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In This Together:. The Possibilities Model for Inspiring Creative Collaborative Change Jaydn McCune, LCSW. What is the Possibilities Model? . A way of thinking… A way of practicing and inspiring positive change …
In This Together: The Possibilities Model for Inspiring Creative Collaborative Change Jaydn McCune, LCSW
What is the Possibilities Model? A way of thinking… A way of practicing and inspiring positive change … A model based on an ecological and highly collaborative approach to positive change.
The model grew out of the Possibilities Program, a hybrid outreach program which supports students, families and schools to increase the success of young people with emotional and behavioral challenges. Possibilities is a collaboration between Tompkins Seneca Tioga BOCES and the FranziskaRacker Centers. The model is now being used to guide change at the individual, agency, community wide and regional levels.
The Possibilities ProgramStructure • Serves students in K-12th grade • 10-14 weeks in duration • Paid for by school districts • Serves general and special education students
The Possibilities Model • Based on simple principles • Invites us to think and practice in new and sometimes unfamiliar ways • Assumes that change is inevitable and that positive change is ALWAYS possible • Upholds meaningful collaboration as a key to success • Supports the idea that We are in this together!
“The Helicopter Approach” - Child seen in the context of his/her whole life - Includes historical, cultural, environmental aspects - Views every person in the child’s life as capable of inspiring positive change - The target for intervention is the whole support system, not just the child and the family
Ecological approach to change (UrieBronfenbrenner)
Solution focused assessment and intervention (Insoo Kim Berg and Linda Metcalf) • More interested in preferred future than the past problems (Miracle Question) • Client seen as the most knowledgeable • More interested in what works than what does not work • Affirmation of strengths highlighted and even small successes celebrated • Common understanding and reachable, relevant goals are essential (Scaling questions codify goals and progress)
The Role of the Possibilities social worker or consultant1. The Curious ObserverWith a fresh perspective, the Possibilitiesway of thinking seeks, explores and interpretsaspects of a child and family’s story with openness and curiosity…Just like someone we probably all remember from our childhoods….
The Archeologist Challenging situations are often covered by layers of: • Inadequate or misinformation • Trauma history • Prejudgment or family history • Our own personal baggage • Interpersonal dynamics that cloud the truth
The Possibilities Model seeks to clear away those layers to reveal new and common truths.
3. The Detective • Possibilities recognizes that things are not always as they appear….. • Every behavior makes sense when you know the story. • We take time to learn the whole story!
4. The Interpreter Possibilities works to create: • A common understanding • Common goals between all of the stakeholders/partners This requires acknowledging that we may be speaking many different languages….
I speak IEP! I speak DSMIV I SPEAK TRAUMA I speak in acronyms I speak DSS I speak Spanish I speak depression I don’t speak
And finding new ways for people to communicate effectively and come to common understandings!
The Four H’s • Humility • Hospitality • Humor • Hope
Possibilities In Action • Micro System Change • Mezzo System Change • Macro System Change
Micro System Change The Possibilities Program: Inspiring individual, family and system change that centers on one child.
Mezzo System Change Began with Expanding Possibilities Grant 2009-2011 • Systems consults in schools • Systems consults within human service agencies • Professional education and capacity building • Mental health linkage protocols
Macro System Change • Paradigm, program and policy shifts inspired through: 1. Solution focused conversations 2. Authentic community dialogue 3. Bringing front line, middle management and administration into the change process 4. Increased understanding across stakeholder boundaries 5. Creating and discovering common languages, goals and measures of success
Some examples of how we set about to create systems change in Tompkins and Seneca Counties….
Another example….. Blueprints for Successful Transitions between Systems of Care
43 agencies, hospitals and residential care facilities and 9 school districts in 3 counties have been involved in this initiativeto date. • Over 160 educators, human service providers and parents have offered their ideas and perspectives to develop: • A shared statement of understanding • Collaborative best practice checklists • CARE Team model.
The next steps… • Implementation of CCC in Seneca and Tompkins Counties • Early Recognition Grant from NYS OMH • The Collaborative Solutions Network
The Collaborative Solutions Network • Goal: Increase the effectiveness, interdependence, and efficient use of resources that support children and youth with mental health challenges and their families • Braided Funding: State, county, school district and nonprofit funding • Coordinated by FranziskaRacker Centers, Ithaca, NY