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UNEP’s Adaptation Program

UNEP’s Adaptation Program. Keith Alverson keith.alverson@unep.org www.unep.org/climatechange/adaptation /. Building Resilience to Climate Change through Ecosystem based Adaptation IUCN Congress, Workshop 812 Jeju , Korea 7 September, 2012. Global CO2 emissions hit record in 2010.

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UNEP’s Adaptation Program

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Presentation Transcript

  1. UNEP’s Adaptation Program Keith Alverson keith.alverson@unep.org www.unep.org/climatechange/adaptation/ Building Resilience to Climate Change through Ecosystem based Adaptation IUCN Congress, Workshop 812 Jeju, Korea 7 September, 2012

  2. Global CO2 emissions hit record in 2010 • International Energy Agency 30 May 2011 • CO2 emissions reached a record high in 2010 • Rate of increase also a record • 80% of projected power sector 2020 emissions “locked in”

  3. Global CO2 emissions hit record in 2011 • IEA 24 May 2012: • 2011 Global CO2emissions the highest ever recorded, despite offsetting falls in the United States and Europe. • CO2emissions rose by 3.2 percent to 31.6 billion tons

  4. Climate Change Adaptationwww.unep.org/climatechange/adaptation/ • Develop a Global Adaptation Network • Demonstrate Ecosystem Based Adaptation • Facilitate National Access to Adaptation Funding • Support Program of Research in Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (www.provia-climatechange.org)

  5. www.GANadapt.org

  6. Target Audiences • Adaptation practitioners, experts and policy makers • Communities affected by climate change • Existing adaptation networks and knowledge initiatives

  7. Regional Networks Three operational Regional Networks: • REGATTA (Regional Gateway for Technology Transfer and Climate Change Action) in LAC Region • APAN (Asia Pacific Adaptation Network) • WARN-CC (West Asia Regional Network on Climate Change) One under development: - Africa Adaptation Knowledge Network

  8. Products and Outreach

  9. UNEP Adaptation Flagship

  10. Multiple Threats Warming – Acidification – Agricultural Runoff – Fishing – Tourism Multiple Benefits Climate Resilience - Ecosystem Services - Biodivesity

  11. The three little pigs Reducing their vulnerability with bricks and mortar

  12. Sediment and Dams in Sudan

  13. Sediment and Dams in Sudan

  14. Durban COP17 An example of multiple benefits to ecosystem based approaches from the downtown waterfront

  15. Multilateral Funds for Adaptation MIE NIE

  16. Selected BilateralProjects

  17. EbA Policy Brief

  18. Purpose, Audience, Timeline • To help national governments assess how investing in Ecosystem-based Adaptation techniques as an integral part of broader adaptation strategies can build resilience and reduce vulnerability to climate change impacts. • Targeting National level decision makers: Heads of Governments, Ministers, Policy development officials, Departments and Agencies working on developing national climate adaptation plans. • Currently ‘in press’ with broad agency inputs and community feedback. For release at UNFCCC COP19 in Doha, November 2012.

  19. Decision Support Framework • Final draft ‘Protoype’ completed 30 March 2012 • Invitation for field testing & further development – using existing/new project as platforms • Development of training package and courses • Testing in collaboration with GEF/LDCF projects and UNEP EbA projects • Launch late 2012 (COP18) • Input to NAPAs and NAPs

  20. Thank You….

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