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Corelite Protocol: Achieving Fairness in QoS for Core-Stateless Networks

Learn about Corelite protocol balancing Diffserv and Intserv for Quality of Service (QoS) with adaptive congestion management without complexity of tag switching or MPLS. Simulated in ns2 network simulator.

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Corelite Protocol: Achieving Fairness in QoS for Core-Stateless Networks

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  1. Achieving Per-Flow Weighted Fairness in a Core-Stateless Network: CORELITE Eric Woods and Nitin Namjoshi ECE 4894A

  2. Outline • Introduction • Diffserv vs. Intserv QoS models • Corelite protocol structure • Corelite performance evaluation • Conclusion and Critique • Questions

  3. Introduction • Corelite protocol developed by UIUC • Designed to allow core routers to provide QoS and adaptively handle congestion for different flow classes without overhead of tag switching, per-flow QoS / quota management, MPLS, or similar schema..

  4. Intserv QoS model • Integrated Services (Intserv) • Designed to provide absolute performance guarantees (e.g. 5us latency, 100kB/s data throughput, 20kB/s burst capacity, etc.) • Modeled on circuit-switched networks; implemented with virtual circuits (VC) on IP-based networks • Does not scale well for large numbers of flows

  5. Diffserv QoS model • Differentiated service (Diffserv) QoS model • Designed to provide relative performance parameters • Limited to a few traffic classes • Gold, Silver, Bronze – premium to best-effort • Provides performance guarantees for one class of service vs. another, but no per-flow management • Scales well; currently used on ISP IP backbone traffic networks (e.g. aggregate throughput > 1Tbps (e.g. DWDM SONET-based optical networks)

  6. Corelite Protocol • Designed to have edge routers provide Intserv-type QoS while allowing core network routers to use Diffserv traffic parameters • Edge routers to provide traffic shaping, per-flow management, traffic labeling • Core routers to route according to traffic class and flow label

  7. Edge router duties • Traffic shaping • Each flow is allowed a maximum flow rate • Excess traffic is buffered and sender is sent back-off messages • Traffic / rate adaptation in response to feedback from core routers • Marker cache is created for feedback from core routers • Once per epoch (time unit chosen arbitrarily), marker cache is checked • If no markers, maximum flow rates for each incoming flow are incremented upwards by a fixed constant • If markers are received from core routers, flows are scaled back in proportion to numbers of markers received • Marker / label insertion • Each flow has markers inserted at a rate that corresponds to its maximum flow rate • e.g. a flow allowed 100kB/s gets 100 markers inserted every 1s; a flow allowed 30 kB/s gets 30 markers • Marker has source router information

  8. Core router duties • Incipient congestion detection • Aggregate packet queue size is monitored once every epoch • Number of queues will depend on number of preset traffic classes • Once the queue size exceeds some preset threshold, router knows congestion could / would occur (is incipient) and begins sending markers back to edge routers

  9. Core router duties • Marker queuing and feedback • All markers received are kept in a cache with some preset persistence value – that is, markers are assigned a TTL value and dropped once it expires • When incipient congestion occurs, markers are randomly pulled from the cache and sent to their source routers (e.g. edge routers that sent them) to get traffic rates to back-off

  10. Core router duties • Core router determines how many markers to send back using a complex function • Function based on assumption that edge router queues are M/M/1 plus a correction factor for the case where they are not • Correction factor k is only incremented when queue size continues to increase (e.g. when arrival function for packets is not a Poisson distribution) • Function is readily replaceable – protocol only requires some method for congestion detection be present • Congestion detection and fairness lines will intersect and protocol will adjust rates correspondingly in a very quick fashion

  11. Marker selection and feedback • CSFQ is not ideal because of computational overhead • Queues are not required at core routers • A scheme that is better than CSFQ and where no core router marker queue is necessary exists – it is explained below: • Edge routers include normalized packet transmission rate in all marker packets • Core router maintains an internal variable for the average flow rate rn and an internal ‘deficit counter’ variable reset each epoch • Core router randomly selects marker packets • If marker is from a flow whose rate exceeds rn, the marker is sent back to the edge router it came from • If marker is from a flow whose rate is less than rn, deficit counter is incremented • IF and ONLY IF the deficit counter is above zero, markers are examined sequentially and markers from flows that have rates greater than rn are sent back to the edge routers they came from and the deficit counter decremented until it is zero again

  12. Corelite simulation details • Simulations run using ns2 network simulator version ns-2.1b4a • Topology included 3 congested links and flows that traverse different numbers of congested links • Links had widely varying delay, latency, and RTT • CSFQ was used for comparison purposes

  13. Corelite simulation results • Multiple flows with different weights are introduced at different times for a total of 20 flows • The light colored flows represent flows with a higher weight • Some flows were introduced at 250ms and thus flow adjusted -- dropped rapidly -- and reconverged after 250ms • Epochs had to pass so that counters would reset and start sending feedback, resulting in flow reequalization after 250ms

  14. Corelite simulation results • Time t=0ms • Flows with relative weights of 2 and 3 are introduced • Time t=250ms • New flows are added • Rates of main flows decline (change in slope) • Rates of new flows are seen as constant • Time t=500ms • Epochs have passed • Back-off messages have been sent • Rates all converge simultaneously (new flows get more priority over initial interval until back-off messages ent)

  15. CSFQ Corelite CSFQ v. Corelite – static network

  16. Corelite vs. CSFQ – static network simulation results • Flows completed slow-start and entered LIMD – end results both closely approximate ideal steady state behavior, HOWEVER • CSFQ does not converge quickly because its fair share measurement method is not quickly responsive • Corelite converges almost immediately – note the 30 second + disparity between convergence times shown on the last slide • Difference lies in the fact that Corelite does not send congestion notifications until flows are close to respective fair share rates, thus eliminating the need for re-entry into slow-start

  17. Corelite vs. CSFQ – dynamic network

  18. Corelite vs. CSFQ – dynamic network simulation results • Flows with different weights are introduced at different times • Many flows exit in the 50 – 70s time range after entering in the first 15s • CSFQ results in short-lived flows getting more bandwidth, particularly those of higher weights • Corelite converges quickly and handles flows exiting gracefully, without noticeable impact on transmission rates

  19. Conclusions • Corelite converges much faster and gracefully than CSFQ under the tested circumstances • Corelite is more robust in the face of congestion than CSFQ and demonstrates Intserv control on the edge routers and Diffserv scalability in the core – with only two different service classes

  20. Critiques • Paper introduces new flow marking scheme after going into details of core router queues • Never clarified which scheme (core router queues or deficit-counter based) is being used in simulation results • Simulation covered case with two classes of service, not more than that • Simulation only covered one dynamic network scenario, not multiple • Details were not provided on TCP implementations used

  21. Questions • How does Corelite selectively throttle misbehaving flows w/o maintaining per-flow state? • How is Corelite better/worse than CSFQ? • In Corelite, what two mechanisms allow core routers to provide weighted fair feedback w/o maintaining per-flow state? • What kind of QoS service model does Corelite adopt?

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