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Circulation. Transportation of nutrients, wastes, O 2 , CO 2 , H 2 O, salt Cardiovascular System: includes heart, blood, blood vessels Open Circulatory System: organs in a pool of blood Closed Circulatory System: blood contained in blood vessels Lymphatic System: includes lymph, nodes

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  1. Circulation • Transportation of nutrients, wastes, O2, CO2, H2O, salt • Cardiovascular System: includes heart, blood, blood vessels • Open Circulatory System: organs in a pool of blood • Closed Circulatory System: blood contained in blood vessels • Lymphatic System: includes lymph, nodes • Heart: • size of the fist septum: separates right side from left side • under the sternum • pericardium: sack around the heart pericarditis • myocardium: heart muscle

  2. Mammal with 4 chambers • Atria (top); Ventricles (bottom) more muscular • Left ventricle: most muscular chamber of the heart • Valves: one-way trap doors for blood • Tricuspid (right) with 3 flaps; Bicuspid/Mitral (left) with 2 flaps; Semi-lunar (between aorta and left ventricle; between pulmonary artery and right ventricle) • Lub-Dub: sound of valves shutting • Murmur: blood leaking through valves • Trace a Drop of Blood Through the Heart: • 6,000 quarts of blood per day • Pulmonary Circuit: involves the right side of the heart and the blood going to the lungs • Right Side: contains deoxygenated blood (high in CO2)

  3. Deoxygenated blood returns to the Right Atrium from the Superior Vena Cava (blood from the waist up) and the Inferior Vena Cava (from the waist down) • Superior Vena Cava and the Inferior Vena Cava: 2 largest veins in the body • Deoxygenated blood goes from the Right Atrium to the Right Ventricle through the tricuspid valve • Deoxygenated blood leaves Right ventricle through the semi-lunar valve, flows into the Pulmonary Artery and travels to the lungs • Pulmonary Artery branches into mini arteries called arterioles and connects to capillaries • Capillaries (thin walls): O2 and CO2 are exchanged (diffusion) at air sacs (alveoli) in lungs • Capillaries connect to venules (mini veins) and join to thePulmonary Vein

  4. Pulmonary Vein carries oxygenated bloodfrom the Left Atrium to the Left Ventricle through the Bicuspid Valve • Oxygenated blood leaves the Left Ventricle through the semi-lunar valve to the Aorta and then to the rest of thebody • Systemic Circuit: involves the left side of the heart and blood coming back from the lungs for the entire body • Left Side: contains oxygenated blood (high in O2) • Right Atrium: contains pacemaker (nervous tissue) • regulates heartbeat (72 beats/min.) • Blood Pressure:Systole/Diastole • Systole (Ventricles contract) 120/70 • Diastole (Ventricles relax)

  5. Blood Vessels • Arteries: • Deep within the body; elastic walls; no valves; contain smooth muscles; used for blood pressure; mini arteries called arterioles • Largest artery: Aorta • Carry bloodAWAY from the heart • Pulse: alternating contractions/relaxations • Veins: • Near the surface of the skin; valves; no elastic walls; mini veins called venules • Largest veins: Superior Vena Cava, Inferior Vena Cava • Carry blood TO the heart • Capillaries: • Next to every cell in the body; 1 cell thick (thin walls); diffusion; connect arterioles and venules

  6. Blood • A living tissue composed of non-living plasma (yellow-55%) and living cells (45%) • Amount of blood depends on size of person and fat (5 liters) • Plasma: contains albumin (regulates H2O balance), globulin (transports vitamins/antibodies), hormones, H2O (92%), carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, wastes, fibrinogen • Serum: plasma-clotting material • Clotting Process: Involves Ca , clotting proteins, vitamin K

  7. Blood Cells • RBC (Erythrocytes) • 5 mill/drop of blood; biconcave shape; contain hemoglobin (Fe) which attracts O2; produced in the marrow; last 120 days; loss of nuclei in mammalian RBC after 60 days; old RBC destroyed by spleen – biliverdin (green) and bilirubin (orange) • Diseases:anemia;sickle cell anemia;CO poisoning • WBC (Leukocytes) • Nucleated; produced in the marrow; 8,000/drop of blood; fight infection (immunity); produce antibodies; last 10 days; pus (WBC, dead cells, microorganisms); attack microorganisms by phagocytosis; • Diseases:infection (8,000+); mononucleosis (15,000+); leukemia- “Cancer of the blood” (50,000+)

  8. Platelets (Thrombocytes) • Cell parts (no nuclei); produced in the marrow; last 10 days; function in clotting; 130,000-350,000/drop of blood • Blood Typing: • Antigen (protein on RBC surface); Antibody (protein in plasma) • Based on agglutination (clumping) • A (antigen A/antibody B); B (antigen B/antibody A); AB (antigens A,B/No antibodies); O (No antigens/A,B antibodies) • Universal Donor (O) Universal Recipient (AB) • Rh Factor: Rhesus monkey; Erythroblastosis Fetalis (“blue baby”): problem with father (+) and mother (-); baby #1 (+); mother with (+) antibodies cause clumping of RBC of baby #2 (+) • Transplants: immunosuppressants • AIDS: destruction of WBC and T cells

  9. Circulatory Conditions • Pericarditis:inflammation of the pericardium • Angina: a warning; pain in left arm/chest; coronary blood vessels are narrowed • Myocardial Infarction: a heart attack; pain in chest/left arm; heart tissue lacks O2 (damaged) • Congestive Heart Failure: weak heart; Blood moves slowly through kidneys; Fluid builds up in lungs/ankles • Flutter: fast beat (regular) • Fibrillation: fast beat (irregular) • Arteriosclerosis:arteries blocked with cholesterol • Aneurysm:wall of artery weakened • Phlebitis:swollen vein

  10. Varicose Veins:valves in leg veins leak blood • Bruise:broken capillaries • Hypertension:high blood pressure • Thrombus: a blood clot • Embolus: a blood clot traveling through the bloodstream • Murmur:heart valves leak blood • Pus: WBC + infection + dead skin cells • Mononucleosis:swollen glands; tired; 15,000 WBC • Leukemia: “cancer of the blood”; 50,000 WBC • Anemia: tired; lack of O2 in blood; less than 5 mil. RBC • Sickle Cell Anemia: genetic; Afro American pop.; RBC looks like a banana; tired; crippling • Agglutination:clumping of blood cells; typing

  11. CO poisoning:exhaust from cars, old furnaces; colorless; odorless; tasteless; invisible; Hemoglobin with greaterattraction to CO than to O2; lapse into coma • Stroke: not enough O2 to the brain • Erythroblastosis Fetalis:“blue baby”; RBC of second baby (+) deformed; RBC cannot hold enough O2; father (+) X mother (-) and first baby (+) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- • EKG: a recording of electrical beats of the heart • Stethoscope: an instrument for listening to heart sounds

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