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PEIMS Data Standards Changes 2011-2012 School Year. September 2011 Addendum Release. 2011-2012 Changes. The following significant changes have been made to the 2011-2012 PEIMS Collection: 011 Organization Data – Shared Services Arrangement Record
PEIMS Data Standards Changes 2011-2012 School Year September 2011 Addendum Release
2011-2012 Changes The following significant changes have been made to the 2011-2012 PEIMS Collection: • 011 Organization Data – Shared Services Arrangement Record DISTRICT-ID and FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID clarified. • 030 District Finance Data – Budget Record Fiscal Year values advanced one year. • 032 District Finance Data – Actual Record Fiscal Year values advanced one year.
2011-2012 Changes Fund Code addition: Fund Code 287 – Education Jobs Fund (ARRA) added to Code Table C145.
2011-2012 Changes Program Intent Code Addition: Program Intent Code 32 – Pre-Kindergarten added to Code Table C147 – Program Intent Code.
2011-2012 Changes • 033 District Finance Data – Shared Services Arrangement Record Clarified the fiscal agent reporting on behalf of member districts requirement. • 090 Staff Data – Responsibilities Record – Added clarification regarding 090 data record reporting for the month of October.
2011-2012 Changes • 090 Staff Responsibility record – Chart C: Locally Developed and Modified Courses Chart Chart D: P.E. and P.E. Equivalent Courses - Obsolete footnotes were deleted from these charts.
2011-2012 Changes • 090 Staff Responsibility record – Added a clarification regarding the use of the “generic” elementary Service IDs versus the “subject specific” elementary Service IDs.
2011-2012 Changes • 090 Staff Responsibility record – Added a clarification to the Monthly Minutes instructions - Monthly Minutes are computed for the 4 weeks in October that includes the “Last Friday in October”.
2011-2012 Changes • 090 Staff Responsibility record – 090 record examples have been fixed to correct instances where Number of Students in Class was not the correct length on the record layouts. Example: Number of Students in Class was listed as 23 instead of 023.
2011-2012 Changes • 100 Student Identification Record -PEIMS data element ADA Eligibility Code (E0787) has been added to the 100 Student Identification record. See record layout. -ADA Eligibility Code is still on the 110 Student Enrollment record. No changes. -Instructions related to the ADA Eligibility Code are replicated on the 100 record. Report last ADA Eligibility Code at the end of year.
2011-2012 Changes • 100 Student Identification Record PEIMS Code Table C012 – Generation Code Three new codes have been added: • A: I • B: IX • C: X • The code table is now alpha-numeric.
2011-2012 Changes • 110 Student Enrollment Record -ADA Eligibility Code explanation has been added to the 110 record bullet instructions. -The ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE identifies the level of membership and Average Daily Attendance eligibility for a particular student. Additional requirements and rules concerning this code are available in Section 3 of the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook.
2011-2012 Changes • 110 Student Enrollment Record -Three new data elements have been added to the 110 record. -PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE -PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE -SECONDARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE
2011-2012 Changes • 110 Student Enrollment Record PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE - Captures the level of participation in the PK program. The PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is required for all PK students reported in Submission 1. See PEIMS Code Table C185. From this information and other PEIMS data elements, TEA can compute the data needed to meet legislative reporting requirements.
2011-2012 Changes • 110 Student Enrollment Record The PRIMARY and SECONDARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODEs are only reported for PK students who are Enrolled, Not in membership (ADA Eligibility Code 0), PK students who are funded for half-day but attend full-day, and PK students who are ineligible for state funding. These students will at least have a Primary PK Funding Source Code and may have a Secondary PK Funding Source Code reported. See PEIMS Code Table C186.
2011-2012 Changes • 110 Student Enrollment Record -Code tables have been added for the PK Program Type Code and the Primary/Secondary PK Program Funding Source Codes. -PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE -PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE
2011-2012 Changes • 110 Student Enrollment Record PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE code table C185 00 - Not Applicable 01 - Prekindergarten eligible student participates in a Prekindergarten program that provides instruction to the student at least two hours and less than four hours each day.
2011-2012 Changes • 110 Student Enrollment Record PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE code table C185 02 - Prekindergarten eligible student participates in the Prekindergarten program that provides instruction to the student at least four hours each day. 03 - Prekindergarten eligible student participates in the Prekindergarten program that provides instruction to the student at least four hours each day and receives special education services.
2011-2012 Changes • 110 Student Enrollment Record PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE code table C185 04 - Prekindergarten ineligible student participates in a Prekindergarten program that provides instruction to the student at least two hours and less than four hours each day. 05 - Prekindergarten ineligible student participates in the Prekindergarten program that provides instruction to the student at least four hours each day.
2011-2012 Changes • 110 Student Enrollment Record PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE code table C186 1 - Tuition fees 2 - Local district share funding 3 - State grant funding 4 - Federal funding 9 - Other funding
2011-2012 Changes • 110 Student Enrollment Record - Chart for determining PK Funding Source Codes has been added to the 110 Student Enrollment record.
2011-2012 Changes • 163 Student Data – Special Education record • PPCD Service Location Code (E1077) - indicates whether or not the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities (PPCD) student received their special education services in a regular early childhood program.
2011-2012 Changes • 163 Student Data – Special Education record • Regular Early Childhood Program may include, but is not limited to: • 1. Community-Based Preschool (3- Through 5-Year-Olds). • 2. District or Community Child Care Programs: • 3. District or Community Therapy Settings (Speech, OT/PT, etc.): • 4. Head Start Program: • 5. Kindergarten program:
2011-2012 Changes • 163 Student Data – Special Education record • Regular Early Childhood Program may include, but is not limited to: • 6. Prekindergarten Program in which the student is eligible: • 7. Prekindergarten Program in which the student is not eligible: • 8. School-Based Preschool, Staff and/or Community Access (3- Through 5-Year-Olds):
2011-2012 Changes • 163 Student Data – Special Education record • PPCD Service Location Code C184 captures the PPCD Service Location. 0 - Not applicable to this student 1 - PPCD student receives the majority of their special education services in a regular early childhood program in which the student is eligible.
2011-2012 Changes • 163 Student Data – Special Education record • PPCD Service Location Code C184 2 - PPCD student receives the majority of their special education services in a regular early childhood program in which the student is not eligible.
2011-2012 Changes • 163 Student Data – Special Education record • PPCD Service Location Code C184 3 - PPCD student receives the majority of their special education services in a program that is specifically or primarily designed for children with disabilities and includes (at the time of the placement decision) a majority of at least 50 percent of disabled children (i.e., children with an individualized education program (IEP)).
2011-2012 Changes • 203 Student Leaver record • Graduation Type Codes 13, 15, and 17 for students entering the 9th grade in school years 1998-1999 through 2000-2001 have been deleted. • Graduation Type Code Chart #1 has been edited to show this change.
2011-2012 Changes • 203 Student Leaver record • Graduation Type Codes 04, 05, and 06 for special education IEP completers have been revised to show the correct TAC references.
2011-2012 Changes • 300 Course Section record For elementary classes, districts have the option of using either the generic elementary Service IDs (02010000 - Grade 1, 02020000 - Grade 2, 02030000 - Grade 3, 02040000 - Grade 4, 02050000 - Grade 5, 02060000 - Grade 6) for the core curriculum or the subject specific Service IDs in the student and teacher scheduling system(s). (continued)
2011-2012 Changes • 300 Course Section record However, the district should make the decision to report these elementary Service IDs based upon what the students will be reported with on the 415 Course Completion record in the summer submission. A school will not be able to report teachers using one method and students with the other as the data will not pass the fatal edits in the summer submission for the Classroom Link data reporting.
2011-2012 Changes • 300 Course Section record 02000000 - Elementary, Grades 1-6, should be used only when a teacher is serving multi-grade or ungraded student populations, typically in a pullout program.
2011-2012 Changes • 300 Course Section record NON-CAMPUS- BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE (Code Table C182) • Code 04 - Electronic Course Pilot (eCP) changed to Electronic Course Program (eCP) • Code 08 – Credit by Exam (New code)
2011-2012 Changes • 305 Teacher Class Assignment record 2010-2011 minimum standards to report just the last teacher of record for a class (course section) deleted.
2011-2012 Changes • 305 Teacher Class Assignment record 2011-2012 minimum standards have been to revised to require a 305 record for each teacher that provides instructional services to students in a given class (course section).
2011-2012 Changes • 305 Teacher Class Assignment record TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE is intended to reflect only the completed years of professional experience (not including current year).
2011-2012 Changes • 305 Teacher Class Assignment record • Revised reporting requirements for teachers assigned to DAEP’s. • Added reporting instructions for teachers assigned to homebound students.
2011-2012 Changes • 400 Student Attendance Record -Three new data elements have been added to the 400 record. -PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE -PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE -SECONDARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE- CODE
2011-2012 Changes • 400 Student Attendance Record • -Chart for determining PK Funding Source Codes has been added to the 400 Student Attendance record.
2011-2012 Changes • 407 Optional Extended Year Program Record - Do not report the Optional Extended Year Program data for the 2011 – 2012 school year.
2011-2012 Changes • 415 Course Completion record – 2010-2011 minimum standards to report just the last set of classes (course section) for a particular student have been deleted.
2011-2012 Changes • 415 Course Completion record – 2010-2011 minimum standards to report just the last set of classes (course section) for a particular student have been deleted.
2011-2012 Changes • 415 Course Completion record 2011-2012 minimum standards require data for all students as of the last Friday in October continuing through the end of the school year. This includes courses completed before the last Friday in October.
2011-2012 Changes • 415 Course Completion record -New data element, College Credit Hours, has been added to 415 Course Completion record for dual credit courses. -415 Course Completion record has been added to the Extended year submission (Submission 4) for reporting dual credit courses.
2011-2012 Changes • 415 Course Completion record • COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR indicates whether or not the student finished the full sequence of instruction for a course. Special Instructions: • If the COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR is “1”, it does not mean that the student met all of the requirements to receive credit or a grade for the course.
2011-2012 Changes 415 Course Completion record • Changes to Course Completion Reporting Chart -Report College Course taken at a college or high school during the summer (between school years) for dual credit (submission 4 only). -Do not report courses completed at another district. -Report courses completed at another district during current district enrollment.
2011-2012 Changes • 415 Course Completion record -College Credit Hours collects the number of college hours that a student earned while taking a dual credit course. -Range of values is 0 – 3. Students who are not successful with dual credit course will have College Credit Hours equal to 0.
2011-2012 Changes • 415 Course Completion record -The 415 record in submission 4 only collects those dual credit courses attempted by students in the summer, between school years.
2011-2012 Changes • 415 Course Completion record • Revised reporting instructions for teachers assigned to DAEP’s • Added reporting instructions for teachers assigned to homebound students • Revised reporting instructions for students assigned to JJAEP’s.
2011-2012 Changes 425 Student Discipline Action record – • ILLEGAL KNIVES/NON-ILLEGAL KNIVES • An illegal knife (DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE 12) as defined by Section 46.01, Penal Code has a blade length longer than 5.5 inches and meets other definitional requirements stated in Appendix E.