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Enhancing Access to Justice: Tools, Strategies, and Collaboration

This project aims to improve access to justice through legislative reform, practical tools, and international cooperation. It focuses on the universal meaning of "Access to Justice," practical ways to enhance access and legal aid, improving access for vulnerable groups, efficient management of justice systems, identifying common priorities, and developing practical cooperation.

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Enhancing Access to Justice: Tools, Strategies, and Collaboration

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  1. EuroMed Justice II Project Funded by the European Union OPENING CONFERENCE Brussels June 30, 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Working Group I on The legislative reform in the field of access to justice José María Fernández Villalobos 1

  2. SESSION 1 Project Funded by the European Union The universal meaning of ”Access to Justice”. Common elements • The global framework on access to justice • The European Union and Council of Europe framework in the field of access to justice • Rule of Law: individuals have an effective right in practice to access to justice • What does access to justice mean? • How can the States guarantee this access?

  3. SESSION 2 Project Funded by the European Union Practical tools to improve the access to justice and legal aid. • Legal aid, right of defense and cost of the proceeding. International comparative analysis. • Political, economic and technical conditions for the efficiency of the above mentioned instruments for accessing justice. • Which is the content of the legal aid and right of defense? • How can we improve them? • The information to the citizens as key issue

  4. SESSION 3 Project Funded by the European Union Access to justice for the most vulnerable groups: a priority that needs to be improved • Access to justice of minors, women, mentally disabled people, victims, immigrants, low income groups, etc. International approach. • Legal and practical international instruments to improve the access to jusice for the most vulnerable groups. • Ensuring equal access to justice for all • To bring justice closer to the most unprotected groups • The importance of an international approach

  5. SESSION 4 Project Funded by the European Union Access to justice through the efficiency of justice: management of justice systems, special reference to practical ways of combating delays in the justice systems • Parameters and instruments to evaluate the efficiency of justice: special reference to the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice • Practical tools to improve the efficiency of justice • The importance of evaluating the judicial systems • Delay in judicial proceedings: how to react • “Best practices “on time management of judicial proceedings

  6. WORKING TOGETHER Project Funded by the European Union • Where are we? • Identification of common priorities/needs to be improved • Practical cooperation to be developed through the project.

  7. WHERE ARE WE? Project Funded by the European Union • The most important thing: to be aware of the starting point • Analysis of the situation in each Mediterranean partner • Analysis of the situation in the whole region • To know the international framework in this field

  8. IDENTIFICATION OF COMMON PRIORITIES/NEEDS TO BE IMPROVED Project Funded by the European Union • Length of proceedings • Information of the citizens • Use of alternative conflict-resolution methods • Free advice to people with low incomes • Discrimination of women • Shortcomings in the legal frameworks, etc

  9. PRACTICAL COOPERATION TO BE DEVELOPED THROUGH THE PROJECT Project Funded by the European Union • Exchange of experiences and good practices • Promote dialogue • Support legislative reform, if necessary, in the field of access to justice • Draw up a training programme to be developed through this project according to the evaluation made during the Working Group meetings.

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