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Material Holding Devices for Woodwork and Metalwork Projects

Explore different material holding devices like woodwork bench vice, metalwork bench vice, and machine vice used for securely holding wood, metal, or plastic during various workshop tasks. Learn how to use G-clamps effectively and follow safety rules for a safe workshop environment.

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Material Holding Devices for Woodwork and Metalwork Projects

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Design & Technology Department. Material Holding Devices.

  2. Material Holding Devices. Woodwork Bench Vice. The vice securely holds wood or plastic in place when being worked on. The woodwork bench vice is mounted onto the side of the workbench.

  3. Material Holding Devices. Metalwork Bench Vice. The vice securely holds metal in place when being worked on. Themetalwork vice is mounted on top of the workbench.

  4. Material Holding Devices. Machine Vice. The machine vice is used to securely hold pieces of wood, metal or plastic at the pillar drill when they are getting drilled.

  5. Material Holding Devices. G Clamp. The G clamp is used to hold metal, plastic or wood firmly onto the bench when sawing, chiselling, filing or drilling. AG clamp used to secure material to the work bench.

  6. Question 2. Question 1. What is this tool used for. Name the tool. G Clamp. Securely Holding Material.

  7. Safety Rules When Working In The Workshop. State which safety rules are true or false. Always run in the workshop. False. True. Always listen to the Teachers instructions. Wear an apron and tuck in loose clothing when working at the pillar drill or disc sander. True.

  8. Question 3. Question 4. Name the tool. What is this tool used for. Securely Holding Metal. Metalwork Bench Vice.

  9. Question 6. Question 5. Name the machine you would use this tool with. Name the tool. Machine Vice. The Pillar Drill.

  10. Question 7. Question 8. Name the tool. What is this tool used for. Woodwork Bench Vice. Securely Holding Material.

  11. Safety Rules When Working In The Workshop. State which safety rules are true or false. When the Teacher is busy Always push this button. False. When working on the pillar drill don’t follow this sign in the workshop. False. Never wear safety goggles at the disc sander. False.

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