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ELA / Math Units of Study Roll Out. Excerpt: The Road Not Taken b y Robert Frost. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Excerpt: The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
TODAY’S AGENDA • Purpose of Today • Unit of Study Vision/Expectations • Guiding Documents/Research • Assessment Plan • Unit of Study Overview • Next Step/Planning
District Vision/Goals Create collaborative culture Successfully implement and support CCSS K-12 (UOS) Use CCSS as the vehicle to make district-wide culture changes
Collaborative Culture • Education Services Committee • Create CCSS Steering Committee • Secondary Math Committee • School Data Teams
CCSS Steering committee • Make Up - Teachers from all ...grades/subjects - Principal Reps - Ed. Service Leadership • Function • Key Actions - Deep dive into standards - Redwood • 2-day planning retreat
Priority Standards Readiness (for next level of learning) Endurance (concepts and skills that last over time) High Stakes Assessments (SBAC) Leverage (crossover application to other areas)
Units of Study Model A series of specific lessons, learning experiences, and related assessments — basedon targeted Priority Standards & supporting standards — for an instructional focus that may last anywhere from two to six weeks.
Common Core Standards:Insufficient By themselves “To be effective in improving education and getting all students ready for college, workforce training, and life, the Common Core State Standards must be partnered with a content-rich curriculumand robust assessments, both aligned tothe Standards.” CCSSI Webinar, 2010
JUSD Units of Study Implementation Priority Standards are carefully placed, paced, taught, assessed, re-taught, re-assessed throughout the year.
Units of Study Research Base (Effect Size, Hattie, VLFT, 2012) • 90 – 90 – 90 Study (Reeves, 2000) • Laser-like focus on achievement • Curriculum choices • Non-fiction writing • Collaborative scoring • Multiple opportunities for success
JUSD Assessment Plan New District Benchmarks Administered by all teachers Details TBD No Rogue : )
Next Steps: Implementation and Accountability Roll out PD Ongoing Monitoring Feedback/Revision Support/Coaching
Unit of Study Defined A series of specific lessons, learning experiences, and related assessments—basedon designated Priority Standards and related supporting standards—for a topical, skills-based, or thematic focus that may last anywhere from two to six weeks.
Units of Study A rigorous curriculum is an inclusive set of intentionally aligned components—clear learning outcomes with matching assessments, engaging learning experiences, and instructional strategies—organized intosequenced units of study.
Unit of Study… A rigorous curriculum serves as both the detailed road map and the high-quality delivery systemfor ensuring that all students achieve the desired end: the attainment of their designated grade- or course-specific standards within a particular content area.
Priority Standards Defined Priority Standards are “those standards that, once mastered, give a student the ability to use reasoning and thinking skillsto learn and understand other curriculum objectives.” - Dr. Douglas Reeves
Supporting Standards Defined Supporting standards are those standards that support, connect to, or enhancethe Priority Standards. They are taught within the context the Priority Standards, but do not receive the samedegree of instruction and assessment emphasis as do the Priority Standards.
An Important Message Prioritization, Not Elimination!
How will Units of Study support teachers in maximizing achievement for ALL students? One of the GOALS for today is to answer this Essential Question:
Assigning the Standards Distribute Priority Standards across multiple units as long as it makes instructional sense to do so. Distribute Supporting Standards across multiple units.
Units Pacing Guide Defined A pacing calendar is a yearlong (or course-long) schedulefor delivering all of the planned units of study for a designated grade level or course, not the daily lessons to be used within units.
Buffer Days Pacing calendar is different than the past. Buffer time is now included between units.
Unit One – Review and Discuss Priority Standards Distributing Priority Standards Pacing Guide Buffer Days How is this pacing different than in the past? How is this beneficial for teachers?
“Unwrapping” “Unwrapping” the Priority Standards Skills (verbs) Concepts (nouns – noun phrases) Graphic Organizer Bloom’s DOK (we will go over this later)
“Unwrapping” the Standards Identifying What Students Must Know and Be Able To Do in the Wording of the Standards
“Unwrap” Selected Priority Standards • Identify the key concepts (important nouns or noun phrases) by underlining them. • Identify the skills (verbs) by circling them or writing them in CAPS.
Unit One – Review and Discuss “Unwrapped” Standards Bloom’s Taxonomy ELA – Scaffolding How can “unwrapped” standards benefit teachers?
What Do You Think Is More Engaging for Students? Option 1 Option 2 Strategic readers can develop, select, and apply strategies to enhance their comprehension. • What do readers do when they do not understand everything in a text?
The Big Ideas • Foundational understandings students will remember long after instruction ends • What you want students to discover as a result of the learning experience • The larger concepts or main ideas • The student’s answer or response to a related Essential Question
2nd Grade Big Ideas We demonstrate understanding of key details in a text by asking and answering important questions. We can ask and answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions. Asking questions helps us comprehend what we read.
Essential Questions Questions, not statements, stimulate student curiosity to find the answers!
Characteristics of Essential Questions Cannot be answered with a “yes” or “no” Have no single obvious right answer Cannot be answered from rote memory Match the rigor of the “unwrapped” standard Go beyond who, what, when, and where to how and why
2nd Grade Essential Questions How do we demonstrate understanding of key details in a text? What types of questions can we ask while reading? Why do we ask and answer questions when we read?
Unit One – Review and Discuss The Big Ideas The Essential Questions How will this change Instruction?
Designing Quality Assessments • Identify purpose • Select best type for purpose • Make inferences • Guide instruction
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge… DOK • DOK is about the test item • NOT the student.
DOK DOK 1: Recall and Reproduction Recall facts, information; reproduce simple process/procedure DOK 2: Skills and Concepts Make decisions about a question or problem; more than one step DOK 3: Strategic Thinking Develop a plan, use evidence, choose more than one answer, justify response DOK 4: Extended Thinking Apply conceptual understanding, investigate connections, relate ideas, devise an approach among alternatives—needs extended time
DOK and State Testing… On the old STAR test, 80%of the test was Bloom’s Level 1. On the old STAR Test, 0%of the test was DOK 4 On the new SBAC test, 68% of the test is DOK 3 and 4.
Summative Assessments FORMATS • Selected response • Short constructed response • Extended constructed response • Technology enhanced • Performance tasks (ELA only)
Pre & Post Assessment Included with every unit Mirrored, aligned, blended Administered by all teachers Formative and summative use
Pre & Post Assessment • Selected-Response questions • Answer key provided (teacher copy) • Constructed-Response questions • Rubric provided (teacher/student copy) • Aligned to SBAC type questions
Scoring Guides for Assessments The scoring guide is a specific criteria describing different levels of student proficiency relative to assessments. Ainsworth, L., 2011
Unit One – Review and Discuss • Pre-Assessment • Post-Assessment • Student Copy • Teacher Copy • Rubrics Notice how they are aligned to the priority standards