antigens, so that blood can be donated to anyone. • Type AB+ blood is considered the universal acceptor, because they can use any other type of blood. This blood type is fairly rare. • The rarest blood type is AB negative.
RH FACTOR • There is another term that follows the blood type. The term is “positive” or “negative”. This refers to the presence of another type of protein, called the Rh factor. A person with type B blood and has the Rh factor is called B positive. • A person with type B blood and no Rh factor is called B negative.
RH FACTOR • The reason this is so important is that if an Rh- mother has an Rh+ fetus in her womb (from an Rh+ father), her antibodies will attack the red blood cells of the fetus because her body detects the Rh protein on the baby’s red blood cells and thinks they are foreign objects. This is called Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn (HDN).
HDN • This can be prevented if the doctor knows the mother is Rh- and the father is Rh+, because that means the baby has a 50% chance of being Rh+ like the father. • Therefore, anytime a mother is Rh-, even if the mother says the father is Rh-, you can’t be sure who the father is, so they will proceed as though the baby may be Rh +. • They will give her an injection of a medicine (Rhogam) that will prevent her immune system from attacking the baby.
Rhogam • Rhogam is given at 18 weeks into the pregnancy and again within 72 hours after giving birth. • It is usually given within 2 hours after giving birth since you can’t trust the patient to return after they leave the hospital. • The first baby is not at risk; during the first birth (or miscarriage), the placenta tears away and that’s when the baby’s blood cells get into the mother’s bloodstream. • She then forms antibodies against the Rh factor, which are ready to attack the second fetus. • The baby does not make the Rh factor until about 18 weeks into the pregnancy.
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LEUKOCYTES (White blood cells)all fight infection • BASOPHILS • MAST CELL • EOSINOPHILS • NEUTROPHILS • MONOCYTES • MACROPHAGES • LYMPHOCYTES • B CELLS • T CELLS • too many is ___philia • too few is ___penia
BASOPHILS • Basophils – only about 0.5% of all leukocytes • Granules secrete histamines (vasodilation; more WBCs can get to the infection site) • Antihistamines interfere with the function of basophils. • Mast Cell: a basophil that leaves the blood vessel and enters the tissues.
Eosinophils • Eosinophils – compose 1-4% of all WBCs • Play roles in: • Ending allergic reactions, parasitic infections • During these conditions they increase in numbers: eosinophilia