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SuperKEKB to search for new sources of flavor mixing and CP violation. - Introduction - Motivation for L=10 35-36 - Precise test of KM scheme of CP violation - Search for new physics in B and t decays - Identification of SUSY breaking mechanism in B
SuperKEKBto search for new sources of flavor mixing and CP violation - Introduction - Motivation for L=1035-36 - Precise test of KM scheme of CP violation - Search for new physics in B and t decays - Identification of SUSY breaking mechanism in B decays - Upgrade of KEKB and Belle - Summary and conclusions
Achievement and the consequence High Luminosity Time dep. CP meas. Inclusive bgsll meas. Mbc distr. after DE cut sin2f1=0.719±0.074±0.035 580pb-1/day Xse+e- Xsm+m- Belle July 2002 Daily int. lum. 147 fb-1 Integrated luminosity Xsl+l- Xse+m-+c.c. Time dependent CP can be measured with very small systematic error. We, probably, know how to accumulate >109B decays. FCNC decays can be measured inclusively. Search for new sources of flavor mixing and CP violation.
Mission of Super B Factory(ies) Bread’nd butter for B factories. Mission 1 Precision test of KM unitarity. See quantum effect in penguin and box loop. Mission 2 Search for new physics in B and t decays. Mission 3 Identify SUSY breaking mechanism. Very important if New physics = SUSY.
Triangle in the future 300fb-1 3000fb-1
Conclusion 1 Super B Factory is useful for the precision test of KM scheme.
CPV in penguin decays Expected errors in ACP’s In SM, ACP(fKS, h’KS) = ACP(J/yKS) New phase in penguin loop may change this relation. Belle (July 2002) ACP(fKS)=-0.73±0.64 ACP(h’KS)=+0.76±0.36 ACP(J/yKS)=+0.719±0.074 KEKB PEPII Next B factory
SUSY effect in BgK*mm m(mm)2 distribution F/B asymmetry A.Ali SM SUSY models with various parameters 4 These measurements are excellent probe to search for SUSY. 4 Inclusive decay, bgsll, is much less model dependent. An e+e- B factory provides a unique opportunity to measure this by pseudo- reconstruction technique.
Charged Higgs in tree decay • Large BF of O(1)% • Uncertainty in form factor cancels • in the ratio G(BgDtn)/G(BgDmn). • t polarization is more sensitive to H±. BgD(*)tn vs. D(*)mn M.Tanaka +/-
Comparison with a LHC experiment G(BgDtn)/G(BgDmn) at B factory with 5,000 fb-1
Conclusion 2 Super B Factory is useful to search for new source of flavor mixing and CP violation.
SUSY is an asymmetric symmetry!? SM sector SUSY sector Yukawa interaction Yukawa interaction Mass matrix : + SUSY 4mass spectrum 4quark mixing 4CP of SM particles 4mass spectrum 4scalar quark mixing 4CP of SUSY particles SUSY : mSUGRA or SU(5) SUSY GUT or U(2) flavor symmetry or … ??? Flavor structure of SUSY must be studied.
SUSY scenario vs. B decays (1) T.Goto et al., PRD:035009,02 d(|Vub|/|Vcb|) = 0.02 (now) g0.005(1ab-1) DmS will be measured at Tevatron soon. dsin2f1 =0.082 (now) g0.02 (1ab-1) df3 g10°(1ab-1)
SUSY scenario vs. B decays (2) T.Goto et al., PRD:035009,02 Dmd =0.489±0.008 ps-1 Dmd/DmdSM Estimated from sin2f1, Vcb, Vub and f3 using the unitarity relation. dDmdSM~5% (3ab-1)
SUSY scenario vs. B decays (3) T.Goto et al., hep-ph/0211143 ACP(BgMSg) vs. stop mass dACP(BgMSg) ~ 0.05 (3ab-1)
Conclusion 3 Super B Factory is useful to study the flavor structure of SUSY, and to identify the SUSY breaking mechanism.
KEKB upgrade strategy L~1036 Constraint: 48GeV x 3.5GeV 4wall plug pwr.<100MW 4crossing angle<30mrad ILER=20A ILER=9.4A Increase RF L=2x1035 One year shutdown to: 4install ante chamber 4increase RF 4modify IR ILER=1.5A L=2x1034 Present KEKB L=1034 Crab crossing ILER=1.5A ∫Ldt =350fb-1 2002 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
New vacuum chamber KEKB luminosity is limited by photo-electron instability. Antechamber in solenoidal magnetic field
Machine parameters * These parameters are under study.
Detector upgrade Higher luminosity collider will lead to: 4 Higher background 4 Higher event rate 4 Require special features to the detector. • radiation damage and occupancy in the vtx. detector • fake hits in the EM calorimeter • radiation problem in the tracker and KLm detector - higher rate trigger, DAQ and computing • low pm identification f smm reconstruction eff. • hermeticity fn “reconstruction”
Detector upgrade: an example Aerogel Cherenkov counter + TOF counter SC solenoid 1.5T g “TOP” + RICH 3.5GeV e+ CsI(Tl) 16X0 g pure CsI (endcap) 8GeV e- Tracking + dE/dx small cell + He/C2H5 g remove inner lyrs. New readout and computing systems Si vtx. det. 3 lyr. DSSD m / KL detection 14/15 lyr. RPC+Fe g 2 pixel lyrs. + 3 lyr. DSSD g tile scintillator
What will happen next • We have a series of workshops. The 5th one will be on September 24-26, 2003 in Izu, Japan. • LoI will be submitted to KEK/LCPAC/HEP community after the workshop. • We will continue R&D for machine and detector. • PEP-II/BaBar – KEKB/Belle joint workshop is scheduled on January 19-22, 2004 in Honolulu.
Summary and Conclusions • Next generation B factories with L=1035-36 is useful for: • Precise test of KM scheme of CP violation • Search for new physics in B and t decays • Identify mechanism of SUSY breaking. • Design of the accelerator and detector is going on at Belle. • LoI will be submitted by the end of this year.