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Core Publisher: Creating Programs & Podcasts

Learn how Composer Pro and Core Publisher are related, how to create and update programs, resolve conflicts, and add content seamlessly. Discover the anatomy of a program page and essential steps for adding and customizing content.

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Core Publisher: Creating Programs & Podcasts

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  1. Core Publisher: Creating Programs & Podcasts

  2. Creating Programs in Composer

  3. Refresher: Creating Programs in Composer Pro How are Composer Pro and Core Publisher related? Core Publisher pulls your list of programs, guide and playlists from Composer Pro Your Composer Pro program guide must be complete and up to date before adding programs into your Core Publisher. What program information is pulled over from Composer Pro into Core Publisher? Program Name Program Air Time Program Description Program Hosts Playlists

  4. Refresher: Creating Programs in Composer Pro

  5. Refresher: Creating Programs in Composer Pro

  6. Refresher: Creating Programs in Composer Pro Each program is represented by a block on your program grid. Use the pencil icon to edit your program.

  7. Refresher: Creating Programs in Composer Pro Any spaces in your program guide that still need a program added will display a green + (plus sign). Click on the to create a new program.

  8. Refresher: Creating Programs in Composer Pro Select “Recurring Program”, then enter the schedule information for your program.

  9. Refresher: Creating Programs in Composer Pro If you are adding a syndicated program, select it from the Add a Syndicated Program dropdown. If not, enter the program name in the text field and select the program format.

  10. Refresher: Creating Programs in Composer Pro Any information in these fields will be pulled over when you create a Program Page in Core Publisher. To save time later you should update this information first.

  11. Refresher: Creating Programs in Composer Pro Under Streaming Status, select WS. Then, enter your program description and Save your program in Composer Pro.

  12. Programs in Core Publisher

  13. Creating Programs: Getting Started • What programs should I create? • Any programs that you currently air should be created in Core Publisher • You can see a list of your programs on your Program Guide at /schedule • Do I have to do anything to my Composer site to create programs in Core Publisher? • We suggest cleaning up any conflicts with your Composer program guide before creating programs in Core Publisher because program information is pulled from Composer.

  14. Resolving Conflicts in Composer What is a conflict? A conflict lets you know that 2+ programs are overlapping or were scheduled for the same time. • How do I resolve a conflict? • To resolve a conflict, you can do one of two things: • Edit icon and change the program’s end date to a date in the past. • Ignore it if it’s a Temporary Edit (if it’s only for one day or time period)

  15. Anatomy of a Program Page

  16. Anatomy of a Program Page Program information, including air days and times, hosts (which link to their People pages), a program description and the program category

  17. Anatomy of a Program Page Your playlists are pulled directly from Composer.

  18. Anatomy of a Program Page If you create Posts associated with your program, they will show up on the Program page.

  19. Creating Programs in Core Publisher

  20. Adding Content: Program For each program you want to create, gather: • Basic program description (1-2 paragraphs) • Time and days that the program airs on your station • Names of all hosts (each local host should have a People page) • Program logo

  21. Adding Content: Program

  22. Adding Content: Program Select the program that you want to add from the Import program information list, which contains all of your programs from Composer.

  23. Adding Content: Program Select the program that you want to add from the Import program information list, which contains all of your programs from Composer.

  24. Adding Content: Program Your Program Name and Medium fields will be automatically completed.

  25. Adding Content: Program Your When does it air? field is a human-readable field that you create.

  26. Adding Content: Program You can add text and links with some formatting (bold, italicized, bulleted and numbered lists, etc) in the Program field.

  27. Adding Content: Program When you import the program from Composer, the host will be added to the Enter host name(s) field. If your host has a Person page, remove them from that field and add them to the Enter host name:autocomplete field.

  28. Adding Content: Program Each Program creates a podcast, which you can submit to iTunes. To create a custom title, description and image that will appear in iTunes, complete these customization fields.

  29. Adding Content: Program Add a Program logo to the top of your Program page.

  30. Adding Content: Program Do not edit the information in the Database information field. These IDs are required so that your program will connect with Composer.

  31. Adding Content: Program Do not edit the information in the Database information field. These IDs are required so that your program will connect with Composer.

  32. About Programs in Core Publisher

  33. About Programs in Core Publisher Where do my program pages “live”? • Your programs are listed on your Program Page at /programs • Programs are listed in tabs by Genre • You can add links to your program pages to your Flexi Menu, Sticky Strip and Skyboxes to promote them.

  34. About Programs in Core Publisher Where is my program schedule? • Your programs schedule is located at /schedule • Your schedule link is located, by default, in your Now Playing Block (Full Schedule) • You should also link to your schedule in your main site navigation.

  35. About Programs in Core Publisher How do I navigate the Program Schedule? Switch between Daily and Weekly View

  36. About Programs in Core Publisher How do I navigate the Program Schedule? Switch between Daily and Weekly View

  37. About Programs in Core Publisher How do I navigate the Program Schedule? Program name links to the Program Page

  38. About Programs in Core Publisher How do I navigate the Program Schedule? If you have multiple radio streams, you can select another channel here

  39. About Programs in Core Publisher How do I navigate the Program Schedule? Select this option to search for schedules by date.

  40. RSS Feeds & Podcasts in Core Publisher

  41. Creating Podcasts: Getting Started What is an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed? A RSS feed is a way to deliver constantly updating web content in a format that can be read by web browsers and feed readers. You can subscribe to an RSS Feed or review the feed at will.

  42. Creating Podcasts: Getting Started What is a podcast? A podcast is a way to deliver a dynamic feed of audio files via the Internet in an episodic fashion using RSS. You can subscribe to a podcast so it automatically updates when new audio arrives.

  43. Creating Podcasts: Getting Started How are podcasts and RSS feeds created in Core Publisher? RSS feeds are automatically created for each Program, Category, Person and Topic that has posts. Posts that have audio are automatically fed into a podcast.

  44. Creating Podcasts: Getting Started Where are podcasts & RSS feeds displayed in Core Publisher? 1) In the Podcast and RSS Feeds block in your right rail 2) On your Podcast and RSS Feeds page at [your site URL]/rss

  45. Submitting your podcast to iTunes We suggest submitting your podcasts to iTunes, so that your audience can subscribe to your podcasts, making mobile listening more convenient.

  46. Submitting your podcast to iTunes How do I find my podcast links? Step One: Click on the icon in the Podcasts & RSS Feeds section of your right rail. This will collapse to two options: “Use iTunes” and “Use a different player”.

  47. Submitting your podcast to iTunes How do I find my podcast links? Step Two: Right click on Use a different player.

  48. Submitting your podcast to iTunes How do I find my podcast links? Step Three: Select “Copy Link address” to copy the URL.

  49. Submitting your podcast to iTunes How do I submit my podcasts to iTunes? 2) Select iTunes Store from side menu. 1) Open iTunes 3) Select Podcasts from the top Store menu.

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