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Region 2 Works Council. CTE Pathways for high value/high demand employment verticals. Assumptions. Focus is on pathways in Career Technical Education (CTE) in high value/high demand job categories; unskilled, low pay job categories are not the focus of Regional Works Councils
Region 2 Works Council CTE Pathways for high value/high demand employment verticals
Assumptions • Focus is on pathways in Career Technical Education (CTE) in high value/high demand job categories; unskilled, low pay job categories are not the focus of Regional Works Councils • County-level models provided represent our current best thinking, although much work continues and needs to continue to refine our recommendations • Each county is in process of engaging Economic Development officials, employers, school corporations Career Centers, Adult Education Partners, Ivy Tech, others to create and maintain seamless CTE pathways
Assumptions • While we are a region, primary industries and workforces vary greatly by county—initial creation of pathways will be by county and we will consolidate regionally where there are overlaps and opportunities for operational efficiencies
Potential New Bodies and their Roles • County Employer Councils • A countywide group of employers representing companies that offer high value/high demand jobs • Group provides guidance and feedback on curriculum and helps engage other employers; evaluates results of efforts • County “Neutral Conveners” (may be combined with above) • Recommended in CPEG Talent Road Map • Existing examples include OrthoWorx, Horizon Educational Alliance, county Economic Development organizations, CPEG (or some combination) • Provides coordination between employer council and education providers; convenes regular meetings to validate and adjust pathways
Role of Regional Works Council • Maintain regional data and record of pathways • Evaluate implementation across region • Create and keep “scorecard” regarding outputs (students who qualify for and enter high value/high demand jobs) • Identify and advocate for necessary policy and legislative changes to enable best function of Career Technical Education pathways
Other Definitions(explanations of terms that follow) • Career Exploration • A function within school corporations that is responsible for engaging with employers to provide students with awareness of careers within region through in-class speakers, facility tours, career fairs and other creative, engaging programs • Career Counseling • Separate from Guidance Counseling function and dedicated to CTE pathways • Works directly with students and parentsto understand interests and capabilities • Helps define for students educational pathway options and work-based experiences (job shadowing, internships, etc.) • Collaborates with Career Exploration function to engage employers to demonstrate value of involvement and support
Other Definitions(explanations of terms that follow) • Project Lead the Way (PLTW) • National STEM education organization; implemented in many local schools; focus on project-based learning, strong curriculum, teacher professional development, support network • Levels of programs • Launch—Elementary School • Gateway to Technology—Middle School • Engineering—High School • Biomedical Sciences—High School • Computer Science—High School • Region 2 grant program, announced March 1, enables all schools, all grades to implement Project Lead The Way
Other Definitions(explanations of terms that follow) • HIRE Technology • Developed by Conexus and Ivy Tech, course that provides broad understanding of principles and skills needed in manufacturing and logistics careers • Dream It. Do It. • Originally developed by National Association of Manufacturers, uses a variety of promotional and educational tools to demonstrate to student and parents the attractiveness of manufacturing and related careers; managed in Indiana by Conexus • Post PSAT Remediation • Program in development to use PSAT test scores to identify students who need an intervention while in high school to qualify for dual credit in school and at graduation for entry into Ivy Tech • Ivy Tech currently provides remediation for 70% of all students in order to qualify them for further education
County-by-County Models • Targeted high value/high demand “verticals”—job categories that require similar preparation for success • “Elements for a Productive Pathway” form our recommended courses/programs for seamless pathways that lead to targeted jobs • Each of these county models is dynamic and will continue to be refined • (attached to report as Excel documents)
Policy Recommendations Needed for Implementation • Potential changes to school day time requirements • Consider the relative merits of the Core 40 with Technical Honors diploma versus a Career Technical diploma with unique requirements • Creation of dual credits or application of industry certifications where absent from existing programs • Creation of/funding Career Exploration position within schools • Creation of/funding for Career Counseling function within schools • Creation of/funding for incentives for students who receive certifications and dual credits • Creation of/funding for employers who fully engage (provide curriculum input as well as job shadowing, internships, preferred interviewing, etc.)
What’s Underway Now • Agreement on approach • Identification of a focused and finite number of Verticals through use of existing data, likely through engagement with county Economic Development organizations or other bodies that have already evaluated high value/high demand job categories • Build out of pathways with foundation courses/programs (Career Exploration, Career Counseling, HIRE Technology, Project Lead the Way) • Identification of Works Council members responsible for county report • Refinement of Verticals and “Elements of a Productive Pathway” for each Vertical • Identification of potential Employer Council members • Identification of potential organization to serve as Neutral Observer • Submit recommendations regarding above to CECI March 15, 2014 • Finalize approach and submit strategic plan to CECI July 1, 2014