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Learn the principles of long-range forecasting and how it is utilized in operational environments. This training material is for AMESD project training purposes only.
Introduction to Long-Range Forecasting Asmerom F. Beraki Cobus Olivier Long-Range Forecasting (LRF) Group SAWS Willem Landman NRE-CSIR Training Material
Purpose of Presentation • Introduce long-range forecasting principles and their customized utilization in operational environments; • the contents of this material serve solely for the purpose of the AMESD project training needs; it shouldn’t be used for other purposes without the prior permission of the respective authors. Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
PART 1 Out lines • Introduction • Numerical Weather Prediction on Longer Time-Scales • Atmospheric Circulation and Slowly evolving boundary forcing • SAWS experience in the area of climate modelling (operations and research) Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
introduction • Global Climate models (1-tier and 2-tier systems): • Mathematical procedure to simulate the interactions of the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, and ice • The procedure involves: • Dynamic processes • Physical parameterization • Numerical approximations • Downscaling Issues • Why is it necessary? • Dynamical DS (e.g., nested climate models, stretched grid models) • Empirical / Statistical DS (e.g., multiple regression, Canonical Correlation Analysis …. ) altitude Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
introduction • Uncertainties in climate models (sources) • Initial states: from the same set of initial states, different models typically produce a different set of forecast outcomes • Our lack of understanding and imperfections in model formulations, • boundary forcing (2-tier) • How uncertainties are represented in forecasts? • Ensemble prediction system and Multi-Model System • EPS is collection of predictions which collectively “explore” the possible future outcomes, given the uncertainties inherent in the forecast process Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
introduction • The ensemble spread is increased relative to the individual model ensembles. Thus the observed outcome more frequently falls within the range of forecast solutions provided by the ensemble. • The Multiple-model provides a filter for the more skilful individual model (the best model will vary with season/variable/region). Thus the strengths of the individual models are exploited, improving capabilities for global climate prediction. • Benefits derive mainly from the use of additional models, but also from the increased ensemble size Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
Numerical Weather Prediction on Longer Time-Scales • Limitations • Great progress has been made to predict the day-to-day state of the atmosphere (e.g., frontal movement, winds, pressure) • However, day-to-day fluctuations in weather are not predictable beyond two weeks • Beyond that time, errors in the data defining the state of the atmosphere at the start of a forecast period grow and overwhelm valid forecast information • This so called “chaotic” behaviour is an inherent property of the atmosphere Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
Numerical Weather Prediction on Longer Time-Scales Maturity of NWP on shorter time-scales • Skill improvements are the result of improvements: • dynamics and physics of numerical models • observational network • computational infrastructure - realization ensemble prediction system • understanding to atmosphere-ocean-land processes and their interactions (more pronounced on longer time scales). Courtesy of ECMWF Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
Numerical Weather Prediction on Longer Time-Scales Maturity of NWP on shorter time-scales Forecast error over the European domain (500 hPa geopotential heights) 140 120 Progress! Forecasterrors made by a 1998 model after 5 days, are similar to errors made after 2 days by a 1975 model. 100 80 error in gpm 60 1998 1990 1980 40 1975 persistence climatology 20 0 Training Material 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 lead-time (days) Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
How then possible predicting climate anomalies on longer time-scales? • Bases of climate modelling: • The presence of sufficient physical basis for predicting the mean state of the atmosphere on longer time-scales is documented in the literature (e.g., Shukla, 1981; Shukla and Gutzler, 1983; Mason, et al., 1999) • The source of predictability revolves around: • improving numerical models, initial conditions and the parameterization of physical processes • By adding slowly evolving boundary conditions to the system most notably SSTs (i.e., El Niño and La Niña) and its influence on the atmospheric circulation (more pronounced at seasonal time-scale) Sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies of September 1997 (El Niño of 1997/98) Anomaly: departure from the mean or average Sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies of November 1988 (La Niña of 1988/89) Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
How then possible predicting climate anomalies on longer time-scales? • Bases of climate modelling : • In the context of seasonal forecasting, the forecast period, lead-time and persistence issues have a significant importance as far as the quality of a particular forecast assessment is concerned. • What is desired is best quality forecast for permissible longer lead-time to address complex climate application needs climatology: averagetaken over a long time; the forecastisthat the average value willhappen. persistence: ‘today’sweatheriswhatwillhappentomorrow’. Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
DynamicalForecasts: MonthlyForecasts Daily Scores over NorthernHemisphere + Monthly running mean Scores Courtesy of Meteo France Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
DynamicalForecasts: SeasonalForecasts Daily Scores over NorthernHemisphere + Seasonal running mean Scores Courtesy of Meteo France Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
DynamicalForecasts: SeasonalForecasts Daily Scores over NorthernHemisphere + Ensemble forecast, Seasonal running mean and SST forecast Courtesy of Meteo France Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
Atmospheric Circulation and Slowly evolving boundary forcing • Atmospheric Circulation is large-scale movement of mass and energy and triggered by thermal gradient • Hadley cell: circular motion of air masses toward poles at tropopause (trough; ITCZ) and toward equator at the surface (trade winds) characterized by rising unstable warm and moist air and subsiding dry air (ridge). • Ferrell cell: eddy-driven mid-latitude circulation though not closed cell (causes upper and low level westerlies) with no strong source heat, cold sink . The course of westerlies is easily overridden by moving weather system • Polar cell: circular motion driven by thermal gradient; Polar easterlies are the result of this cell and Corolis effect. Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
Atmospheric Circulation and Slowly evolving boundary forcing • Walker circulation: • Many overturning equatorial zonal cells are also present (such as equatorial Africa, Central and South America and Indonesian region) • Of which equatorial Pacific is most dominant and referred to as Walker Circulation • caused by longitudinal SST variations as a consequence of wind-driven Ocean currents. • Produce zonally asymmetric atmospheric circulation and in some regions may dominate the Hadley Cell • East-west pressure gradient mainly associated with WC undergoes an irregular interannual variation • This global scale variation in pressure and consequential changes in wind, temperature and precipitation patterns named Southern oscillation by Walker During La Niña; After Webster and Chang, 1988 courtesy of IPCC AR4 Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
Atmospheric Circulation and Slowly evolving boundary forcing • Source of Predictability: • Slowly evolving boundary forcings notably equatorial Pacific SST gradient are therefore the major players in modulating the meridional (Hadley Cell) and Zonal (Walker) overturning atmospheric circulations • Extreme phases of ENSO (major coupled ocean–atmosphere phenomenon) represents the single most prominent mode of climate variability at seasonal and interannual time scales. • Equatorial Atlantic Ocean Dipole (AOD), Equatorial Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), Land surface forcing (such as soil moisture…) also among contributors though relatively less understood • In the Southern African context, these SST gradients are believed to modulate the relative annual position of the Inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ), the South Atlantic anticyclone, and the midlatitudewesterlies albeit not extensively investigated or well understood Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
SAWS experience in the area of climate modelling (operations and research) Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
SAWS experience in the area of climate modelling (operations and research) SAWS Ensemble Prediction system • Global Precip. and Temp. Forecasts for 3 seasons (up to 5 months ahead) • Uninitialized System • Forced with persisted and forecast SST scenarios • 12 ensemble members • Provides operational probabilistic forecast for different regions • Feeds information to the Multi-Model System (SAWS) • Forcing regional climate models (RecCM3) http://old.weathersa.co.za/LONGTERM/lrf.html Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
SAWS experience in the area of climate modelling (operations and research) SAWS as GPC for LRF • Fixed production cycles and time of issuance • Provision of limited set of products • Provision of verifications as per the WMO Standard “Standardized Verification System for Long-Range Forecast (SVS-LRF) • Provide up-to-date information on methodology used by the GPC • Accessibility of products http://old.weathersa.co.za/cycloneWeb/LONGTERM/SVSLRF/SAWS_SVSLRF.htm http://www.bom.gov.au/cgi-bin/climate/wmo.cgi Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
SAWS experience in the area of climate modelling (operations and research) New Seasonal Forecasting System • enhancements relative to the existing operational forecasting system: • the model knows the actual state of the atmosphere during initialization • SST scenarios with better description of uncertainties • Land surface model is initialized with realistic soil moisture • 1) Description of initial conditions • The atmospheric initial conditions are suitably transformed (in a manner that respects numerical stability) – source NCEP/DOE (Kanamitsu et al., 2002) that involves: • Horizontal interpolation • vertical interpolation based on the vertical integration of the hydrostatic equation with some adjustments that maintains geostrophic balance and mass conservation • Grid to spectral transformation (T42L19) • Uncertainties are accounted by taking 10 consecutive daily NCEP atmospheric states back from the forecast date in each year (i.e., October 26 – November 4). Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
SAWS experience in the area of climate modelling (operations and research) New Seasonal Forecasting System • Description of boundary Conditions • The NCEP CFS SST ensemble forecasts background error that accounts different lead-times is identified from the dominant mode of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
SAWS experience in the area of climate modelling (operations and research) New Seasonal Forecasting System The skill of ECHAM 4.5 AGCM in predicting austral summer total precipitation qualitatively; model simulation (left) and CMAP-CPC (right). The skill of ECHAM 4.5 AGCM in predicting total precipitation probabilistically; ROC area (left) below-normal and (right) above-normal computed using model hindcasts against CMAP-CPC. Each forecast case were to be issued on the 4th of November each year (1981- 2001). Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
SAWS experience in the area of climate modelling (operations and research) Extended-Range forecast: migration from subjective to objective probabilistic forecasts Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
SAWS experience in the area of climate modelling (operations and research) Toward a Coupled System (ECHAM4.5-MOM3) Courtesy of Magdalena Balmaseda ECMWF Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
SAWS experience in the area of climate modelling (operations and research) Toward a Coupled System (ECHAM4.5-MOM3) • Anomalously coupled system (lacking sea-ice model) • AGCM and OGCM are coupled using the multiple-program multiple-data (MPMD) paradigm. • Exchange information via data files every model simulation day. • No flux adjustment or empirical SST corrections is applied. ECHAM-MOM 2009/2010 summer season SST forecast Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
Further Readings • AMS Statement, 2001: Seasonal to interannual climate prediction (adopted by AMS Council 14 January 2001). Bull. Amer. Meteo. Soc., 82: 701-703, 710. • Goddard, L., S. J. Mason, S. E. Zebiak, C. F. Ropelewski, R, Basher, and M. A. Cane (2001) Current approaches to seasonal-to-interannual climate predictions. International Journal of Climatology, 21, 1111–1152. • Kalnay, E., S.J. Lord & R.D. McPherson, 1998: Maturity of Operational Numerical Weather Prediction: Medium Range, Bull. Amer. Meteo. Soc., 79, 2753-2769. • Shukla, J. (1981) Dynamical predictability of monthly means. J. Atmos.Sci. 38: 2547–2572. Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
PART 2 • SAWS MULITI-MODEL SYSTEM AND ITS INTERPRETATION Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
SAWS Operational Multi-Model System Current Multi-Model Setup • Current GCM’s in use • ECHAM4.5 – SAWS • CFS – NCEP • ECHAM4.5-MOM3 – IRI • Current Statistical Software used • Climate Predictability Tool (CPT) – IRI Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
Example of Multi-Model Seasonal Forecast • Currently only probability maps are produced • Forecasts for 3 rolling (monthly) 3-month seasons • Current variables include Total Precipitation, Minimum and Maximum Temperature • 0.5 Degree resolution from 5N-35S and 5E-52.5E • Various Formats can be provided Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
Example of Multi-Model Seasonal Forecast • Verification Maps for the First Season • Tercile Climate Maps for Each Season • Daily Rainfall Maps from 1971-2009 Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
Interpretation of Seasonal Forecasts – Certainty vs. Uncertainty Very Uncertain Forecast - Equal Chance for any of the three categories to occur AB=33-40 NN=20-33 BN=33-40 Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
Interpretation of Seasonal Forecasts – Certainty vs. Uncertainty Uncertain Forecast – Although there is a slight favor for the Below-Normal category to occur AB=33-40 NN=15-27 BN=40-45 Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
Interpretation of Seasonal Forecasts – Certainty vs. Uncertainty Certain Forecast – The Below-Normal category is heavily favored to occur AB=<33 NN=0-50 BN=>50 Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
Interpretation of Seasonal Forecasts – Skillful vs. Non-Skillful Uncertain Forecast – Although there is a slight favor for the Below-Normal category to occur and there is skill in predicting the Below-Normal Category AB=33-40 NN=15-27 BN=40-45 ROC= >0.5 Medium confidence for Below-Normal to occur Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
Confidence levels = + Low Probability High/Low Skill Low Confidence + = High Probability Low Skill Low Confidence + = Medium Probability High Skill Medium Confidence = + High Probability High Skill High Confidence Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010
Further Readings • Landman, W. and A. Beraki: 2010: Multi-model forecast skill for mid-summer rainfall over southern Africa, accepted, International Journal of Climatology Document Reference: RES-LRF-AMESD-001-2010-09-13 Document Template Reference: TQM-PRE-001.1 Date of last revision: 26 May 2010