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ELIXIR. Life science community update for the 7 th Federated Identity Management for Research Collaborations 23.-24.4.2014 at ESA, Frascati ITALY Tommi Nyrönen and Mikael Linden, CSC. Example of research requiring AAI - Matching the treatment to the cancer.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ELIXIR Life science community update for the 7th Federated Identity Management for Research Collaborations 23.-24.4.2014 at ESA, Frascati ITALY Tommi Nyrönen and Mikael Linden, CSC

  2. Example of research requiring AAI - Matching the treatment to the cancer • One in 10 women in the EU-27 will develop breast cancer before the age of 80. • If we can identify patterns of genes that are active in different tumours, we can diagnose and treat cancers earlier.

  3. Challenges for life-science data services Scale and Sustain funding

  4. A distributed infrastructure to scale with the challenges • ELIXIRinfrastructure for Europe’s life science research sector was legally formed 12/2013 • ELIXIR Nodes build local bioinformatics capacity throughout Europe • ELIXIR Nodes build on national strengths and priorities

  5. ELIXIR Programme 2014-2018 accepted April 2014 AAI

  6. Technical coordination Suggestion: federated AAI as a coretechnicalcomponent in ELIXIR • Nodes • Task forces Tools • Research Infrastructures Standards EMBRC, INSTRUCT, Eurobioimagining, Infrafrontier, ERINHA, EUOpenScreen, EATRIS, BBMRI, ECRINm, LifeWatch, … Data • e-infrastructures Compute EUDAT, PRACE, GEANT, EGI, JISC, … • BioMedBridges

  7. Nextsteps • Providing REMS as a service from ELIXIR Finland • Managing access rights to bioinformatics datasets in collaboration with IDFs and eduGAIN • Cross-domainimpact: REMS is going to beusedby FI-CLARIN & FI-CESSDA • Increasinguptake of federated AAI technologies in life science community • e-INFRA 7-2014 proposalcoordinatedby TERENA (Licia Florio) • Createtrainingmaterialsbased on experiencefromNordicDB – EGA – REMS collaboration • ”Samlifying a data serviceprovider” • ”Relying on trustedattributeprovider to organiseauthorisationwiththirdpart data accesscommittees” etc. • Increaseduptake of federated AAI. MoreDACs to REMS • Starting point: https://remsdemo.csc.fi/

  8. List of ELIXIR AAI activities • The Finnish ELIXIR node 2012- • Original ELIXIR authenticationpilot -4/2013 • REMS tooldevelopment and operations • REMS and EGA integration to IDF/SAML • GN3plus EnablingUserspilot 2013- • Endorsedby ELIXIR and FIM4R to represent life science community • REMS and EGA export to eduGAIN • LoAconsiderations • ELIXIR AAI taskforce 2014- • Designing AAI for ELIXIR ESFRI • EINFRA-7-2014 (proposal) 2015- • Rolling out federated AAI to the ELIXIR community Funder Academy of Finland and Ministry of education and culture of Finland Funder EC and Academy of Finland and Minedu Funder ?? Commission Academy of Finland and Minedu

  9. GN3plus EnablingUsersPilot status • EGA SP registered to Haka (the Finnish IDF) • Finnishresearcherscanlog in to EGA • EGA SP exported to eduGAIN • EGA SP visiblealso to non-FinnishIDFs • EGA committing to GÉANT data protectionCode of Conduct • To encourageEuropeanIdPs to release attributes • EGA studying the Level of Assurance floor for EuropeanIDFs/IdPs • DecidingwhichIdPsmeetEGA’ssecurityneeds • Hopefullysomedaywe (ELIXIR) neednot to dothisbutitwillbeofferedbyeduGAIN (common LoAframework)

  10. ELIXIR AAI – An earlyblueprint for discussion External AAI ELIXIR AAI Biomed data serviceswithaccesscontrol ELIXIR IdP for IdP-lessresearchers ELIXIR Web to non-webgateway EGA eduGAIN(IDFs) Biobank data service ELIXIR community management(groups, VO) ELIXIR authorisation (REMS) Biobank data service Biobank data service

  11. ThankYou

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