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Health Psychology Leah Bray

Health Psychology Leah Bray. Chapter 3: Seeking Health Care. I. Theories of Healthy Behaviors. Health Belief Model Theory of Reasoned Action Theory of Planned Behavior Precaution Adoption Process Model Transtheoretical Model. Health Belief Model. Susceptibility to disease

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Health Psychology Leah Bray

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  1. Health PsychologyLeah Bray Chapter 3: Seeking Health Care

  2. I. Theories of Healthy Behaviors • Health Belief Model • Theory of Reasoned Action • Theory of Planned Behavior • Precaution Adoption Process Model • Transtheoretical Model

  3. Health Belief Model • Susceptibility to disease • __________ of disease • Benefits of behaviors • Barriers to behaviors

  4. Problems • Perceived health risks • Level of optimism • Perceived personal control • Ethnic background

  5. Theory of Reasoned Action • Attitude toward behavior • Subjective norm • DFN: perception of social pressure • Motivation to comply • __________ ___-immediate determinant

  6. Problems • Ignores: • Ethnicity • SES • Access to health care

  7. Theory of Planned Behavior • Theory of Reasoned Action + Perceived __________

  8. Precaution Adoption Process Model (Weinstein’s) • 7 stages: • __________ • aware but believe not at risk (optimistic bias) • accept personal risk & idea of precaution

  9. Precaution Adoption (cont.) • action • (believe action is unnecessary) • made changes • maintain changes

  10. Transtheoretical Model (Prochaska’s) • 5 stages of behavior change: • precontemplation • contemplation • preparation • action • ______________

  11. Model Weaknesses • Behavior determined by other factors • Consistent, accurate measurement tools __________ • Models predict behavior for one disorder, not another

  12. Weaknesses (cont.) • Barriers beyond understanding of researchers • Not everyone seeks medical care on their own (e.g., _______________, children, elderly)

  13. Disease vs. Illness • DFN: Disease- process of physical damage within the body; can exist w/o dx • DFN: Illness- experience of being sick & dx as sick

  14. II. Seeking Medical Attention • DFN: Illness behavior = __________, determining health status • DFN: Sick role behavior = __________, trying to get well

  15. What Affects Pt Response? 1)Personal factors 2)Gender 3) ________ 4)Socioeconomic & cultural factors 5)Characteristics of sxs 6)Conceptualization of disease

  16. Conceptualizing Illness(Leventhal) • 5 components: • ________________ • Time course (of disease & tx) • Cause

  17. Conceptualizing (cont.) • Consequence • Controllability • People feel less anxious & helpless when they __________

  18. B. Sick Role Conceptualizations • Segall’s rights & duties • Right to make health decisions • Right to be relieved of normal ______________________ • Right to become dependent on others

  19. Segall’s Duties • Duty to maintain health & get well • Duty to perform routine health care management • Duty to use health ______________ • Ideal, not realistic

  20. Access to Health Care • Medicare- Americans over 65 • Medicaid- low income, physical probs. • Poor people- < likely to ______ healthcare • > likely to have chronic prob. • < willing to seek care b/c of $

  21. C. Choosing a Practitioner • What’s important? • __________ • __________ • __________

  22. What has Changed? • Outpatient vs. Inpatient (gallblader removal, ECT, IV drug therapy) • Hospital stays shorter-save $$ • Better technology • Patients express concern

  23. III. Being in the Hospital • The Hospitalized Patient Role • Nonperson Tx = ________________

  24. Lack of info • Leventhal’s 5 • Loss of control • ______________= every aspect of person’s life is managed (e.g., eating, sleeping, schedule)

  25. “Good” vs. “Bad” Patient • Good: • quiet • submissive • obedient • Pros: maybe better care, well liked, expect.s • Cons: helplessness, uninvolved, pt & staff may miss info

  26. Bad: • demanding • insist on __________ • aware of rights • Pros: may be a psych. healthy response, better informed • Cons: rebellious self-sabotage, staff angry & ignoring

  27. Stressful Medical Procedures- Coping • Information • Relaxation Training • __________ __-especially effective for children

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