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First English Lutheran Church 94 Long Street Ashville, Ohio 43103

First English Lutheran Church 94 Long Street Ashville, Ohio 43103. Worship Information Sunday Worship Service 10:00 A.M. Sunday School September – May Pastor Marie Duquette Church 740-983-2641. The Mission of First English Lutheran Church is:

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First English Lutheran Church 94 Long Street Ashville, Ohio 43103

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  1. First English Lutheran Church 94 Long Street Ashville, Ohio 43103 Worship Information Sunday Worship Service 10:00 A.M. Sunday School September – May Pastor Marie Duquette Church 740-983-2641 The Mission of First English Lutheran Church is: to grow in faith, to spread God’s love, to share god’s gifts, together, through service and worship.

  2. First English Lutheran Church March 2012 The Messenger A Message from Pastor Marie… When I had been a pastor for about 5 years, I had an experience I will never forget. I had given a sermon on Forgiveness, in which I kept repeating the phrase, “It’s either about forgiveness, or it isn’t.” Composing that sermon required me to wrestle with the Holy Spirit and the scriptures long and hard, and still, I wasn’t particularly composed when I preached it. In fact, I think I was still wrestling aloud with God, right there in front of everyone as I preached. In that same service, we celebrated Holy Communion. When I poured the wine from the flagon into the chalice it produced a fountain-like effect, casting large amounts of wine onto the white altar linens and splattering the front of my alb. A few drops even hit my face. I was stunned. I had never had them happen before, and I’ve never had it happen since. I was visibly shook as I served communion that day, and embarrassed when I tried to explain to the altar guild what had happened. That experience increased my passion about trying to understand forgiveness. I have noticed that in the Christian faith we speak often about forgiveness, but we don’t say much about the particulars. For example, how do we forgive someone who is convinced they did nothing wrong? How do we ask for forgiveness? What do we do when we initiate a conversation aimed at forgiving and the other person has no interest in reconciliation? Is it faithful if we forgive but can not forget? And why does it seem so impossible to forgive ourselves, sometimes, for things that have happened that we know logically we could not control? These questions have led me to believe it would be helpful to do a sermon series on forgiveness that offers a process, or at least a deeper understanding of what it means to forgive and to be forgiven. It has been 4 years since that memorable day at the altar when the wine poured itself out onto the altar linens as if to emphasize the words I had just preached: either it’s about forgiveness, or it isn’t. And though I still don’t feel ready to tackle this, my sense is that the Holy Spirit is telling me it’s time. On Wednesdays through the season of Lent, beginning on February 29th, we will gather at 6:00 for a light supper before moving into the sanctuary for Holden Evening Prayer. Within that service, each week I will share with you some of the things I have learned through my study and experience of forgiveness. My prayer is that it will open conversations that lead to our being able to better forgive one another, and to forgive ourselves. Please come with an open mind and an open heart. Let us speak of forgiveness. Let us begin to reconcile some of our pasts with our presents. Let us seek to find the peace this world cannot give. In the name of Jesus Christ who died, so that we might be…Forgiven, Pastor Marie Page 1

  3. First English Lutheran Church March 2012 The Messenger Prayers of Intercession When Pastor Marie first issued the challenge to the congregation to participate in the worship service by writing and presenting the Prayers of Intercession I did not see a long line forming to jump at the chance. I actually waited about two months before I decided to pursue it. Some questions arose in my mind and were probably the same questions that others pondered also. What all is involved? Can I do this? Do I really want to do this? For me, the questions were answered in reverse. Do I really want to do this? Yes, I think that I do. Can I do this? With some help, I believe that I can do this. What all is involved? Well, there was only one to find out and that was to ask the Pastor. We had some discussion on the topic and she gave me some very good guidelines and turned me loose to attempt my first Prayers of Intercession. Keep in mind that doing this type task is completely out of my comfort zone. After finishing my first attempt I sent a copy to Pastor Marie for editing. She was not critical but very gracious in editing my works and I felt much more comfortable presenting the prayers as edited. I learned a lot from her editing and as a result of studying what was changed and why, I improved considerably the second week. By the time you read this article I will have presented the Prayers of Intercession for four weeks. This entire experience has been quite rewarding for me. I believe it is the first time in my life that I truly felt the presence of the Holy Spirit guiding me. It is a feeling that I can’t really explain but I know God was with me while I was writing the prayers. The reason I share this with you is because I know that all of you can do this. I am proud to be a member of this congregation at First English and it has been a great and rewarding experience to be able to participate in the worship service. I look forward to future service also. So, step up. I ask you to serve your church…serve your God. Be blessed, Mike Raver • The ongoing healing of: • Gretchen Featheringham • Thomas Rife • Jane Wilson • Bill Danison • Brenda Harness • Marie Milewski (Harness’s Great Granddaughter) • Paul Myers • Carol Ramsay • Madeline Richardson • Carole Kuehn • Jennifer Patton • Damaris • Bridget (Pastor Maries childhood friend) • Pastor Leslie Fox • Pastor Dave Shugert • Pastor Gerhard Kraus (Trinity Luth. Circleville) • Family and Friends of Mike Raver’s sister Grace uponher passing • Thomas Wilson-Serving in the U.S. Marine Corp • Our Mission Partner Living Waters Lutheran • Church, Cherokee, NC • Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson and the work of the ELCA • Bishop Cal Holloway, his staff and the ministry of our Southern Ohio Synod • The poor and needy within our community and in the world • All our brothers and sisters throughout the world suffering through War and Natural Disasters • Those serving in the military and their families. Page 2

  4. First English Lutheran Church March 2012 The Messenger A Message about Worship… March 4 Reebs March 11 NielsJohnsen March 18 Open March 25 Ken Harness March 4 Scripture: Mark 12:1-12 Story by: Mike Kent Sermon Title: What do tenants and money have in common? March 11 Scripture: Mark 12:28-34 Story by: Robyn Helsel Sermon Title: Write This Down…You’ll Need to Know it for the exam. March 18 Scripture: Mark 12:38-44 Story by: Lind Reeb Sermon Title: Pay attention to the widow March 25 Scripture: Mark 13:1-12 (14-31) 32-37 Story by: Youth] Sermon Title: Curtain! Thank you for volunteering to serve as a worship assistant. If you are unable to serve on your assigned date please get a replacement if possible. March 4 Sam Allen March 11 Destiny Reed March 18 Dalton Blanton March 25 Patrick Williams If you can’t make it please switch or call Ernie Reeb at 983-3826 March Communion Set-up Mona Lee Trego Wednesdays during Lent 6:00 P.M. Soup Supper 7:00 P.M. Holden Evening Prayer Service Wednesday – 7:40 p.m. (During Lent ) Page 3

  5. First English Lutheran Church March 2012 The Messenger March 2 Jennifer Bowling March 13 Carla Draise March 14 Bryan Reeb March 15 David Cleaver March 16 Nancy Bausum March 19 Jana Kent March 21 Jennifer Scarberry March 31 Beth Allen Please Come walk with me! When I was relatively new to the church, my home pastor, Dave Jahn, took time to take walks with me. We talked about many things, but questions about God, faith, the church, and scripture always wove their way into our conversation. I came to look forward to walking with my pastor, right up until the day he walked me out the front door of the church as I left for seminary, ten years after we had first met. We have been friends now for 20 years. His family is like my own, and when we get together, we still take a walk. Because that was such a great experience for me, I’d like to continue the tradition, and extend the invitation to you. Beginning March 1st, you can find me lacing up my walking shoes at 8:30 a.m. at the North end of the walking track in the park, right behind my house on Glenn Road. I invite any and all who are able and willing to walk with me to come on out. Come once, once in awhile, or every week. See you at the park! Pastor Marie March 28 Autumn Draise March 30 Addison Scarberry We apologize if we missed a special date in family. Please contact Jana Kent at 983-6285 with additions or corrections Mike Raver • Mike was married 42 1/2 years until the passing of his wife Mary in 2009. He has one daughter Michelle Paugh (Jonathan) and two granddaughters Natalie and Amanda. • Retired in 2009 from Diamond Power in Lancaster, Ohio after 38 years of service.  Worked there as a Drafter, Production Supervisor and Quality Assurance Tech. • Hobbies/Interests:    Reading, Photography, Woodworking and collecting old tobacco tins.  He also likes classic cars especially my 1971 Mustang. • He has been attending First English for about a year now and truly loves his new CHURCH HOME. • Fun fact:  Mike has a 1993 Honda Goldwing motorcycle that he has had for 2 1/2 years and has never taken the first ride on it. • Mike Raver • 280 Holder Rd. NW • Baltimore, OH 43105 To Pastor Marie on celebratingher 1st year with First English. We are so glad you are part of our family! Page 4

  6. First English Lutheran Church March 2012 The Messenger The Ladies of the Yo-YoCircle are gathering recipes for a Cookbook to commemorate First English’s 125th Anniversary. Please feel free to give us as many as you like, along with any stories and or pictures you might like to share about the recipe. There will be a collection box in the Social Room. Committee & Group Messages… Next Meeting March 13th at the Kent’s 10:00 A.M. Lunch will be provided Lydia Circle Esther Circle Submitted by: Shirley Norris She said “this recipe from-Mona Lee Trego” Next meeting, March 3rd at 9:00 a.m. in Social Room They will be cleaning out the bookshelves and donatingwhat books aren’t wanted by the congregation. Breakfastwill be provided but bring your own drink. The Esther Circle will be hosting the First Thursday Meal on April 5th. Patti thanked everyone for their ongoing prayers and meals provided. Jocebed(Yo-keh-bed) Circle Ham Loaf (or mini Loaves) 2 lbs. ground cured ham 1 lb. ground fresh pork 2 eggs ¾ cup milk 1-1/2 cups cracker crumbs 1 small can drained crushed pineapple (save juice) Sauce ¾ cup brown sugar ¼ cup vinegar 1 tsp. dried mustard ½ tsp. dried cloves Add pineapple juice Mix well. Press into loaf pan or shape into mini loaves. Top with sauce Bake at 350 degrees for 1-1-1/2 hours Make ahead of time and use slow cooker. “GREAT!” The next Jocebed meeting is March 11th after worship.The ladies of the circle are studying the devotional series “Out of the Mouths of Babes”. Will also be organizing the March 1st Thursday event. They continue to collect recipes for the AnniversaryCookbook. See above for more information. Page 5

  7. First English Lutheran Church March 2012 The Messenger Committee & Group Messages… From Linda Cummins, Food Pantry Director Finance Committee… The food pantry is in need of all non-perishable food items, especially canned meats, cereal, canned and powdered milk, crackers, corn muffin mix, peanut butter, and canned or dry beans. The Board of Directors decided to provide non-food items such as detergent and personal hygiene items with each distribution. In the past these items were distributed when available, which wasn't often. First English has been asked to donate dish detergent. Another church is also donating dish detergent so we only need 30-40 per month. Thank you for your on-going support.!! January Totals Regular Offerings $5617.50 Designated Funds (see below) $ 590.59 Total Income $6,208.09 Designated Funds for January Building Fund $186.00 Food Pantry $100.00 First Thursdays $123.00 SS Missions $ 46.00 Special Funds Interest $ 10.59 Memorials $125.00 $590.59 Total Expenditures/Transfers $8,921.53 Current Assets (checking/savings) AAL Money Market $28,326.98 Building Fund $10,539.08 Dore Memorial $ 1,946.59 Education Fund $ 4,418.17 General Fund $23,727.96 Memorial Account $10,213.59 Peters Grant $17,889.07 Savings Bank CD $24,223.24 TOTAL $121,284.68 The Food Pantry is open the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Not able to make it to church? Still want to enjoy the service? Sunday morning church services are nowavailable on CD. If you missed a particular Sunday and want to hear the service please contact either Ernie Reeb or Pastor Marie Duquette for a copy. Page 6

  8. First English Lutheran Church March 2012 The Messenger Messages on upcoming Events… Still Growing and Serving after 125 Years Anniversary Celebration Sunday March 25, 2012 This Sunday’s Celebration will “look back” at the time period 1937 – 1962 This period goes from FDR era to the beginning of the JFK time. The time brought a lot of changesto Ashville and our church. Don’t’ forget to look for any pictures or mementoesfrom this era (ration coupons, WWII items, etc.) The costumes for our Anniversary Sundays have been outstanding! Keep them coming! See belowfor some ideas. Our next “First Thursday” will be heldMarch 1 6:00 P.M Meal Served 7:00 P.M. Captive Free Come enjoy a meal of: Pizza & Subs Tossed & Pasta Salads Chips Desserts & Beverages Activities for the children Upcoming Anniversary Celebration Sundays (and the time periods they reflect) April 22nd 1962-1987 May 20th 1987-2012 Page 7

  9. First English Lutheran Church February 2012 The Messenger A Message from the Youth…. GOAL $7,200.00 $6971.00 To date FELC YouthGathering Funds Need Help SPRING CLEANING? The youth of First English are available for hire to help you with your spring cleaning. If interested please contact Cindy Reed at 740-983-2288 or Beth Allen at 740-983-4329 to coordinate your needs March 25th Page 8

  10. First English Lutheran Church February 2012 The Messenger A Message from Council… FIRST ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH CONGREGATION COUNCIL MINUTES Thursday, January19, 2012 The regular meeting of the FELCCC was called to order by President Tom Ramsay. Present were Raven Blanton, Sheryl Cleaver, Ernie Reeb, and Pastor Marie Duquette. Not present was Beth Allen, Linda Cummins, and Cindy Reed. Pastor Marie led prayer. Since there was not a quorum present, no official business was conducted. PASTOR’S REPORT We need to find someone else to change the sign on a weekly basis. Pastor & Tom will work on the agenda for the annual meeting, which will be held on Sunday, February 5. Pastor has spoken to the person that will be leading the Healthy Leader Training. She will discuss available dates at the February council meeting. We discussed the First Thursday’s that were held in November and January. Council made a list of groups within the church to contact to ask if they would be responsible for organizing future First Thursdays. Committee Assignments We discussed the committee assignments for 2012. Ernie Reeb - Worship & Music Tom Ramsay – Finance and Stewardship Cindy Reed – Mutual Ministry Raven Blanton – Memorial Sheryl Cleaver – Evangelism Beth Allen – Christian Education Mission Offerings for 2012 January LOMO Camperships for FELC Youth FebruaryOesterlen Services for Youth or Wernle Youth & Family Treatment Center (Pastor Marie will get information on both & council will decide at February meeting) March Circle of Caring April Haven House Lent/Easter to be determined by Stewardship Committee May Trinity Seminary June/July Lutheran Outdoor Ministries August/Sept. Good Samaritan Fund October Ashville Food Pantry November Youth Encounter December ELCA World Hunger Tom will work on compiling the Emergency Call List and will distribute at the next meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 7, at 7 p.m. at the Cleavers’ home. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Sheryl Cleaver Page 9

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