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Global and Local D imension of Civil S ociety . Edyta Pietrzak The University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz Department of Political Sciences. STEP 1: What civil society is ? STEP 2: Does global civil society really exist ? STEP 3: SMALL PROJECT. STEP 1: What civil society is ?.
Global and Local Dimension of Civil Society EdytaPietrzak The University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz Department of Political Sciences
STEP 1: Whatcivilsocietyis? STEP 2: Doesglobalcivilsocietyreallyexist? STEP 3: SMALL PROJECT
Definitions of civilsociety? • Civil societies are characterized by existence of autonomous organizations and institutions that represent people’s free will. – Ralph Darendorf • Civil society exists where there are independent associations (respected by the government). - Charles Taylor • Civil society is a space where people associated freelyin nets of relationships connected to family, business, ideology, interests in order to fill this space. - Michael Walzer
Liberal philosophy identify civil society with: • rule of law; • limited, divided and sovereign political power; • individual’s freedoms of: • speech, • association, • economical activity, • private property. • J. Locke, Dwa Traktaty o Rządzie, Księga II, rozdz. VII-IX, paragraph 77-142, PWN, Warsaw 1992.
Transparency of the Public Sphere • Rationality of the Public Sphere (public reasonabless) • Public Opinion • PoliticalParticipation
Civilsociety and the decisionmakingprocess • Civil society is part of the relations between citizens who for the common good participate in public sphere by taking part in the decision making process. • A. De Toqueville, O demokracji w Ameryce, tom 1, Znak, Krakow 1996.
Globalization • Globalization means abstractive and non institutional, political, social, economical, cultural and demographic processes that do not depend on geographical location.Giddens, The Consequences of Modernity, Stanford University Press, Stanford,1990. HOMOGENICAL PERSPECTIVE (F. Fukuyama) • Global vilage • Westernizations • McDonaldization HETEROGENICAL PERSPECTIVE (S.Huntington) • Indigenization • Creolization • Glocalization
Problems and consequences of globalization • The development of technology and communications • The development of consumerism • Migration of population • Mass tourism • New opportunities for the development of less developed countries • The increase of differences in the economic development of states • International cooperation • Creating a global arena for organized crime • The crisis of national-states • Difficulties in the construction of identity
GLOCALIZATION The only one perspective for describing globalization is local perspective - Roland Robertson • Locality and globality are not a cultural oppositions, but rather a principles which penetrate each other. • THINK GLOBALLY AND ACT LOCALLY
Global civil society • World Wide Web • Networks create new social morphology and new type of social structure - Manuel Castells • Public space is a dynamic and nonlinear structure • There is no longer just one actor – state- but there are many actors that cooperate, work independently or even get into conflict. • J. N. Rosenau, Governance in Globalizing Space, w: J. Pierre, Debating Governace. Authority, Steering and Democracy, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2000.
Global civil society forms multilevel thick interconnected space individuals companiesevents social movements various communities celebrities intellectualsthink tankscharities lobbies protest movements web sites trade unions employers’ federations international commissions sport organizations
Global civil society • relationships and social dynamics • local communities connected with a global network • peaceful attitude against violence and lack of tolerance
What do we need? • Politicalcomitment • Politicalpassion • Ethics of care (not onlyethics of justice) • Rising of civilawernes • Civileducation
Campaign Spread Across the Planet on 14 February 2013 • Tens of Thousands of Events Held in 207 Countries Global civil society- case study V-Day’s ONE BILLION RISING Biggest Global Action EverTo End Violence Against Women and Girls
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76Qinv3Q2fo • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcHRPL7HP7Y • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUyrOKRjm34 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi7XDB6NqAA • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxBZ4Q5vHEY • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQnGXikFJRY • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn4klZChdV8
In small groups: • choose the idea what could improve the world (10 minutes) • Present its main thesis, justify it, suggest how to implement it • (60 seconds)