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Learn essential home safety tips to protect kids from accidents due to electric shock, fire hazards, and poisoning. Prevent mishaps with practical advice on handling household items and maintaining a secure environment.
Safety Mrs. Hill
How do you stay safe at home? Please write in complete sentences! Bell Ringer/Do Now- 03/04/19
Accident- an unexpected happening that can cause someone to be hurt or property to be damaged • #1 cause of death in middle school age group `
Electric Shock- a painful jolt caused by direct contact with electricity • Damaged electric wire (replace) (cracked, worn, frayed covering, cut ect…) • Keep cords covered and protected • Don’t plug too many things into one outlet (can cause a fire) ELECTRIC SHOCK
Water and electricity don’t mix • Make sure hands are dry • Don’t stand in water • Keep appliances away from the bath tub • Toaster- never stick a knife in without unplugging the toaster ELECTRIC SHOCK
Flammable-materials that burn easily • Keep a screen in front of a fireplace • Keep a safe distance from a campfire • Never start a fire with gas (fumes are explosive). • Keep stove clear of grease • Clean out toasters regularly • Clean out lint in your dryer regularly Fire
Poison-anything that makes a person sick when it gets in the body • household items can be poisonous • Some household plants are poisonous • Store household cleaners out of the reach of children POISONING
Keep chemicals stored in their original container • Use child safety latches • Keep poison control number close to phone • POISON CONTROL PHONE# • (1-800-222-1222) POISONS