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Letter 306 P.518 To Father Matthieu Menaide 3 rd December 1839 Cure at Saint-Nizier Lyon Rhone.

Letter 306 P.518 To Father Matthieu Menaide 3 rd December 1839 Cure at Saint-Nizier Lyon Rhone. And Text of Contract for the Denuziere Orphanage. 1. - SITUATIONS REVEALED BY THE LETTER.

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Letter 306 P.518 To Father Matthieu Menaide 3 rd December 1839 Cure at Saint-Nizier Lyon Rhone.

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  1. Letter 306 P.518 To Father Matthieu Menaide 3rd December 1839 Cure at Saint-Nizier Lyon Rhone. And Text of Contract for the Denuziere Orphanage

  2. 1. - SITUATIONS REVEALED BY THE LETTER. Consequent to two brothers being sent to Genas, 1835, Fr Menaide, parish priest of St Nizier requested brothers for the orphanage that he was planning to open. Champagnat replied in a letter of 1839 promising him brothers, but only sometime in the following year, and informing him of the agreement drawn up with the administrators of the orphanages. “It would be very inconvenient for us to send you the brothers you are asking for immediately. If it were possible for you to put off carrying out your pious project until Easter, you would get us out of a very awkward situation. However, we would not want to upset your fine plans too much. We are awaiting your reply in this matter.”

  3. Br Avit 1835– Lyons. The Brothers took over the running of a hospice for young orphans founded by M. Denuzière. 4 Brothers – 46 children. [605] 1837 – [Lyons][1]. A hospice of the same kind for the parish of Saint Nizier was also entrusted to the Brothers. 2 Brothers – 6 children. 1835 Chronologie Fondations : Genas (Isère), Lyon (Providence Denuzière), Pélussin (Loire), St-Didier-sur-Rochefort (Loire). L'Institut compte alors 140 sujets, dont 80 Frères dans les écoles. [1]This establishment is not mentioned in the other lists that we possess. No doubt it was Br Avit who added it, but wrongly, for the Brothers took charge of that house only in 1840. See Letters of Fr. Ch., Letter 306, pp. 518-521.

  4. Chronologie Fondations : 1837 dans la Loire : Firminy et Perreux ; dans l'Ardèche : La Voulte ; dans le Rhône : Saint-Nizier (Lyon) ; dans l'Ain : Thoissey. Le poste de Vienne est fermé ; de même, celui de Sorbiers (Loire), mais celui-ci sera rouvert en 1844. Pendant cette année, le P. Champagnat reçoit un grand nombre de demandes de fondations; il pourra écrire : "66 curés ou maires nous demandent des Frères". La route de St-Chamond à Lavalla est terminée en 1837. L'Hermitage perd un peu de sa grande tranquillité

  5. Department of the Isère (Br Avit) [610] 1835 – Genas. The commune has just built a beautiful house for the school. The 200 francs fixed by the law, the monthly fees and the generosity of Mme Rouvier make up the income of the establishment. 3 Brothers – 110 pupils. Chronologie P.45 (no mention of the St Nizier establishment) 11 déc. : Le R. F. François s'adresse au Père Cholle­ton, s.m. à qui le P. Colin a confié la branche des Frères, pour l'informer que l'évêque de Valence voudrait voir re­prendre les démarches en vue de la réunion des Frères de Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux aux Frères de Marie. "Mgr se­rait enchanté de cette union". (C I, 338-340) ( No mention of foundations here for 1840 ) 1841 13 janv. : Les archevêques de Lyon et de Paris, ainsi que le cardinal d'Arras invitent le R. F. François à re­prendre les démarches en vue de l'autorisation légale de la Congrégation des Petits Frères de Marie. Fort de cet encouragement, le R. Frère écrit à tous les évêques des diocèses, où sont nos Frères, pour en obtenir des lettres de recommandation à cet effet. (RCLA 1, 279)

  6. From Letters . Volume 1 P 518 Paul Sester • Not easy to say with any degree of certitude exactly what work is being referred to here. • According to the copy it was sent to the parish priest of Saint Nizier in Lyons. Fr Menaide. • Br Avit informs us that “ The Orphanage of St Nizier, Lyons, was founded by Fr Desrsoier, the priest of that parish. • But in the annals of St Nizier he himself wrote “At the time of which we are speaking Fr Menaide was parish priest at St Nizier.’ • Are we dealing here with St Nizier or another enterprise. • Most likely St Nizier but that Br Avit has the date wrong. • Because why would Fr Menaide want to have two orphanages • And why would Champagnat send him a copy of the contract since he presumably was already aware of it. • We think that here we are simply dealing with the orphanage of St Nizier which the brother opened during 1840 and not in 1837.

  7. 2. - SUPPLEMENTARY DATA ABOUT THE PEOPLE INVOLVED In 1834 Fr Matthieu Menaide was named parish priest of St Nizier in Lyons. He wrote to Fr Champagnat requesting two brothers for the town of Genas. Fr Champagnat sent two brothers the same year. “He was a holy priest and esteemed throughout the city. It was he who with his own money and that which his excellent and wealthy parishioners gave him, founded the orphanage.” (Br Avit) Letters Vol 1 P.519 “Fr Menaide” says Br Avit, “often came to see them (the brothers) and enjoyed being with them. This good priest tried to make sure that they never lacked for anything.” Letters Vol 2 P.395 Br Avit did not know the name of the first director but the second in 1840 is named as Br Alexandre

  8. Fr Mathieu Menaide Born August 15th 1782 in Bard, Loire. Ordained 14th April 1805 First assignment curate St Paul Lyons 1811 Napoleon I ordered his Ministry for Worship to drive the Sulpicians out of the seminaries. A new staff with Fr Menaide as econome took over at the beginning of 1812. He replaced Fr Cattet when he became Vicar of Viviers, at Saint-Andre in Tarare. He fought against the closure of an established clerical juniorate. 29th November 1834 was named the parish priest of Saint Nizier in Lyons. 26th June 1835 Requested two brothers as teachers for Genas district of Meyzieu arrondissement of Vienne. Rescued families in the flood of 1840 at great danger to himself.

  9. The Église Saint-Nizier (St. Nizier Church) is a Flamboyant Gothic church built during the 14th and 15th centuries. Located at the heart of the Presqu’île, this church was originally erected in memory of the early Christian martyrs of Lyon. The building of St. Nizier began in 1303, but the church was not consecrated until 1407. The brick steeple was added during the 15th century and its portal was erected during the Renaissance era. Additions to St. Nizier Church continued for centuries. Its vaults were rebuilt in the 18th century and finally its second steeple was erected in the 19th century.

  10. The text of the Contract which accompanies this letter is from that of the orphanage in Chemin-Neuf or Denuziere which was started in 1835 but according to Br Paul Sester is not the orphanage in question here. It seems as though Br Avit has the date incorrect in thinking that this letter refers to the orphanage at Denuziere. See Letters Vol 1 P.518.

  11. 3. - ATTITUDES OF MARCELLIN. Courteous If it were possible for you to put off carrying out your pious project However, we would not want to upset your fine plans too much but realistic. “It would be very inconvenient for us you would get us out of a very awkward situation Pragmatic We are transcribing textually for you the contracts which were made between us and the administrators of the orphanage[1]; they can be the basis for the agreement which should put us in a position to work together at the good work you are planning. At the time of the foundation of an establishment, we require a one-time payment to the motherhouse of 400 francs per capita for each of the brothers sent there. It has never been less possible for us to give in on this point. in view of the great expenses incurred by the motherhouse, you will not raise any difficulties on this point. as well as idealistic and apostolic. put us in a position to work together at the good work you are planning.

  12. 4. MENTALITY OF MARCELLIN OVER CERTAIN TOPICS. • A willingness to support and promote a venture that is especially sympathetic to the work of the Brothers. • Art. I Fr. Champagnat will provide brothers of his Institute, in the number requested by the Administrative Council, for the instruction of the orphans; for the moment, this number is set at three. • Art. 3 In their direction of the establishment, the said brothers will be subject to the decisions, instructions and regulations given them by the Administration and which will not be contrary to the Rules of their Institute. • A sense of justice and practicality over the placement and finances of the brothers. • Father, please study the different articles of this agreement and give us your opinion on them.

  13. A perceptive judgment initiating a contract that provides safety and wellbeing of all parties concerned. • Art. 2 The brothers called to the establishment will be given their food, laundry, footwear (shoes only), have the use of the house linen, and will receive in addition a fixed annual salary of 300 francs for the Brother Director and 200 francs for each of the other brothers • Art. 4 All their time is to be dedicated to carrying out the functions entrusted to them, without giving any of it to occupations foreign to the interests of the establishment. They will devote their zeal, their work and all their efforts, without having any right to the profits coming from the workshops. • Pastoral Care of Orphans • Art. 5 They will show truly fatherly concern for the orphans, supervise their religious and moral conduct with the greatest care, endeavor to inspire them with love of work, govern them with gentleness and firmness, intelligence and wisdom, always try to bring them back to their duties by using affection and persuasion before having recourse to severity, and in correcting them, they will never allow themselves to strike them.

  14. 5. - BIBLICAL REMINISCENCES Mark 10:14 “When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Matthew 7:24 “The Wise and Foolish Builders "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Matthew 24:45 "Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time?”

  15. 6. - PHRASES THAT IMPACT YOU. • “We would not want to upset your fine plans to much.” • “The agreement which should put us in a position to work together at the good work you are planning.” • “If it suits you..” • “I hope that as much out of charity as of justice..” • Articles of the Agreement: • “In their direction of the establishment, the said brothers will be subject to the decisions, instructions and regulations given them by the Administration and which will not be contrary to the Rules of their Institute.” • Art. 5 “They will show truly fatherly concern for the orphans, supervise their religious and moral conduct with the greatest care, endeavor to inspire them with love of work, govern them with gentleness and firmness, intelligence and wisdom, always try to bring them back to their duties by using affection and persuasion before having recourse to severity, and in correcting them, they will never allow themselves to strike them.”

  16. 7. - PERSONAL REFLECTIONS • I enjoy the enthusiasm, the concern Marcellin shows for the project, for Fr Matthieu and for the Brothers. • I enjoy the practical details, the contract and attention to finances that he displays. • I like the spirit of cooperation and eagerness to promote the work of the Church and his friendship towards Fr Matthieu. • I appreciate that the contract expressly forbids that the Brothers strike a child and that should there be any grounds for complaint against a brother he will be withdrawn for the enterprise.Champagnat expressly forbad the use of corporal punishment. ( See Teachers’ Guide P29ff: ) • I find it difficult to understand that corporal punishment was commonly used in our schools in New Zealand.

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