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Enhanced Tropospheric Retrievals Using Microwindows at Reduced Resolutions

Explore the use of CO2 laser bands and multiple Microwindows for improved tropospheric coverage. Learn about the latest Microwindows selection and its advantages in overcoming discontinuities. Analyze data discrepancies and altitude deviations in AE mode observations from Dec’06.

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Enhanced Tropospheric Retrievals Using Microwindows at Reduced Resolutions

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  1. pT Microwindows Anu Dudhia University of Oxford

  2. 350 Microwindows

  3. 360 Microwindows

  4. RR27 pT Microwindows • Reduced resolution & lower altitudes  need to use CO2 laser band for low altitude retrievals • Oversampling low altitudes  need many laser band MWs • Laser band causes problems with discontinuities and (potentially) non-LTE effects • Latest selection (MW#361-366) uses additional MW at 790cm-1 to give improved tropospheric coverage and reduced reliance on laser band below 21km

  5. AE Mode Dec06Anu DudhiaUniversity of Oxford

  6. 26-29 Dec 2006 mixed NOM and AE mode data • Single L1B files contain complete orbit (unlike orig May’05) • Also: last sweep of last scan of each orbit flagged as corrupt

  7. Conclusions • Dec’06 AE mode data appears to have the same problems as earlier May’05 data: • L1B (engineering) altitudes are 2 km lower than given in mission planning document (5,7.5…km instead of 7,8.5…km) • L1B altitudes for sideways viewing appear to be approx 4.5km below actual tangent altitudes (based on climatological pressure) • L1B altitudes for rearward viewing appear to be approx 0.5km below actual tangent altitudes

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