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Operational conditions for current leads in the DFBs

Operational conditions for current leads in the DFBs. Sandrine Le Naour. Commissionning tests.

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Operational conditions for current leads in the DFBs

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  1. Operational conditions for currentleads in the DFBs Sandrine Le Naour

  2. Commissionning tests • During the hardware commissionning period, for each circuit, a test is dedicated to the verification of the correct operation of the current leads. The test lasts at least 1 hour to the operationnal current • 600A correctors : PNO.a3 • IPQ : PNO.c4 • IPD : PNO.c2 • RB, RQF/D : PLI3.a5  AnalysiswithDFB application S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting

  3. Parameters • TT893 : Temperatureat the top of currentleads (resistive part). Cartridge heaters are incorporated inside the top part of each current lead to avoid heavy condensation or ice formation when the current leads are operating at zero current or at a current lower than the nominal one. These heaters maintain a temperature of 40°C (313K). • Below 280K cryostartisremoved for the subsector. CV891 isclosed. • Above 320K cryooperatorreceives an alarm (no action on cryostart or cryomaintain) • Above 330K (~60°C) : The power permit isremoved on the power converter. • TT891A : Temperaturebetweensuperconductive and resistive parts of the currentlead. The optimal temperatureis 50K. The currentleadcoolingisobtainedwith a gaz flow of 20K whichiscontrolled by the CV891valve • Below 45K and above 55K, cryomaintainisremoved • CV891 : Opening in % of the valve. S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting

  4. Parameters • U_RES : Voltage over the resistive part of currentlead. Signal from QPS. QPS tripping if ¦U_RES¦ > 100mV (160mV on correctors in DFBX) • 600A correctors : ¦LDx.U_RES¦ < 20 mV @400A, ¦LDx.U_RES¦ < 30 mV @550A • IPD, IPQ ¦LDx.U_Res¦ < 35mV @4310A, ¦LDx.U_Res¦ < 45mV @5390A • RB, RQF, RQD, 12kA ¦LDx: U_RES¦ < 40mV @ 12kA • U_HTS : Voltage over the superconductivepart of currentlead. Signal from QPS. QPS tripping if ¦U_HTS¦ > 3mV S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting

  5. What do we observe ? TT891A : Regulationat 50K 600A correctors : in general variation of +/-0.5K atzerocurrent or after a single ramp and +/-1K after the ramps (Ipno ->0 and 0 -> -Ipno). IPD, IPQ : in general variation of +/- 1K (Ipno =2800A isstilltoolow) variation +/- 2 K isstill all right if more sent a warning to cryo team ? TT 893 : If > 315K sent a warning to Amalia and Sandrine. A global compaignwillbedone to check the temperaturesensors (pt100) and the regulatorswhen TT893 > 315K. S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting

  6. What do we observe ? • CV 891A ! (RD1.L2) S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting

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