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Improving Data Transfer Across Datasets through Imputation Techniques

Explore transferring variables between datasets using individual imputation scores, Bayesian multiple imputation, and software tools like ICE and UVIS in Stata. Learn about the process, advantages, and feasibility assessments.

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Improving Data Transfer Across Datasets through Imputation Techniques

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  1. Transferring variables between different data-sets Using imputation of individual scores Bojan Todosijevic University of Twente German Stata Users’ Meeting, April 2, 2007, Essen

  2. The Problem: • Data scattered in different data sets – surveys, census data, etc. Typical solution: • Data aggregation – geographical, cohort. The present task: • To test a more general model for transferring data/variables between data-sets - based on the imputation of individual scores.

  3. Advantages of the individually imputed scores: • Wider range of applications (e.g., variables of interest may be unrelated to geographic or cohort units) • Aggregation method tends to neglect variability within aggregation units; individual imputation method retains information about distribution.

  4. The proposed approach: • A question not asked in one survey could be seen as a special case of the missing data problem (Gelman et al., 1998). • Adopt Bayesian multiple imputation (MI) (Rubin, 1987) approach. • When data are missing because a question was not asked the MAR assumption applies P(R|Ycomplete) = P(R|Yobserved)

  5. Assessing the feasibility of the approach • Two data-sets selected - SOCON 2000 and NKO 2002 - contain a number of equivalent variables • Target variable: Left-Right self-placement – from SOCON to NKO • Test and comparisons of the ‘real’ and imputed L-R variables

  6. Structure of the merged file type of interview | data file record | SOCON2002 NKO 2002 | Total ------------------------+----------------------+---------- NKO 2002 1st wave only | 0 333 | 333 NKO 1st and 2nd waves | 0 287 | 287 NKO 1st, 2nd and 3rd w. | 0 1,287 | 1,287 NKO 2003 only | 0 1,271 | 1,271 | | SOCON 2002 | 1,008 0 | 1,008 ------------------------+----------------------+---------- Total | 1,008 3,178 | 4,186

  7. Imputation procedure and software ICE – MICE application for Stata (Royston, 2005) UVIS – Univariate imputation sampling • Ice imputes missing values by using switching regression, an iterative multivariable regression technique (Stata module written by Patrick Royston, 2005). The multivariate distribution is estimated from the incomplete data in a Gibbs sampling process (Van Buuren & Oudshoorn 1999). • uvis imputes missing values in the single variable based on multiple regression on a list of predictors. uvis is called repeatedly by ice in a regression switching mode to perform multivariate imputation.

  8. Common NKO and SOCON variables Name Variable urb2 Urbanization sex Sex age Age class Class - self-description zincome Household income (standardized) educatio Education level church_a Religious service attendance party Party choice (hypothetical, vote intention, vote recollection); Employed Employment status pm Post-materialism index pol_int Political interest d_proud Proud being Dutch L-R Left-right self-placement, SOCON 2000 L-R1 Left-Right self-placement, NKO 1st wave L-R2 Left-Right self-placement, NKO 2nd wave L-R2 Left-Right self-placement, NKO 3rd wave

  9. Imputation – three steps • 1. Imputation of the common variables in the SOCON file (using ice) • 2. Imputation of the common variables in the NKO file (using ice) • 3. Imputation of the L-R variable – from SOCON to NKO (‘the main thing’), using uvis.

  10. Multiple Imputation - the SOCON variables Stata command for imputation: • ice l_r urb2 sex age class zincome educatio church_a party employed pm pol_int d_proud using SOCON_iced, m(5) match(l_r urb2 sex age class educatio church_a party employed pm pol_int d_proud ) cmd( urb2 class pol_int d_proud pm:regress) cycles(50) seed(14) replace

  11. Multiple Imputation - the NKO file Stata command for imputation: • ice urb2 sex age class zincome educatio church_a party employed pm pol_int d_proud using NKO_iced, m(5)match(urb2 sex age class educatio church_a party employed pm pol_int d_proud ) cmd( urb2 class church_a pol_int d_proud pm:regress) cycles(50) seed(14) replace • L-R variables not included

  12. Imputation of the L-R variable – from SOCON to NKO • Merged the imputed SOCON and NKO files (each containing the original and 5 imputed data-sets). • For each of the 5 imputed SOCON-NKO combinations, a univariate imputation of the L-R variable (from SOCON to NKO) was performed (using uvis). Stata command for imputation: • uvis regress l_r urb2 sex age class zincome educatio church_a party employed pm pol_int d_proud if _j==1, gen (l_r_uvis1) matchseed(14) replace Seed numbers: 1: 14, 2: 32, 3: 432, 4: 11, 5: 55.

  13. The Imputation equation – DV: SOCON L-R Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 1008 -------------+------------------------------ F( 12, 995) = 55.22 Model | 1717.64517 12 143.137097 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 2579.00563 995 2.59196546 R-squared = 0.3998 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.3925 Total | 4296.65079 1007 4.26678331 Root MSE = 1.61 R = .63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOCONl_r | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| Beta -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- urb2 | .0570569 .0379983 1.50 0.134 .0387282 sex | -.156749 .1075442 -1.46 0.145 -.0379609 age | -.0013591 .0043088 -0.32 0.752 -.0087341 class | .3938487 .0834685 4.72 0.000 .1461826 zincome | .0254967 .0627695 0.41 0.685 .0123456 educatio | -.1585475 .0315719 -5.02 0.000 -.1664914 church_a | -.2379957 .0522299 -4.56 0.000 -.1199417 party | .3608413 .0198037 18.22 0.000 .48643 employed | .030681 .1241836 0.25 0.805 .0068578 pm | -.2921879 .1009341 -2.89 0.004 -.0801642 pol_int | .173143 .0716642 2.42 0.016 .0685405 d_proud | -.195067 .0623608 -3.13 0.002 -.0822013 _cons | 4.659597 .5426508 8.59 0.000 . -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------

  14. Descriptive statistics for the original and five imputed L-R variables

  15. Correlation between the original NKO L-R variables Correlation between the imputed and original NKO L-R variables

  16. The Imputation equation – DV: Imputed L-R R squared in 5 imputations range from Rsq=.39 to Rsq=.43. Multiple imputation parameter estimates (5 imputations) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ l_r_Imputed | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| comparison with SOCON -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- urb2 | .0750759 .0254447 2.95 0.003 became sig. sex | -.1851431 .1260133 -1.47 0.142 almost identical age | .0009682 .0037543 0.26 0.797 almost identical class | .3853003 .0718502 5.36 0.000 almost identical zincome | .0022461 .0421326 0.05 0.957 almost identical educatio | -.1453613 .0223744 -6.50 0.000 almost identical church_a | -.2166528 .0648066 -3.34 0.001 almost identical party | .3906498 .0247788 15.77 0.000 almost identical employed | .011624 .0950614 0.12 0.903 almost identical pm | -.3594543 .0790244 -4.55 0.000 increased a bit pol_int | .1972884 .101904 1.94 0.053 cf. incr., sig.dropped d_proud | -.243719 .0534851 -4.56 0.000 increased a bit _cons | 4.610467 .5392112 8.55 0.000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3178 observations (imputation 1). -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------

  17. Comparison of the imputed with the ‘original’ NKO L-R variables

  18. Relationships with variables NOT included in the imputation model Correction for attenuation ρimputed L-R=.40 * (1/.78)=.51

  19. Correlations with attitudinal variables

  20. Correlations with attitudinal variables

  21. Correlations with attitudinal variables

  22. Summary of the conclusions that differ between the original and imputed variables The highest ‘missed’ correlation: with Political knowledge 1 – average for the three ‘real’ L-R variables: r=-.11.

  23. Summary of the comparison between the imputed and original L-R variables

  24. Summary • Coefficients associated with the imputed variables are lower in magnitude. • Correction for attenuation helps. • In a number of cases even quite low correlations were correctly predicted. • In a single case the imputed variable showed a significant relationship when the original variable showed an insignificant coefficient. • Using the imputed variable one is in danger of making Type II error, much less Type I error.

  25. Problems to consider • Large proportion of missing values - use several ‘predictive’ data files for the imputation. • Small number of ‘predictive’ variables. • If the ‘imputationist’ and analyst are not the same person, the analyst may be interested in relationships unaccounted by the imputation model. • Imputation is done between different data sets - the major departure from the usual practice of the MI procedures.

  26. Conclusion • The imputed variable strongly correlates with the ‘real’ responses (r is around .40, without correction for attenuation). • Multivariate model, using the variables from the prediction model, showed very close results if one used the imputed or original variables. • Univariate relationships with a broad set of attitudinal variables showed that by using imputed variable one is in danger of wrongly supporting the null-hypothesis, and underestimating the strength of the relationships. • The proposed method seems applicable especially in pilot-studies, and in studies using multiple surveys where particular questions are omitted from some studies. • Transfer of data between different sources through MI approach seems to be a reasonable alternative to aggregation.

  27. “With our without missing data, the goal of a statistical procedure should be to make valid and efficient inferences about a population of interest – not to estimate, predict, or recover missing observations not to obtain the same results that we would have seen with complete data.” Schafer & Graham 2002, p. 149.

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