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Study to understand physical processes on Georges Bank impacting biology, combining observations with model-based studies to analyze variability. Research focuses on flow fields, cross-frontal exchange, and fish recruitment.
Physical Oceanography of Georges Bank and Its Impact on BiologyUpdate - November 2003 Grant Period: 7/02-7/05 Bob Beardsley, Ken Brink, Dick Limeburner, Jim Churchill, Jim Ledwell, Jim Irish, Mike Caruso, Jim Lerczak (WHOI) Charles Flagg (BNL) Changsheng Chen, Jim Bisagni (UMD) Ron Schlitz (NMFS)
Primary Objectives • To understand the physical dynamics and interactions of several specific processes (e.g., the seasonal evolution of stratification on the Bank, the crucial flow field over the Northeast Peak, and cross-frontal exchange within the tidal mixing and northern flank fronts) that are thought to play critical roles in zooplankton and fish recruitment. • To combine these observationally based process synthesis studies into model-based studies to provide our best descriptions of the Bank's physical environment and its variability on time scales from minutes to monthly to seasonal for the GLOBEC field years. • To provide other Phase IV investigators with as complete a description and understanding of the basic physical processes affecting their observations as possible.
Year 1 Activities • JGR-Oceans Special Section • Environmental Chronology • 1999 Stratification and Flow Synthesis • Process Studies and Interannual Variability on Bank Edges • 1999 Tidal Mixing Front over Southern Flank Synthesis • FVCOM Development, Application, and Evaluation
U.S. GLOBEC: Physical processes on Georges BankJGR-Oceans Special Section GLOBEC (Georges Bank), Nov. 2003 1995 Stratification Study (6) • Surface wind stress, heat and moisture fluxes at ST1 (Beardsley) • Temperature and salt balances & salt balances around ST1 (Lentz) • Bottom stress and bedform evolution at ST1 (Werner) • Tidal boundary layer structure and evolution at ST1 (Werner) • Slope water intrusions and impact (Churchill) 1999 Frontal Studies (2) • Northern flank tidal & subtidal variability (Dale) • Northern flank cross-frontal fluxes and mixing (Ullman)
1995-1999 Bank/Seasonal Scale (2) • Drifter-derived near-surface current field (Brink) • Shipboard ADCP-derived depth-average current field (Flagg) Seasonal/interannual Scale (2) • Halifax section transport and water property variability (Loder) • Nitrate supply and new production on GB (Bisagni) Model Process Studies (3) • Influence of diurnal heating on GB stratification and flow (Chen) • Wind-forced cross-front exchange on GB in early summer (Chen) • Temperature and flow influences on Calanus in Gulf of St. Lawrence and Scotian Shelf using a 3-D circulation/biological model (Zakardjian)
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Environmental Chronology • Processing of 1999 Eastern Flank Frontal Exchange moored array and drifter data completed (Limeburner) • Reprocessing of 1994-1999 Long-Term moored array data completed (Irish, Caruso, Limeburner, Beardsley) (Tech Report to be finished soon) --P-- • Analysis of LT moored data started (Brink) • Physical chronology at Southern Flank site started (Irish, ..) --P--
1999 Stratification and Flow Synthesis • Characterization of subtidal oscillatory flow (Limeburner) --P-- • Start description of eastern flank physical variability based on LT and FE moored data (Beardsley, Limeburner,Flagg) Process Studies and Interannual Variability on Bank Edges • Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Shelf-Slope Front Between 75° and 50° W (Bisagni)
1999 Tidal Mixing Front over Southern Flank • Analysis of TMF ADCP array (Lerczak, Schlitz) --T-- • Start analysis of 1999 WHOI tracer release experiment (Churchill,Ledwell) FVCOM Development, Application, Evaluation • Develop GoM MM5 to produce surface forcing for 1995 and 1999 (Chen, Beardsley) --T-- • Compare FVCOM with other coastal models on test problems (Chen, Beardsley) • FVCOM simulation of 1995 and 1999 stratification seasons (Chen) --T-- • FVCOM simulation for 1999 dye release studiesstarted (Chen)
Year 2 Initial Activities (Draft) • Complete LT moored array analysis, description of 1999 Eastern Flank variability (Brink, Limeburner, Flagg, Beardsley) • Complete PO chronology at southern flank site (Irish, Caruso) • Complete analysis of 1999 TMF ADCP array (Lerczak, Schlitz) • Start analysis of 1999 tracer release data (Churchill, Ledwell) • Evaluate FVCOM 1995 and 1999 stratification season simulations (Chen, Beardsley, ..) • Evaluate FVCOM 1999 TMF simulations (Chen,….) • Start northern flank jet instability study with FVCOM (Brink, Chen) 8. Others?????