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“Survey Says?”

“Survey Says?”. A Survey of the ATI Pilot E&IT Procurement Process at Sacramento State Accessible Technology Initiative. Best Practices Agenda. Problem and description Who is involved? Technology involved Results How does it scale? Unanticipated obstacles & benefits

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“Survey Says?”

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  1. “Survey Says?” A Survey of the ATI Pilot E&IT Procurement Process at Sacramento State Accessible Technology Initiative

  2. Best Practices Agenda • Problem and description • Who is involved? • Technology involved • Results • How does it scale? • Unanticipated obstacles & benefits • Future improvements   • Questions & Comments

  3. Problem & Description Problem: Description of Practice: An online survey for those involved in the pilot process Surveys can be quick, easy for respondents Online surveys can provide real time access to responses and summaries for administrators • Part of the Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) Procurement Plan was to develop a pilot process and evaluate the process • Using assessment to shape decisions is a key strategic priority at Sacramento State

  4. Technology: Survey Tool A web-based survey on the ATI pilot procurement process was developed http://CTLSilhouette.wsu.edu/surveys/ZS80209 Flashlight Online Survey Tool - institutional membership Flashlight resources and FAQs at http://www.csus.edu/atcs/tools/onlinesurveys/resources.stm#tutorials New version of Flashlight is accessible

  5. Who is Involved Survey Respondents:Requestors of IT purchases, IT Consultants, Administrative Support, Buyer Survey Administrator:ATI Coordinator Getting a Good Response Rate (~70%) • Contacted each person individually • Made survey anonymous • Provided contact information for questions or concerns (ati@csus.edu) • Mentioned that the survey was short (5 min) • Explained that the survey results could help improve the process 5

  6. Survey Results • www.csus.edu/accessibility/prosurvey.doc • 71%recommended online training for learning about accessible E&IT procurement • 64%indicated that vendors were not familiar with VPATs • 71%indicated that they understood the CSU accessible E&IT procurement requirement (this needs to be further assessed) • 50%found the ATI procurement documentation on the Accessibility web page; 43% found it on the Procurement web page

  7. Survey Results - Comments • “Ensure that there is someone who I can contact if I have a question/issue regarding the requirements/process” • “Continuing education in the form of online training, group training and even newsletters help” • “Procurement might want to maintain a list of vendors through which frequent & high value purchases are made.” • “I'd like a link on the [Accessibility] home page that gives a brief overview of the procurement requirements, etc.”

  8. How to Use Results to Make Campus Improvements • Added enhancements to Accessibility web page • Plan to develop and offer web-based training in addition to group and individual training • Linked to documentation from both the Accessibility and Procurement web pages • Ensure that there is a specialist to contact • Need to streamline accessibility review process • Maintain list of frequent/high value IT vendors • Need to provide education for vendors • Need additional ATI awareness & education • ATI compliance position to design “action plan”

  9. Scalability of Results to the CSU Shows need to develop shared web-based training on accessible IT procurement process Points to evidence that more vendor education and training on VPATs is needed Suggests importance of a centralized list of vendors and consistent communication Recommends continuing education in the form of both online and group training Recommends importance of having an ATI procurement specialist to contact Recognizes need to continue ATI awareness & education about accessible E&IT procurement 9

  10. Some Unanticipated Obstacles and Benefits Obstacles: Survey results don’t capture time/effort involved in accessible IT procurement Survey didn’t assess understanding of 508 definitions, exceptions Benefits: Survey results can help gauge attitudes Survey provided education about process Opportunities for collaboration 10

  11. Future Improvements Need to assess knowledge of Section 508 and requirements for accessible IT procurement Need to assess understanding of 508 exceptions and alternate access plans Need more feedback about support needed More accessible version of survey software Survey methodology improvements Better follow up and sharing of results Need to better assess procurement training activities What other activities could be assessed? 11

  12. Assessment Resources and Tools Educause General Assessment Resources: http://connect.educause.edu/term_view/Assessment+and+Evaluation Online Assessment Tools: Do They Work for Students with Disabilities? http://connect.educause.edu/Library/Abstract/OnlineAssessmentToolsDoTh/45599 Survey Tools: Flashlight www.tltgroup.org/flashlightP.htm Accessibility Survey of Survey Tools:www.wac.ohio-state.edu/workshops/survey_of_surveys/ 12

  13. Questions & Comments? • E-mail additional questions, feedback, and comments about this presentation to: ati@csus.edu or fax them to 916-278-7825 • Thank you!

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