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El presente perfecto. ¿Qué es el presente perfecto? The present perfect is formed by combining a helping verb (“ have ” or “has”) with the past participle. The present perfect is formed by combining a helping verb (“ have ” or “has”) with the past participle For example :
El presente perfecto ¿Qué es el presente perfecto? Thepresentperfectisformedbycombining a helpingverb (“have” or “has”) withthepastparticiple
Thepresentperfectisformedbycombining a helpingverb (“have” or “has”) withthepastparticiple • Forexample: • I haveplayedtennis. • Shehas sung at weddings. • Wehaveflown in a plane. • In Spanishweformthepresentparticiplebycombiningthepresent tense of theverbhaber (thehelpingverb, orel verbo auxiliar)with a pastparticiple • Forexample: • Yo he bailado. I havedanced. • Nosotros no hemos estudiado para el examen. Wehavenotstudiedfortheexam.
Remember… How to form the past participle: • For –ar verbs, take the stem of the verb and add –ado Example: comprar → comprado • For –er and –ir verbs, take the stem of the verb and add –ido Example: tener → tenido
Para formar… Here are the present perfect forms of estudiar:
Not exactly irregular but… -er and –ir verbs whose stems end in a vowel have past participles ending in –ído caer → caído creer → creído leer → leído oír → oído reír → reído traer → traído
Irregulars The following verbs have irregular past participles ending in –to: abrir → abierto cubrir → cubierto descubrir → descubierto escribir → escrito morir → muerto poner → puesto romper → roto ver → visto volver → vuelto
More irregulars These verbs have irregular past participles ending in –cho: decir → dicho hacer → hecho
El presente perfecto ¿Qué es el presente perfecto? Thepresentperfectisformedbycombining a helpingverb (“have” or “has”) withthepastparticiple
Thepresentperfectisformedbycombining a helpingverb (“have” or “has”) withthepastparticiple • Forexample: • I haveplayedtennis. • Shehas sung at weddings. • Wehaveflown in a plane. • In Spanishweformthepresentparticiplebycombiningthepresent tense of theverbhaber (thehelpingverb, orel verbo auxiliar)with a pastparticiple • Forexample: • Yo he bailado. I havedanced. • Nosotros no hemos estudiado para el examen. Wehavenotstudiedfortheexam.
Remember… Howtoformthepastparticiple: • For –arverbs, takethestem of theverb and add –ado Example: comprar → • For–er and –irverbs, takethestem of theverb and add–ido Example: tener →
Para formar… Here are the present perfect forms of estudiar:
Not exactly irregular but… -erand –ir verbswhosestemsend in a vowelhavepastparticiplesending in –ído caer → creer → leer → oír → reír → traer →
Irregulars Thefollowingverbshave irregular pastparticiplesending in –to: abrir → cubrir → descubrir → escribir → morir → poner → romper → ver → volver →
More irregulars Theseverbshave irregular pastparticiplesending in –cho: decir → hacer →