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Critical Use Nomination: Interim Recommendations MBTOC Cochairs : Mohamed Besri

32nd OEWG. Critical Use Nomination: Interim Recommendations MBTOC Cochairs : Mohamed Besri Michelle Marcotte Marta Pizano Ian Porter . Montreal Protocol, OEWG-32, 23-27 July 2012, Bangkok.

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Critical Use Nomination: Interim Recommendations MBTOC Cochairs : Mohamed Besri

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  1. 32nd OEWG • Critical Use Nomination: • Interim Recommendations • MBTOC Cochairs: • Mohamed Besri • Michelle Marcotte • Marta Pizano • Ian Porter Montreal Protocol, OEWG-32, 23-27 July 2012, Bangkok

  2. Trends in Total Amount (t) of MB Approved (2010-2013) or Nominated for Critical Uses in 2014. Overall, CUNs continue to fall. Only 3 non A5 Parties continue to submit nominations. Japan ceased CUNs in this round. tonnes

  3. Exempted MB Amounts (CUE) by Party and Interim Recommendations for 2014 A - 4.0 t still unable to assess (USA Pork); *Numbers rounded to nearest tonne

  4. Reporting of Stocks (Dec IX/6 1,bii) • MBTOC CUE recommendations not adjusted to account for stocks • Stocks reported by USA are over twice the annual CUN request. • Table 9.3 of the TEAP report also shows the amount of stocks used and authorised by Parties in 2011

  5. Minority View • SOILS Strawberry runners (Canada); Strawberry fruit (USA) • POSTHARVEST Rice (Australia); Structures (Canada); Commodities (USA); Dry Cured Pork (USA); Structures (USA) • The minority view was that; • Alternatives are available for the above CUNs and should be used to avoid the need for critical uses of MB • Nominating Party had not supplied some information required under Dec IX/6 e.g., gas tightness of facilities • More MB was recommended for critical uses than justifiable under Decision IX/6

  6. Issues - Handbook Revision Decision XXIII/14 requested MBTOC to consider whether the guidelines and criteria for the preparation of CUNs need any modification to take into account the situation of A5 parties and to report on this issue at the 33rd OEWG (mid 2013). MBTOC believes this is best achieved through a revision of its Handbook on Critical Use Nominations. As A5 Parties may submit CUNs in January 2013, MBTOC is ready to revise the handbook for approval at the forthcoming MOP if so advised by Parties.

  7. 32nd OEWG - Bangkok MBTOC Soils Interim CUN recommendations

  8. MB Preplant Soil Use - 2012 CUN Round • MBTOC Soils met in Beijing, China, February 27 - March 2, 2012 • 3 CUNs submitted - down from 12 in previous round. • All nominations were for 2014.

  9. Interim Recommendations for Preplant Soil Use by Party in 2013 (t)

  10. Australia - Strawberry runners CUN/CUE Progress

  11. Australia - Strawberry runners Interim Recommendation Party: Nominated 29.760 t. Some soilless production adopted, but no further reduction since 2009. No suitable chemical alternatives registered. They advised of a phase out over 5 years from 2015 to 2019, provided an alternative is registered. MBTOC:Recommends 90% (26.784 t). A reduction of 10% considered possible for uptake of soilless production in early generation nursery runners.

  12. Canada - Strawberry runners CUN/CUE Progress

  13. Canada - Strawberry runners Interim Recommendation Party:Nominated - 5.261 t. Voluntary dose reduction accepted by grower from 2011 CUE. No chemical alternatives approved in Prince Edward Island. 100% of the crop is exported and MB is used to meet phytosanitary certification standards for export. MBTOC: Recommends - 5.050 t (96% ). Reduction based on uptake of soilless production for some of the nursery stock production. If a ground water study allows Pic 100 use before the MOP 2012, then MBTOC will need to reassess the nomination. It is recommended that the Party submit 1) A phase out plan and (2) Expand its research effort, particularly dazomet, to comply with Decision IX/6.

  14. USA - Strawberry fruit CUN/CUE Progress

  15. USA - Strawberry fruit Interim Recommendation Party: Nominated - 415.067 t. The requested amount was reduced by 10% from the outcome of MOP in 2011. MBTOC: Recommends 82.8 % (343.740 t). Reduction based on the uptake of a number of alternatives (Pic-clor 60, Pic alone,1,3D/Pic, MI/Pic and non chemical methods). New label restrictions on fumigants in December 2012, may affect their use. Since the March 2012 MBTOC meeting, the use of methyl iodide was suspended throughout the USA.

  16. Strawberry nurseries-Status of MB phase out in non A5 countries as of 2012 Source: 1 Quantities approved by the Parties in Decision XVI/2; 2 Decision XXII/6; 3. TEAP Progress Report (2010) Vol 2 Table 8-5 p128 . Several A5 Parties have ceased consumption of MB by 2012 for strawberry nurseries prior to the phase out in 2015, including Brazil, Lebanon, Morocco, Turkey.

  17. Other Issues • Remaining CUNs do not use emission control with barrier films as required in Decision IX/6 • Since the MBTOC meeting in March 2012, MI/Pic has been withdrawn from marketing and State registrations in the USA and no longer pursued in Australia, however registration is retained in Japan • Other alternatives are being used and may be available to replace MI/PIC • Research on pathogen tolerances for nursery stock will improve regulatory acceptance for certification and assist phase out of remaining MB uses.

  18. MBTOC Structures and CommoditiesInterim CUN Recommendations 32nd OEWG - Bangkok

  19. 2012 Postharvest CUNs Structures (2 CUNs) Flour mills and cereal processing (Canada and US) Commodities (3 CUNs) Packaged rice (Australia) Dry cure pork in storages (US) Dried fruit, walnuts and dates (US)

  20. Interim Recommendations for Postharvest CUNs for 2014

  21. Australia Rice CUN trend (blue) and CUE (red)

  22. Australia Packaged RiceInterim Recommendation • Party: Nominated 1.187 tonnes, a 50% decrease from amount granted for 2013. Confirmed its phase out plan nominating in 2012 for 2014 as a final transition year. The applicant is adopting phosphine. • MBTOC: Recommended 1.187 tonnes. Advised Party on steps to achieve success with phosphine fumigation, including improved temperature control.

  23. Canada Flour MillsCUN trend (blue) and CUE (red)

  24. Canada Flour MillsInterim Recommendation • Party:The Party nominated 5.044 tonnes, an approximate 35% decrease of amount granted by the Parties for 2013. The remaining MB users are mills for durum semolina or have bakery mix plants and particularly large structures. • MBTOC: MBTOC recommends 5.044 tonnes. SF still not approved for food contact. Pests in mills are unacceptable.

  25. USA Mills and cereal CUN trend (blue) and CUE amounts (red)

  26. US Mills and Food ProcessorsInterim Recommendation • Party: Nominated 22.8 tonnes, a 10% decrease of the amount granted for 2013. To allow time to purchase equipment, modify structures, and/or practice using alternatives • MBTOC:Recommends 22.8 tonnes. Disaggregated into: rice milling, 2.220 t; for pet food facilities 4.199 t; for mills 16.38t. Asked for updated phase out plan.

  27. US Dried Fruit and NutsCUN trend (blue) and CUE (red)

  28. US Dried Fruit and NutsInterim Recommendation • Party: Nominated 0.740 t, a 10% decrease of the amount granted for 2013. MB required for fast turn-around before shipping, during cool weather at harvest and for dates where SF has not worked. • MBTOC:recommends 0.487 tonnes, a 34% decrease (disaggregated: walnuts 0.161 t; dates 0.325 t and dried plums 0.001 t. MBTOC Asked for updated phase out plan.

  29. US Cured PorkCUN trend (blue) and CUE amounts (red)

  30. US Dry Cure PorkInterim Recommendation • Party:nominated 3.73 t, the same amount granted for 2013. No effective and registered alternatives to MB: heat alters product, phosphine and SF has failed to control mites, a major pest. • MBTOC: Unable to assess. MBTOC is currently unable to determine the correct volume and has requested further information.

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