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Cyberbullying. The internet has created a new world for people from alla parts of the world to meet , connect and exchange information Unfortunately , it has also created another opportunity for bullying .
Cyberbullying • The internet has created a new world for people from alla parts of the worldtomeet, connect and exchange information Unfortunately, it has alsocreatedanotheropportunity for bullying. • Peoplecanuse the internet tosendembarrassing, hurtful and threatening messages. These actions caninflictserious harm on the kids and adultstheyvictimize.
Different waystobully on the internet • Sending mails or instant messages containing insults or threatsdirectlyto a person. • Buildningwhole websites, oftenwithpasswordprotection, totargetspecific students or teachers • Postingembarrassingphotos or videos ofsomeonewithouttheir permission • Stealingpasswords and sendingoutthreateningemails or Instant messages using an assumedidentity • Moderators or peoplewith a high reputation or status on forums, canalsobully by abusingtheirpowers and therebyattracting a largecrowdoffollowerssincetheyhave a high reputation and the rest of the forum memberswanttokeep in with the moderator or simplybecausethey’reafraidthattheycould be targetednextiftheydon’tsubmitto the bullying
Cyberbullying has beguntoincrease in Sweden lately • Reasons: Basicallyeveryone has access to a smartphone or computer thesedays • It’seasierto insult someone on the internet since; • 1. Somepeopledon’thave the guts to do it in real life • 2. Youcan get awaywith it easiersinceyou’reanonymousand peopledon’tknowyourtrueidentity in some sites. • 3. Security; A computerscreencan’t hit you, so for verbal bulliesthis is the perfect alternative
Swedish caseofcyberbullying • Stina Johansson • The bullyingbeganwhenshestartedhighshool • Herclassmatesstartedtauntingher, shetoldherteacherwhich led toherclassmatesscallingher a ”snitch”. As a reslutof not beingabletobullyher in schoolwhere the teacherskept an eye on the situation, the classmatescontinued the bullying online instead
Hertormentorsstartedwritingspitefulcommentsabouther on Facebook • As soon as someonewrotesomethingmean, the rest ofherclassmatesclicked on the ”like this” button • Theythreatenedher not totellanyone • Eventually, herclassmatesstarted a ”Wehate Stina Johansson” group on facebook • Herparentsreported the facebookgroup on the site, butnothinghappened. Theyfinallyreported it to the police. Still, nothinghappened. • When Aftonbladet (the newspaperthatinterviewed Stina) contactedFacebooks representative in Sweden, Jan Fredriksson, the groupwasclosed.
Amanda Todd • Sheposted a video on youtubeabout a weekbeforeshekilledherselfwheresheused a series of flash cardstotellofherexperiencesbeingbullied-the video has received over 1,600, 000 views • The caseof the fifteenyearold whocomittedsuicide has receivedconsiderable media attention around the world • Thisamericanteenagerkilledherself as a reslutofcyberbullying • To make a long story short; Todd usedtowebcamwithcompletestrangers on the internet. Onedayshedecidesto show her private parts on the web cam, whichleadsto the video circulating on the internet a weekafter the incident. • Sheexperiencedanxiety, panic disorders and depression becauseofthis. • Familymovedtoanother city • Shecreated a FB page wheresheused the topless photo as herprofile page
Her new classmatesstartedteasingher as a result • Shebegan meeting an old guygfriend on the internet. Onething led toanother and beforesheknew it the friend’s girlfriend attacked heroutsideschoolalongwithherfriends. Theyshouted insults and pushedherto the ground. Todd triedcomittingsuicide by drinkingbleach • Whenshereturnedhome from the hospital shereceivedabusive messages aboutherfailedsuicideattempt on Facebook • Herfamilymovedagain • Shestartedtoengage in self-mutilation • On the 10 October 2012 shewasfoundhanged in herroom • To thisday, she’s still receivinghateful messages on herfacebookpage
5 waystoPreventCyberbullying • -If you’rebeingbullied on a site or receiveshateful messages virtually, don’tanswerthem!!! Simplyresist the urgetorespond • -Tell a teacher or a parent • -Never post personal information (adress, phonenumber, the nameofyour sports team, et cetera) • - Don’t be gullible (youcan never be sure whoyouarecommunicatingwith on the internet) • -Save the messages that the cyberbully sent you. Saved messages equalsevidence, evidenceequals an end ofbullying. The police, website or internet service provider will be abletousethese messages to block an account or bringcriminalcharges ifnecessary.