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Chacewater Neighbourhood Development Plan 2018-2030: Renewable Energy and the Environment

Learn about Chacewater's efforts to become energy self-sufficient and sustainable through renewable energy methods. Discover the community's support for wind turbines, solar farms, and hydro-electric power. Find out how future developments aim to have low energy running costs. Explore the Chacewater Community Energy Group's initiatives and sustainable energy advice.

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Chacewater Neighbourhood Development Plan 2018-2030: Renewable Energy and the Environment

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  1. Good afternoon:John Carley, Steve Leech Chacewater NDP teamChacewater Parish CouncilChacewater Community Energy Group

  2. Chacewater: At the heart of World Heritage Site area for Cornish Mining.

  3. Chacewater Neighbourhood Development Plan2018 – 2030Taking account of the Climate Emergency(quite a lot of words – so we have handouts!)

  4. Chacewater Neighbourhood Development PlanFirst meetings 2014-1530th June 2016 – A 4-page Questionnaire“Our Chacewater Our Future”letter-boxed to every household asked“Should we produce a Neighbourhood Development Plan? (NDP)” – Positive response - It was decided that we should.

  5. Chacewater Neighbourhood Development Plan (“NDP”) process time lineSeveral public events during early 2017.Working groups set up – around 20 people in total.86 point Questionnaire drawn up Autumn 2017.600+ forms hand delivered to every household asking about many aspects of life. 218 returned.

  6. Chacewater NDP Questionnaire ~ Topics:Natural Environment (Biodiversity - Flora/Fauna):Heritage: Landscape, Green & Open Spaces: Sustainability: (Renewable Energy – Fuel Poverty)Quality of Design and Location: Affordable Housing : Type of Tenure: Industry & Jobs: Public Transport: Pedestrian & Cycling: Parking: Road Safety: Community Health & Well-being:

  7. Chacewater Neighbourhood Development Plan 2018 – 2030(Renewable Energy and the Environment) Questionnaire Autumn 2017: Several questions gauging the views of the community regarding renewable energy and sustainability: Q29 Chacewater should aim to become, as far as is possible, energy self-sufficient, utilising sustainable methods of electricity generation. 218 responses (88% agree <7% disagree)

  8. Chacewater Neighbourhood Development Plan 2018 – 2030(Renewable Energy and the Environment) Questionnaire Autumn 2017: Q30 Chacewater Parish should, where practicable, encourage the use of wind turbines. 218 responses (63% agree 33% disagree) Disagree

  9. Chacewater Neighbourhood Development Plan 2018 – 2030(Renewable Energy and the Environment) Questionnaire Autumn 2017: Q31 If viable, Chacewater Parish should encourage the use of hydro-electric power. 218 Responses >85% agree, <9% disagree

  10. Chacewater Neighbourhood Development Plan 2018 – 2030(Renewable Energy and the Environment) Questionnaire Autumn 2017: Q32 Chacewater Parish should, where practicable, encourage solar farms. 218 Responses >60% agree, <37% disagree

  11. Chacewater Neighbourhood Development Plan 2018 – 2030(Renewable Energy and the Environment) Questionnaire Autumn 2017: Q33 Future developments should have low energy running costs. 218 Responses >97% agree, <1% disagree All mains water, mains electricity, heat £7/wk?

  12. Chacewater Neighbourhood Development Plan 2018 – 2030 These questionnaire results encouraged the NDP team to formulate six renewable energy policies RE1 to RE6:

  13. Chacewater Neighbourhood Development Plan 2018 – 2030 The majority (63%) of Chacewater residents support wind energy development. 33% still disagree.

  14. Chacewater Neighbourhood Development Plan 2018 – 2030 Policies RE3 & RE4 Reasons. Over 60% of those surveyed agree that the Parish should, where practicable, encourage solar installations.

  15. Chacewater Neighbourhood Development Plan 2018 – 2030 Reasons. Over 85% of surveyed respondents agreed that, where viable, we should encourage the use of hydro-electric power.

  16. Chacewater Neighbourhood Development Plan 2018 – 2030 Reasons 97% of survey respondents agreed that future developments should have low energy running costs.

  17. Chacewater Neighbourhood Development Plan 2018 – 2030All of this (and more!) can be found on our village website:(A few printed handouts are available)

  18. Chacewater NDP 2018 – 2030 • This is what we have done thus far. • We believe it to be most important. • We are open to ideas and suggestions. • We want to set a good example. • We believe the Community is a key driver towards achieving collective Renewable Energy aims and objectives. • We want to challenge others to ask themselves, “What can we do to help?”

  19. What can we do now as individuals?Look at changing your electricity supplier to a 100% renewable source, loads to choose from including these: Green Energy UK Ovo Ecotricity Bulb iSupply Pure Planet So Energy Tonik Energy Co-operative Energy Green Star Energy Outfox the Market Octopus Energy Good Energy Solarplicity

  20. Install a new solar-powered 4 in 1 fully - automatic planet saving device. 1 Carbon capture and storage unit 2 Bio-diversity support 3 Flood – prevention installation 4 Bio-mass fuel production unit

  21. Chacewater Neighbourhood Development PlanA spin-off project:The Chacewater Community Energy Group.Organised several events 2018 - 2019,Talks, Renewable Energy Fair, Electric Vehicle Day,Helped produce the Chacewater Parish Council’s Sustainable Energy Advice leaflet ….(A few printed copies are available)

  22. Chacewater Parish Council is one of dozens of Cornish Councils to“Declare A Climate Emergency”Thank you ~ Muer Ras

  23. Chacewater Community Energy Group would like to invite you to the Renewable Energy Fair and Electric Vehicle Day:Sat 27th July 2019On the Millennium Green and in the village hall. 11:00am – 5:00pm

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