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This meeting summary outlines key actions and points discussed at the Working Group on Economic and Social Analysis meeting. Topics covered include economic analysis for the MSFD, co-financing guidance, funding updates, exemptions paper, research priorities, and more.
Feedback from Meeting of the Working Group on Economic and Social Analysis14th October 2014 MSCG 10-11 November 2014, Brussels
Actions Points • Economic analysis to support MS with the development of the programme of measures for the MSFD • Submit to MSCG to be adopted • Cofinancing opportunities guidance • Submit to MSCG to be adopted • Update on EMFF and ERDF funding 2017-2020 • Informal exchange on funding considered useful for MS • DG ENV and DG MARE joining effort on national EMFF spending discussion Feedback from ESA WG meeting, held in the 14th-15th October 2014
Actions Points Draft recommendation on POM • NL presented questionnaire regarding current status of POM development and related issues • Exchanges on experiences were welcomed and helpful • Questionnaire to be sent to MS for reply by the 9thjanuary 2015 Update chapter VII in view of the best practice document "Background document summarizing experiences with respect to economic analysis to support MS with the development of their programmes of measures for the MSFD" • New version proposed to MSCG for adoption Feedback from ESA WG meeting, held in the 14th-15th October 2014
Actions Points • Exemptions paper • Discussed an submit to MSCG for adoption • Future work programme • Further discussion needed, updated version will be discussed at next ESA WG meeting o be adopted • Update on EMFF and ERDF funding 2017-2020 • Informal exchange on funding considered useful for MS • DG ENV and DG MARE joining effort on national EMFF spending discussion Feedback from ESA WG meeting, held in the 14th-15th October 2014
ESA objectifves • To analyse lessons learnt from Member States' initial economic and social assessment • To consider approaches to the development and analyses of measures (linked to WG MSFD-GES, WG WFD CIS, work of MSFD CIS and PoM) • To identify research priorities and address knowledge gaps • To promote communication, cooperation and coordination between marine regions and sub-regions Feedback from ESA WG meeting, held in the 14th-15th October 2014
MSFD article Scope • To provide advice to MSFD related socio-economic issues, in particular : • Article 8 (c), the economic and social analysis of the use of marine waters and the cost of degradation of the marine environment of initial assessment of marine waters • Article 13 (3), considerations to the social and economic impacts of the measures when drawing up PoM • Article 14 (4), exceptions on non significant risk on marine environment, disproportionate costs in condition to no further deterioration and low environmental risks • Article 15 : Recommendations for Community action • Article 22 : Community financing • Annexes IV (9) and elements of Annex VIspecially within the future reporting on the Programme of Measures Feedback from ESA WG meeting, held in the 14th-15th October 2014
Main Issues • To advise on : • Overallconceptual and cross-cutting questions relating to the costeffectiveness of measures, • introduction of new measures including associated impact assessments (including cost-benefit analysis), • benefits of taking action (or the costs of inaction) including from ecosystem services; and • disproportionate costs. Feedback from ESA WG meeting, held in the 14th-15th October 2014
Ongoing Tasks • Done Task 4 : To discuss measures of regional and EU-wide importance and the related financial support available and supported by the macro-regional strategies (article 22) Task 1 : To set coordination and chair of the working group ESA. Task 2 : To further develop the draft document "Program of measures under MSFD : Recommendations for implementation and reporting" Task 3 : To establish an exchange of best practices for certain types of (marine) measures • Done • Done Feedback from ESA WG meeting, held in the 14th-15th October 2014
Tasks On going Task 5 : To contribute to the sharing of information on cost-effectiveness of measures, in particular by building on WFD methodologies and experience and on cost-benefit analysis Task 6 : To build common understanding on the application of spatial protection measures as part of the programme of measures (Marine expert group D Habitat- Expert meeting on marine N2000 sites 30th oct 14) Task 7 : To provide tools on sharing of best practices on public consultation and information between Members States (linked also to WFD or other directive consultation phase) Task 8: To build common understanding on exceptions (Article 14) and how the risk based approach and the precautionary principle can be applied in the development of programmes of measures (through ad-hoc activity led by the Commission) On going On going On going Feedback from ESA WG meeting, held in the 14th-15th October 2014
To do Tasks Task 9 : To develop a common understanding on how ecosystem services and the costs for inaction can be accounted or other approaches can be used when developing options for measures and/or to justify exemptions, including building on WFD methodologies and experience Work that is needed for the MSFD goes behind the WFD methodologies and experience. • Task 10 : To build on recommendations for Community Action (article 15) – Member States initiative to identify measures, which need to be tackled at supra national levels To do To do • Task 11 : Making fisheries and other Blue Growth sectors sustainable and compliant with achieving/maintaining GES and demonstrating the contribution of marine/coastal environment protection measures to sustainable use and growth • Task 12 : To participate to the assessment of economic benefits from marine and coastal ecosystem services (project on Mapping and Assessing of Ecosystems and their Services) To do Feedback from ESA WG meeting, held in the 14th-15th October 2014
Thankyou for your attention !Comments and questions ??Contacts Lydia.MARTIN-ROUMEGAS@ec.europa.eu Feedback from ESA WG meeting, held in the 14th-15th October 2014