Talkabout:1. Socialproblems2. Good and badmanners – dobré a zlé spôsoby - athome and in society – doma a v spoločnosti - whenwetravel – pri cestovaní - table manners – správanie pri stolovaní3. Teachinggoodbehaviour – učenie dobrému správaniu4. Communication in society – komunikácia v spoločnosti
1. SocialproblemsThere are manysocialproblems:- Alcoholism- alkoholizmus- Drugs and drugaddiction– drogy a drogová závislosť- Homelessness- bezdomovectvo- Criminality and violence– kriminalita a násilie- Poverty– chudoba
2. Goodmannersstartathome. • Athome and also in societypeopleshould/shouldnot:- a man and hiswifeshouldnotargue in front oftheirchildrenbecausetheygive a badexample to them => peopleshouldn’targue in public – theyshouldsaytheiropinionspolitely. Ifpeopleargue, theyshould do it in private.- Weshouldn’ttalkwhenotherpeople are talking – itispolite to waituntiltheysaywhattheywanttosay and thenwecangiveouropinionpolitely.- Weshouldgreetourguestswhentheycomefor a visit to ourhouse– weshouldsay “hello” - weshouldofferthem a cup ofcoffee or something to drink, offer a snack and so on.- Weshouldanswerifsomebodygreetsus (whensomebodysays “Goodmorning”, “Hello”) – a man shouldgreet a womanfirst, a younger person shouldgreettheolderpersonfirst.- Weshouldsay “please” and “thankyou” often- Weshouldn’tmakecommentsaboutdisabledpeople, racialcomments…- Ifwemake a mess, weshouldtidyitup – weshouldn’tthrowrubbish on thestreet…- Weshouldapologizewhenwemake a mistake => weshouldsay:
Whenwetravel:- weshould let older or disabledpeople and pregnantwomen or motherswithyoungchildrensitdown- weshouldn’tsmoke or drink on thebus / train …- weshouldn’tbenoisy –listen to loudmusic, laughtooloudly, makeloudphonecallsbecauseitdisturbsotherpassengers- weshouldn’targuewithotherpassengers
Table manners:- weshouldn’tspitoutthefood- weshouldn’ttalkwhenourmouthisfulloffood- weshoulduse a knife and a forkforeating- whenwe are in a restaurant, weshouldn’tbenoisy
3. Teachinggoodbehaviour • Childrencanlearnhow to behavewell: a) athome – parentsshouldgivetheirchildren a goodexampleathome. Theymustlookafterthem and teachthemwhatisgoodandwhatisbad. Theyshouldn’t let them do everythingtheirchildrenwant to do. Theyshouldtalk to them and explainiftheyhave a problem. Sometimesparentspunishtheirchildrenbutthepunishmentshouldalwaysbeadequate.b) atschool– teachersmustalsogivestudents a goodexample. Atschoolstudentscanhavelecturesorganized by theschoolabouthow to behave on a bus/a train, in a restaurant, whenwego to a party…c) atspecialinstitutions– someinstitutionsorganizecourseswherepeoplecanlearnhow to behavewell in society – how to eat, drink, talkpolitely, how to askwomanfor a dance and so on…
4. Communicationin society Wetalkdifferently to differentpeople:a) Whenwetalk to ourparents and friends – weuseinformallanguage and slang. Whenwe are angry, wesometimesarguewiththem and sometimesweevenshout. Whenwetalk to ourfriends or parentswecanchew a chewinggum. Whenwemeetourfriends, weusuallysay “Hi!”b) Whenwetalk to ourteachers– ourcommunicationis more formal. Weusuallydon’tuse slang words and weshouldn’targue or shoutatourteachersbecauseitis rude. When a teachercomesintoaclassroom, studentsshouldstandup, becauseitis a wayhowwegreetteachers in Slovakia and itispolite. Whenwemeetourteachers, weusuallysay “Goodmorning/afternoon/evening!”
3 classes in society: 1. upper2. middle3. lower (working)