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Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Police. Annual Report & Financial Statements - 2009/2010 Department of Police 14 October 2010. Introduction. Section 40 and 65 of the PFMA Year-end closure - 31 March 2010
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Police Annual Report & Financial Statements - 2009/2010 Department of Police 14 October 2010
Introduction • Section 40 and 65 of the PFMA • Year-end closure - 31 March 2010 • Subsequent compilation of Annual Report (2009/10) on performance of Department (Previous ENE and strategic plan are reported on - backward looking) • Annual Report consists of general information, programme performance, report of audit committee, annual financial statements and human resource management information • Tabled by Minister before 30 September 2010
Service Delivery Achievements • Focus on financial and organisational performance as reflected in Annual Report 2009/2010 • Performance indicators developed and indicated together with performance targets • Actual performance in achieving output targets (including Programme 1), are the following: • For the 2010/11 financial year, some of the indicators and targets have been refined
Programme 3: Detective ServicesActual performance against targetDivisional Commissioner: Detective Services (General Investigations)Divisional Commissioner: Priority Crime Investigation (Commercial crime and Organised Crime)Divisional Commissioner: Criminal Record and Forensic Science Services
Programme 3: Detective ServicesActual performance against target
Programme 3: Detective ServicesActual performance against target
Programme 3: Detective ServicesActual performance against target
Programme 2: Visible PolicingActual performance against targetDivisional Commissioner: Visible Policing
Programme 2: Visible PolicingActual performance against target
Programme 2: Visible PolicingActual performance against target
Programme 2: Visible PolicingActual performance against target
Programme 2: Visible PolicingActual performance against target
Programme 2: Visible PolicingActual performance against target
Programme 1: Administration ServiceActual performance against targetDivisional Commissioner: Career Management Divisional Commissioner: Human Resource Development Divisional Commissioner: Financial and Administration Services Divisional Commissioner: Supply Chain Management Divisional Commissioner: Technology Management Services Divisional Commissioner: Personnel Management
Programme 1: Administration ServiceActual performance against target
Programme 1: Administration ServiceActual performance against target
Programme 1: Administration ServiceActual performance against target
Programme 1: Administration ServiceActual performance against target
Programme 1: Administration ServiceActual performance against target • Definitions of the different police facility projects: • New police facilities • Police facilities that are constructed in suburbs; townships; towns; cities; and rural areas, where no police facility existed previously. • Re-established police facilities • Existing police facilities that are replaced by upgraded and new structures on its existing site. • Newly re-established police facilities • Existing police facilities that are replaced by new structures on a new site. • Repaired and upgraded • Existing police facilities that are repaired and upgraded to modern standards, with only minor additions.
Programme 4: Crime IntelligenceActual performance against targetDivisional Commissioner: Crime Intelligence
Programme 5: Protection & Security ServicesActual performance against targetDivisional Commissioner: Protection and Security Services
Programme 5: Protection & Security ServicesActual performance against target
Programme 5: Protection & Security ServicesActual performance against target
Programme 5: Protection & Security ServicesActual performance against target
Annual Financial Statements • Financial reporting demonstrates: • Information about the sources and allocation of financial resources • Performance of the SAPS in the use of financial resources, compared to the planned resource utilisation • Whether resources were used in accordance with the legally adopted budget, including financial limits established by appropriate legislative authorities • Itemised spending priorities addressed
Framework guiding Virement • Section 43 of the PFMA provides for: • An Accounting Officer to authorize the shifting of funds between programmes (main divisions) within a Vote • May not exceed 8% of the appropriated amount per programme (main division) • Treasury Regulations provide for the augmentation of capital expenditure and to shift savings in compensation expenditure to other expenditure categories
Financial Performance Indications • Full utilisation of voted funds • Very small surplus (R 28 355.85) • Performance against budget • Virement for all programmes well within 8% (PFMA threshold) – variances very small (marginal) • Spending according to ringfenced amounts such as CJS Reviews, IJS etc. • Itemised spending priorities referred to in the 2009/10 State of the Nation Address, MTBPS, Budget Speech and 2009 ENE • Objectives accomplished e.g personnel appointed and capacity building initiatives implemented • Spending variance of merely 0,1% between budget for compensation and actual expenditure for compensation.
Income Statement (Financial performance for the period)(Summary) • Revenue – Expenditure = Net surplus/deficit
Income Statement (Financial performance for the period) • Full utilization of voted funds (R47,622 billion) as only R28 355.85 remained. • Revenue collected for the National Revenue Fund during the year was R347,572 million. (Opening balance was R10,253 million) • Local and foreign aid assistance received for the year was R5,127 million. (Opening balance was R10,5 million)
Departmental receipts (Revenue) • The main reasons for the increased collection of revenue for the period under review are the following : • Improved recovery of incidental debt (R162,4 m); • Sale of non-capital items at auctions (R168,9 m); and • Higher number of firearm applications received • (R42,9 million of the total of R347,5 million)
Spending policy direction – 2009/10 • President – State of the Nation Address: 3 June 2009 • “Together we must do more to fight crime. Our aim is to establish a transformed, integrated, modernized, properly-resourced and well-managed criminal justice system. It is also critically important to improve the efficiency of the courts and the performance of prosecutors and to enhance detective, forensic and intelligence services. This work has started in earnest, and it will be undertaken with new energy and vigour.” • Minister of Finance – Budget Speech: 11 February 2009 • “The fight against crime is drawing on the work of the criminal justice sector review. Efforts to overhaul the forensic and investigative capacity of the police are under way together with enhanced use of available technology. …… interventions aimed at improving criminal justice services, the creation of an integrated fingerprint and DNA database, improving detective capacity, upgrading IT and telecommunications systems and increasing the number of police officials from 183 000 last year to over 204 000 in 2011/12. Funding is provided for additional policing capacity during the 2010 FIFA World Cup.”
Variances on Programmes • Increased expenditures as a result of discernable emphasis on: • Modernisation of IT environment and training interventions resulted in funding being diverted to Programme 1 • More polling stations and personnel for the general elections in 2009 and maintenance and repair of aircraft and vehicles (Programme 2) • Variances under Programmes 3 and 4 mainly as a result of lower compensation expenditures that realised because of deferred appointments later in the year • Spending variances of all programmes very small (Marginal)
Overview of personnel capacity building • Main 2009/10 spending priorities accomplished • By 31 March 2003 131,560 • By 31 March 2004 140,560 • By 31 March 2005 148,060 • By 31 March 2006 156,060 • By 31 March 2007 163,060 • By 31 March 2008 173 120 • By 31 March 2009 182 754 • By 31 March 2010 190 199 Targets achieved
Programme 1: Administration Purpose: Develop policy and manage the department, including providing administrative support.
Programme 1: Administration • Main 2009/10 spending priorities accomplished
Programme 2: Visible Policing Purpose: Enable police stations to institute and preserve safety and security, and provide for specialised interventions and the policing of South Africa’s borderlines.
Programme 2: Visible Policing • Main 2009/10 spending priorities accomplished
Programme 3: Detective Services Purpose: Enable the investigative work of the South African police Service, including providing support to investigators in terms of forensic evidence and the Criminal Record Centre.
Programme 3: Detective Services • Main 2009/10 spending priorities accomplished
Programme 4: Crime Intelligence Purpose: Manage crime intelligence and analyse crime information, and provide technical support for investigations and crime prevention operations.
Programme 4: Crime Intelligence • Main 2009/10 spending priorities accomplished
Programme 5: Protection and Security Services Purpose: Provide protection and security services to all identified dignitaries and government interests.
Programme 5: Protection and Security Services • Main 2009/10 spending priorities accomplished