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Telec ommunications and I nformation S ociety D evelopment during 2007 - 2012. M.sci. Nedžad Rešidbegović Dubrovnik, 22-23 November 2008. BH Telecom development during 1996 - 2007. Mobile GSM. Mobile BB/ 3G-HSPA. Expansion of Mobile Prepaid. Service Provider development.
Telecommunications and Information Society Developmentduring 2007 - 2012 M.sci. Nedžad Rešidbegović Dubrovnik, 22-23 November 2008
BH Telecom development during 1996 - 2007 Mobile GSM Mobile BB/ 3G-HSPA Expansion of Mobile Prepaid Service Provider development GPRS & EDGE FMC 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Fixed network ISP& Data network Separation of Post & Telecom Liberalization of Telecom market Fixed BB/ADSL
Following European and other worldwide initiatives • Government on-line initiative G7, (1995), • eEurope Action Plan (Feira, 2000, Lisbon at the level of Prime Ministers of European Union member-states), • Europe+ plan2002 for the informatisation of countries in the process of candidacy for accession into the European Union, • a global world initiative for the Information Society Development under the auspices of United Nations and the Millennium Development Goals agreed by nearly 190 countries at the United Nations Millennium Summit in September 2000, • “i2010”, strategy for European Information Society for “growth and employment ”, and other international initiatives;
The clear vison of the future development of SEE Countries • Development of Information Society : • - Is fundamental to the rapid development of the region, • Is a vehicle for integration with the European Union, • Provides a foundation for cooperation in the region; • The responsibility of the countries of the region is for creation offavorable environment for development of the Information Society for all; • The individual member countries has bilateral obligations and commitments with the European Union, especially in the field of information society and media.
Personal Mobile Broadband Cable DSL 3G LTE 3G UMTS-HSPA EV-DO RevA/B 2G GPRS, 1XRTT On the Road to Personal Mobile Broadband 4G 3.0 Mobile WiMAX 802.16e WiMAX 802.16d Fiber 2.0 MunicipalCommunity Wi-Fi Mesh Mbps. Speed Broadband 1.0 Pre-WiMAX Broadband Wireless Wi-Fi Hot Spots .5 Fixed Portable Roaming Nomadic Mobile
Development of the Information Society in the SEEC • Stability Pact eSEE Initiative was help in harmonisation and • organization for adopting folowing documents: • eSEE Initiative, Statement of Intent adopted signed in Ljubljana on 4 June 2002; • eSEE Agenda for Development of the ISsigned in Belgrade on 29 Oct. 2002 : Telecommunications for Development; • Joint Statement of intent to build inclusive IS-Information Societysigned in Budapest on 27 February 2004; • Ministerial Conclusions and Memorandum of Understanding for Unified Regional Broadband signed in Thessaloniki, 1 July 2005; • The SEE Agenda Plus (2007-2012), accepted in Sarajevo 2007,is frame for development SEEC towards an “Information Society”;
Strategic framework of IS Development for the SEE is determined for 2007-2012: • - Based on thei2010 – as general framework for IS development; • - Defining priorities in “i2010 – framework”, but within the specific environment and priorities of SEE for “IS development policies”: • A) Development of a Single SEE Information Space which promotes an open market for IS&Media, moving to a common EU Information Space in terms of interoperability; • B) Strengthening Innovation and Investment in ICT Research and Education, working with the private sector to promote growth and more and better jobs; • C) Achieving an Inclusive Information Society that promotes growth and jobs that is consistent, sustainable development and that prioritizes better public services and quality of life.
General Aspects of Convergence Motivations & three aspects for convergence Type of convergence Industry Service Convergence Device Convergence End User Network Convergence Technology
PSTN PSTN CS Domain CS Domain Future network IMS Radio Access Network Radio Access Network PS Domain PS Domain Terminal Internet VoIP terminal Internet VoIP terminal PSTN Introducing IMS CS Domain IMS Radio Access Network PS Domain SIP-enabled terminal SIP-enabled terminal (e.g. WLAN) Internet SGSN GMSC IMS core GGSN Apps G/W IMS core MSC SGSN MSC GMSC SGSN GGSN MSC Apps G/W GMSC GGSN Evolution from traditional CS to the IP Network optimising VoIP performance Current Network
The following list of objectives to be accomplishing by the end of 2012 • SINGLE SEE INFORMATION SPACE • A1. Availability of high speed broadband networks and secure services: • a) Increase penetration of broadband services in • telecommunication to reach 50% of EU average by 2010; • b) Establish regional high-bandwidth backbone by 2009; • c) Establish national Internet exchange centers by 2009 • d) Establish national computer emergency response centers • and starting the exchange of information by end 2008. • e) Agree on a common subset of benchmarking and i2010 indicators of the development of information society by 2008.
SINGLE SEE INFORMATION SPACE – part 2 A2. Development and accessibility of rich online content and transfer from conventional format; a) Aggregate demand for domestic content by 2009; a1. Define national/regional priorities for local rich content; a2. Provide Internet usage and content availability; a3. Develop interactive contents in the official languages; b) Follow European Safer Internet Plus practice by 2011; b1. Fighting illegal content through public support; b2. Raising safer Internet awareness among teachers, parents.. b3. Limiting unwanted and harmful content through content rating, filtering technology and fighting spam; b4. Promoting a safer environment through Safer Internet Forum.
SINGLE SEE INFORMATION SPACE – part 3 A3. Interoperability in accordance with the EU Framework; a) Adopt national interoperability framework, by 2008. A4. Harmonization of rules for Information Society & Media; a) Adopt converging broadcasting policies, by end 2008; b) Adopt efficient radio spectrum management strategy on the national level for the future needs by end 2008. A5. National/regional electronic identity management; a) Establish National Root CAs by mid 2009; b) Establish regional CA trusts Centers by mid 2010; c) Recognising the effort to negotiate a single free trade area (CEFTA) for SEE to create the environment for electronic Single- Window for int. and electronic trade documents in cooperation with UNECE, the WB and other organizations by 2010.
Connectivity Anywhere Broadband Anywhere Content Anywhere Communicate Anywhere Collaborate Anywhere Print Anywhere Services Monitor Anywhere Applications Anywhere
B) INNOVATION AND INVESTMENT IN ICT RESEARCH AND EDUCATION B1. Computers and access to Internet in all schools; a) Every school should have a computer laboratory and internet connection by the end of 2009; b) Number of pupils per computers should be less than 20, by end of 2010; c) Broadband Internet access should be made available in all schools, by the end of 2010, with proper regulatory framework. B2. Curriculum for ICT skills; a) Make ICT curricula mandatory on all education levels, especially in elementary schools, by end 2008. b) Implement across the region uniform standards for minimum of ICT skills, by 2009.
B) INNOVATION AND INVESTMENT – part 2 B3. Establish vocational training in ICT; a) Fund life-long learning programs for adults by 2010; b) Develop programs for continuous learning of government officials in the sphere of contemporary ICT by mid 2010. B4. Further development of national academic and research networks and improvement of regional interconnection; a) Support and fund local academic networks and professional organizations to implement the regional and local ICT research by end 2008; b) Create an open, national database of research professionals and institutions by the beginning of 2009; c) Establish national/regional competence center for OSS policy by mid 2008 d) Measure & track intellectual capacity in IT industry by 2009.
WAP GW MMC SMS-C HLR VPN E2E Service Assurance APN/route Radio Access Managing the End-to-End ServiceAssurance Network Management mainly equipmentand application oriented. Clients Content Content Servers Communication Control Is Service Up? MediaGateways Backbone Network Service Management Monitoring and provisioningof end-user services froma connection and application perspective Access Access Access Clients Service Is Up!
Interworking Function SS7 IP CSCF MRF NGN View: Evolution, not Revolution Layered architecture with clean interfacesAligns with NGN reference model OSA/ Parlay Gateway SIPAS SCP CAP WIN INAP Service Aplication Layer SIP Diameter OCS CCF HLR MAP Charging HSS PAM Diameter Diameter IMS Core Control layer MGCF SIGTRAN SIP Megaco Interworking Function SGW SS7 IP MGW ISUP Transport / Access Layer WLAN 2.5G SCN 3G SCN 3G 2.5G
C) INCLUSIVE INFORMATION SOCIETY C1. Access to technology and equal opportunities; a) Adopt the national Action Plans for e-Accessibility by 2009; b) Reach the minimal 50% of Internet penetration by 2010; C2. ICT enabled public services and e-Government issues; a) Adopt the national Action Plans for e-Government by 2009; b) Introduce the set of basic e-Government services by 2011; c) Introduce central e-Government systems & portal by 2010; C3. Fostering the development of e-Business; a) The countries shall develop a strategy for e-business based on the Regional Guidelines developed by UNECE and adopted in Thessaloniki on 1st July 2005; b) In order to prevent the brain-drain and foster the successful ICT business climate, the SEEC will take measures by 2009;
C4. Digital libraries and heritage; a) National Programs for Digitalization & access to digitalsystems of Libraries will be adopted by the end of 2008; b) Programs of digitalization of the Cultural and Historic Heritage will commence by 2009. C5. e-Participation and e-Democracy; a) All decisions that require public discussion, as well as their drafts, will be available for online discussion by 2009; b) There will be a significant increase in participation of citizens and business, as a part of e-Government services, by 2009. c) Action Plans for implementation of ICT in electoral process and implementation of electronic vote will be adopted by 2012.
Reviewing long term vision and strategy cyclices Year N N+1 N+2 N+3 N+4 N+5 N+6 N+7 … Long term vision definiton & review process (on going / background) Long Term Vision report Long Term Vision report Long Term Vision report Annual strategy review process. Latest long term vision = foundation Each year an annual strategy document …............... Long Term Vision report provides 5-year visionary outlook including analysis / underpinning. Content should have broad recognition amongst the membership to foster members’ active support.
Based on his role and the eSEE Agenda processes, the governments of SEEC will take actions through: • Organization through establishment of an institutional framework for ICT-based society; • Legislation through introduction of new and modification of the existinglegislative frameworksfor ICT-based society; • Regulation, policy and strategy related to electronic communications infrastructureand associated services; • Promotionthrough encouragement ofcivil society,non-governmental organizations,eGovernance, eLearning, eHealth, eDemocracy, eGovernance Center for SEE and other activities; • e-Economyfor growth, productivity and employment; • Inclusiveness through providing citizens with theaccess and skillsneeded to live and work in the new information society.
IP-Based Broadband Network Implementing the Next Generation Broadband IP Networks will Mobilize the Extended Enterprise E to E B to C B to B C to C M to M
Thanks & Discussion Nedzad.residbegovic@bhtelecom.ba