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THE PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE. (Navadni sedanjik). RABA:. Present Simple uporabljamo, kadar želimo opisati dogodke, ki se dogajajo v sedanjosti: vsakdanje dogodke We play chess every day. navade Maria cleans her teeth every morning. kar imamo / nimamo radi I like Maths. / I don’t like Art.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. THE PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE (Navadni sedanjik)

  2. RABA: Present Simple uporabljamo, kadar želimo opisati dogodke, ki se dogajajo v sedanjosti: • vsakdanje dogodke We play chess every day. • navade Maria cleans her teeth every morning. • kar imamo / nimamo radi I like Maths. / I don’t like Art.

  3. splošno znane stvari, kar se ne spreminja It often rains in autumn. • dogodke, ki so vezani na urnike, razporede The train leaves at 6 o’clock. KAKO GA TVORIMO? • glagol biti (am, is, are) • fraza have got (have got, has got) • ostali glagoli

  4. TRDILNA OBLIKA-pri osebah he, shein it glagolu dodamo končnico -s

  5. POSEBNOSTI PRI ZAPISU KONČNIC: • če imamo pred glagolom modalni glagol (can, must), glagolu končnice ne dodamo: She can dance. • glagoli, ki se končajo na –o, -x, -ch, - sh ali – s dobijo končnico –es do – he does, wash – she washes • če se glagol konča na –y, pred katerim stoji soglasnik, se –y spremeni v –i, temu pa dodamo –es: cry – cries, worry - worries

  6. če se glagol konča na –y, pre katerim je samoglasnik (a,e,i,o,u), glagolu dodamo le končnico –s: play – plays, stay, stays EXERSISES – VAJE 1. Glagolu dodaj ustrezno končnico: I can play – he ______________ I go – he ____________ I play – he ____________ We live – she ______________ I must go – it ___________________

  7. Youwish – he _______________ I hurry – she _______________ I do – she ______________ Wekiss – she _____________ I teach – he ______________ 2. Prepiši stavke tako, da spremeniš končnico. I canswim. She ______________________. I missthebus. He ____________________. I knowyou. He ______________________. I oftencry. Sheoften _________________. I must go now. He ____________________. I fly to Rome everyyear. She ____________________. I always do mybest. She _______________________.

  8. VPRAŠALNA OBLIKA • pri osebah I, we, you, they uporabimo besedico DO: Doyou swim? Dowe read every day? Dothey live in Trebnje? • pri osebnih zaimkih he, she, it pa uporabimo besedico DOES: Doesshe work? Doeshe often climb a tree? Doesit always eat bones?

  9. NIKALNA OBLIKA • pri nikalni obliki besedicama DO in DOES dodamo NOT – lahko pa uporabimo kratke oblike: • namesto do not = don’t • namesto does not = doesn’t I don’t play the guitar. She doesn’t cycle a lot. They don’t like soft toys. He doesn’t finish his homework before dinner.

  10. PRISLOVNA DOLOČILA ČASA: • always – vedno • usually – ponavadi • often – pogosto • sometimes – včasih • seldom – redko • never – nikoli • everyday (week, month, year, Monday,…) – vsak … Weoftenvisitmygrandparents. Myfriendssometimescome to myhouse. Mary goes to work at 7 everymorning.

  11. 1. Tvori trdilne povedi. Pazi na veliko začetnico! • I / collectstamps __________________________ • we / playcardgames ________________________ • he / readcomics ___________________________ • Chris / sing in a band _______________________ • we / have a hamster ________________________ • Andy and John / like cola _____________________ • she / benice ______________________________ • they / helptheirparents _____________________ • thechildren / speakEnglish ___________________ • I / buy a newspapereverySaturday ________________________________________

  12. 2. Tvori nikalne povedi. Pazi na veliko začetnico! • I watch TV. I don’t watch TV. • We play football. __________________________ • It is boring. ______________________________ • She cleans her room. ________________________ • You ride your bike every weekend. ________________________________________ • Sandy takes nice photos. _____________________ • They open the windows. _____________________ • He buys a new CD. _________________________ • I am late. ________________________________ • She has a cat. _____________________________

  13. 3. Tvori vprašalne povedi. Pazi na veliko začetnico! • she / collect / stickers Does she collect stickers? • they / play / a game _________________________ • the cat / sleep / in the cat's bed ________________ • she / often / dream _________________________ • he / play / streetball ________________________ • you / be / from Paris ________________________ • the pupils / wear / school uniforms ________________________________________ • you / go / to the cinema _____________________ • she / have / friends _________________________ • he / read / books __________________________

  14. VPRAŠALNE BESEDE: • who – kdo • what – kaj • where – kje • when – kdaj • why – zakaj • how – kako

  15. 4. Vprašaj se po podčrtanih besedah. • Julia likes pop-music. • Maria comes from Spain. • They play in the garden. • Rick rides his bike. • I go to the cinema on Saturdays. • We go to Mallorca because it is warm there. • Joe repairs his bike. • Robin drives his car carefully. • Peter runs with his dog every day. • Eric goes to Italy for a holiday.

  16. 5. Dopolni povedi z glagolom v oklepaju. Povedi so lahko v trdilni, nikalni ali vprašalni obliki. • ________ she ___________ (play) tennis every week? • They _____________ (go) to the cinema every weekend. • ________ (be) she a singer? • Lucy ________________ (not ride) a bike to work. • Why __________ (be) he in France? • ________ we ___________ (make) too much noise at night? • Susan _________________ (not make) biscuits. • Where ________ Harry ___________ (study)? • We _____________ (not be) late.

  17. THE POLICE: EVERY BREATH YOU TAKEhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMOGaugKpzs&ob=av3e

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