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Superhigh Redshift Universe Survey: Insights & Discoveries

Explore high-redshift objects through infrared imaging and spectroscopy. Investigate black holes, clusters, and galaxy evolution. Discover the emergence and evolution of supermassive black holes and their impact on the early universe.

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Superhigh Redshift Universe Survey: Insights & Discoveries

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  1. Infrared Medium-deep Survey Myungshin Im1, Soojong Pak2, Won-Kee Park1,3, Ji Hoon Kim1, Jae-Woo Kim1, Seong-Kook J. Lee1, Marios Karouzos1, Yiseul Jeon1, Changsu Choi1, Hyunsung Jun1, Dohyeong Kim1, Jueun Hong1, Duho Kim1, Minhee Hyun1, Yongmin Yoon1, Yoon Chan Taak1, Yongjung Kim1, Giseon Baek2, Hyeonju Jeong2, Juhee Lim2, Eunbin Kim2, Nahyun Choi2, Hye-In Lee2, K. M. Bae2, & Seunghyuk Chang4 & IMS Team 1CEOU/Astronomy Program, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, KOREA, 2School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Suwon 446-741, KOREA, 3Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon 305-348, KOREA, 4Samsung Electronics, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do 443-370, KOREA The 6th KIAS Workshop

  2. Infrared Medium-deep Survey • Imaging survey at J < 23 AB mag, 120 deg2 of 7 fields (additional Y-band data for a limited area) • Follow-up NIR imaging of high redshift objects selected from 2000+ deg2 • Imaging observations with UKIRT, McDonald 2.1m, since 2010 • Follow-up spectroscopy with Magellan and 4-m class telescopes • ~30 members from SNU, KHU, KASI, KNU, ASIAA, NCU, Subaru, JPL, … UKIRT 3.9-m (zYJHK) McDonald 2.1-m with CQUEAN (grizY, is/iz) The 6th KIAS Workshop

  3. Key Scientific Questions Supermassive Black Holes (109 – 1010 M⊙) at z < 7 (Fan et al. 2005; Mortlock et al. 2011) When and how did they emerge? Re-ionization State of IGM? Quasars at 5 < z < 7.5 Massive clusters at z > 1! (Foley et al. 2011 + many) How did galaxies evolve? LCDM universe OK? Halo mass/galaxy relation? Massive clusters at z > 1 First stars at z ~ 11.5? (Planck results +) Death of massive stars? GRBs and SNe The 6th KIAS Workshop

  4. High Redshift Objects Are Red NIR imaging is essential QSO at z=7 Galaxy at z=2 Brown dwarf The 6th KIAS Workshop

  5. Survey Design : How Many, How Deep? Quasars and galaxy clusters at high redshift 1 .How faint? 2. How many? 3. What wavelength? 23 AB등급 0.01 to 1 per 1 sq. degree 0.9 – 1 μm or longer: J or Y-band QSO LF (Willott et al. 2010) ~L3 The 6th KIAS Workshop Im et al. (2002)

  6. IMS Fields: Total ~ 120 deg2 The 6th KIAS Workshop

  7. Science Highlights • High redshift quasars • High redshift galaxy clusters/galaxies • Transient objects (GRBs, TDE, SNe, etc) The 6th KIAS Workshop

  8. z ~ 5.5 z > 6.5 AKARI points (Jun, H., MI, 2014 submitted) SMBH Mass Evolution Slow growth with heavy BH seeds ? Fast growth from stellar mass BHs • 1010M⊙ at z ~ 5 (1.2 Gyr), and a few x 109M⊙ at z ~ 6.4 (0.95 Gyr) • Emergence of SMBHs • [Lbol/LEdd ~ 1  high accretion rate; Hot dust-poor (e.g., Jun & Im 2013)] • What was happening at z ~ 5.5 and z > 7 (only one z=7 QSO so far)? • Bias for high accretion rate objects? The 6th KIAS Workshop

  9. Faint quasars at z > ~6 • SMBHs with low accretion? • Budget of IGM ionizing photon Willott et al. (2010) The 6th KIAS Workshop

  10. z~5.5 Quasars Chiu et al. 2005 Identification of z ~ 5.5 QSOs is difficult with SDSS filters The 6th KIAS Workshop

  11. High Redshift Quasar Selection @z=5.5 and z=6.5With Special Filters The 6th KIAS Workshop

  12. CQUEAN, Camera for QUasars in EArly uNiverse Park, Pak, MI et al. (2012) • Kyungheee Univ.(S. Pak)/SNU • NIR sensitive (~1 micron) • Custom is andiz filters - tailored for high-z QSO selection • Focal Reducer(3x, 5’ x 5’) • Auto-guiding system • Installed on the 2.1m at McDonald Observatory • ~30 nights/year for high redshift quasar survey The 6th KIAS Workshop

  13. Quasars at 5 < z < 5.5 Park, Pak, MI, et al. (2012) Jeon et al. 2014, in prep. The 6th KIAS Workshop

  14. Spectroscopic confirmation of QSOs at z ~ 5.5 and z ~ 6 z = 5.3 z = 5.0 Spectroscopic identification of 8 QSOs at z = 5 – 6 (all with 3-4m class telescopes) More spectroscopy to come (BH mass, IGM study) z = 6.0 Lyα Jeon, Y., MI, et al. 2014, in prep. The 6th KIAS Workshop

  15. Faint Quasar Candidates at z ~ 6 9 candidates z(AB) ~ 22.5 mag from 90 deg2 g r i z Y J The 6th KIAS Workshop

  16. Selection of Quasars at z ~ 7 Quasar at z ~ 7 Brown dwarf • Y,J-band coverage + I,z data The 6th KIAS Workshop

  17. Evolution of Quasars at z > 7? • Several candidates  Rapid evolution of quasars at z > 7 The 6th KIAS Workshop

  18. High Redshift Clusters • > 100s clusters at z < 1: Good agreement with CDM universe • Clusters at z > 1 (Overzier et al. 2008, Kang & Im 2009; Matsuda et al. 2011; Capak et al. 2011,…; 1 < z < 5.3) • Some find very massive clusters at z ~ 1.5  trouble with CDM universe? The 6th KIAS Workshop

  19. High Redshift Clusters and Galaxy Evolution • Reversal of SFR-density relation: Difficult to explain with models, controversial, what is the origin? • IMS: Large number of galaxies and clusters (120 deg2 vs. ~1 deg2) z=1 High SF z=1 z=0 High density Reversal (Elbaz et al. 2007) versus No reversal (Ziparo et al. 2014) The 6th KIAS Workshop

  20. Search for High Redshift Clusters Multi-wavelength data  Photometric redshift or color-color diagram  Redshift bin  Identify over-dense area z - J 3.6 – 4.5 micron The 6th KIAS Workshop

  21. Cluster at z=1.1 • 1000 candidates identified The 6th KIAS Workshop

  22. For galaxies at z =1, Difference in galaxy properties are due to mass, not environmentNo reversal in SFR-density relation for massive galaxiesSFR quenching due to environ. at z < 1 (reversal in SFR-density rel). SDSS (z=0) IMS (z=1) Jae-Woo Kim, MI, et al. 2014 The 6th KIAS Workshop SDSS

  23. Fraction of Quiescent GalaxyAt z > 1.4, mass dependent (not environment)At z < 1.4, environment becomes important Seong-Kook Lee, MI, et al. 2014 log (M*/M⊙)≥ 9.1 log (M*/M⊙)≥ 10.0 Red: Cluster Blue: Field Passive fraction (Npassive/Ntotal) The 6th KIAS Workshop

  24. GRB, Transients Tidal disruption event: Swift J1644+57 (Burrows et al. 2011, Nature) Long-term (2+ years) monitoring results (Yoon et al. 2014; Im et al. 2014) Christmas Burst, GRB 101225A (Thone et al. 2011, Nature) CQUEAN riz data helpsdetermine the black body radiatoin afterglow The 6th KIAS Workshop

  25. Swift J1644+57Long-term Light Curve Before host subtraction ∝ t-0.4 After host subtraction ∝ t-1.1 ( c.f. TD ∝ t-5/3 ) The 6th KIAS Workshop

  26. Swift J1644+57Host Galaxy + BH Mass • Log(MBH/M⊙) ~ 6.8 ± 0.5 χ2=1.318 Yongmin Yoon, MI, et al. 2014, in prep. The 6th KIAS Workshop

  27. Summary • Infrared Medium-deep Survey - 120 deg2 imaging in J and Y (23 AB mag) - CQUEAN imaging of high redshift objects - Transient follow-up • 8 quasars at z=5.5 – 6.0 • 1000+ of z > 1 cluster candidates: environment vs internal mechanism • GRBs/TDE/SNe The 6th KIAS Workshop

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