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Analysis of the NOAA 9077 Flare Events in July 2000

Analysis of the NOAA 9077 Flare Events in July 2000. Yihua Yan Beijing Astronomical Observatory/ National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, 100012, China. at Berkeley HEDAW. 1. Introduction of the Events and Beijing Observatory.

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Analysis of the NOAA 9077 Flare Events in July 2000

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  1. Analysis of the NOAA 9077 Flare Events in July 2000 Yihua Yan Beijing Astronomical Observatory/ National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, 100012, China at Berkeley HEDAW

  2. 1. Introduction of the Events and Beijing Observatory • Superactive region NOAA9077produced 3 X-class, 10 M-class (2>M5) and 16 C-class flares during its passage over the solar disk in 7-21 July 2000. • The largest solar radio burst in the 23rd solar cycle at 10 cm wavelegnth (3085 SFU at 2840 MHz) on July 10 by the M5.7/2B flare/CME event • The second largest X-class event in the 23rd solar cycle: X5.7/3B flare/Halo CME on July 14 • Geo-effects of the energetic event on July 14: • The largest proton event since March 1991;The largest magnetospheric storms since 1989;Failure of ASCA, etc. • Solar Radio Spectrometers at HSOS observed many events in the NOAA9077 AR (including 2 X-class, 2 M5.7class major events). SMFT at HSOS recorded a number of vector magnetograms, and H, H filterograms, etc.

  3. HSOS: Huairou Solar Observing Station BAO: Beijing Astronomical Observatory HSOS BAO

  4. Beijing Astronomical Observatory Datun Road A20, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100012, China

  5. Huairou Solar Observing Station

  6. Tower of Solar Magnetic Field Telescope

  7. Solar Radio Research Beijing Astronomical Observatory

  8. Solar Radio Spectrometers Fu et al.(1995)Solar Physics, 160, 97 At Huairou, BAO: At Purple Mountain Obs.: At Yunnan Astronomical Obs.:

  9. 2.Observation from space EIT-EUV WL image LASCO-C2

  10. ObservationH image at HSOS 14-Jul-2000

  11. Observation X5.7/3B flare in H at HSOS on July14

  12. Observation Solar Radio Spectrometers

  13. Observation Daily magnetogram evolution 4:51/11 2:30/12 1:58/13 3:27/14

  14. 3.Reconstruction of Coronal Field • To understand the flare/CME process, we applied Yan & Sakurai(2000:Solar Phys.,v195, 89-109) non-constant- force-free field model to reconstruct the 3d field in corona

  15. Results

  16. Results & TRACE Arcades

  17. Field lines and their heights

  18. A Magnetic Rope and Arcades

  19. Rope dimensions

  20. Magnetic Rope and H Filament

  21. Rope and 1600A Bright Lane

  22. Summary Figures 01:19 UT Bz 04:42:53 H 09:28:10 1600A 10:20:25 H 

  23. TRACE movies

  24. NOAA9077 on 10 July 2000 2117 2125 2142 1415M 84 sfu 9077 2117 2127 2142 2695M 140 sfu 9077 2117 2119 2148 4995M 220 sfu 9077 2122 //// 2139 28-180M II/3 9077 2123 //// 2253 30- 80M IV/3 9077 2105 2142 2227 1-8A M5.7 9077 B2132 U2138 0046 N18E49 2B 9077 2117 2205 2308 410M 7200 sfu 9077 2117 2207 2254 606M 1200 sfu 9077 B2158 2208 2308 2840M 3085 sfu 9077 2117 2210 2257 15.4G 2600 sfu 9077

  25. Observation H 21:32 21:51 22:39 22:47

  26. July 10 2000

  27. Fine Structures on July 10

  28. 4.Discussions & Conclusions • NOAA9077 was characterized by multi-layer arcades with different orientations. In side these arcades a magnetic rope was reconstructed, for the first time, from vector magnetograph observations, which was co-spatial with H filament and a bright lane in 1600A by TRACE. • The X5.7/3B flare may be triggered due to the rope instability. • The the drifting pulsation structure associated with the plasmoid ejection may manesfect the initiation phase of the CME

  29. Discussions & Conclusions • The strong radio emission on July 10 at all wavelengths occurred about 25 min after the SXR maximum (M5.7), which was 20 times as strong as that before the SXR maximum which triggered the flare. The fine structures in 1-2 GHz may be interpreted by SQM, and further effort is needed.

  30. Relevant Papers • Yan Y, Deng Y,Karlicky, M., Fu Q., Wang S., Liu Y (2001):The magnetic rope structure and associated energetic processes in 14 July 2000 solar flare, (ApJ Lett. , in press) • Karlicky, M., Yan Y, Fu Q., Wang S., Jiricka, K., Meszarosova,H., Liu Y. (2001): Drifting radio bursts and fine structures in the 0.8-7.6GHz frequency range observed in the NOAA 9077 AR (July 10—14, 2000) solar flares, (A&Ap,in press) • Wang S., Yan Y, Fu Q. (2001): Extended solar radio burst and fine structures in the 1.0-7.6GHz frequency range observed in the NOAA 9077 AR (July 10—14, 2000) solar flares, (A&Ap Letters,in press)

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