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WELCOME TO THE PRESENTATION. DEVELOPMENT GRANT TO COLLEGES DURING THE ELEVENTH PLAN PERIOD. Eligibility Conditions. Included under Sections 2(f) and 12 B of the UGC Act, 1956. Eligibility conditions stipulated in the Guidelines fulfilled. Assistance for Development of Undergraduate Education.
Eligibility Conditions • Included under Sections 2(f) and 12 B of the UGC Act, 1956. • Eligibility conditions stipulated in the Guidelines fulfilled.
Assistance for Development of Undergraduate Education The college (except for Single Faculty colleges) must have at least three teaching departments in a faculty (excluding the compulsory courses). * For Government Colleges ** Including Principal and Physical Training Instructor/ Director of Physical Education. Librarian may be included if involved in teaching.
Arts/Commerce Colleges: This time no lower limit for enrolment.
If a college under any of the above two categories is running professional courses involving field work and culminating in a degree, it will be entitled for an additional grant of up to Rs.1 lakh for each of these professional courses, in addition to its entitlement. Professional courses which are self-financing will not be eligible for financial assistance.
Single Faculty Colleges offering undergraduate courses leading to Bachelor’s degree, like Law, Physical Education, Social Work, Management, Home Science, Music and Dance, Fine Arts, Sanskrit, Teacher Education etc.
Colleges of Education offering B.Ed./M.Ed./B.P.Ed./M.P.Ed. courses (General/Special) Approval document of NCTE isrequiredto be furnished
Assistance for Development of Postgraduate Education * A: Humanities and Social Science Department. B: Science Department/ Department with Practicals/ Fieldwork
Potential for research may be indicated by at least 1 Major Project OR 3 Minor Projects OR 5 Research Papers OR a combination thereof, pertaining to last three years only If the department is publishing some professional journals, the names and number of journals published may be indicated.
Development Assistance for Postgraduate Education Ceiling of Assistance * A : Rs.5 lakh. B : Rs.8 lakh. ** For Building, not to exceed 50% of grant allocated.
Books & Journals. • Books & Journals (including e journals), CDs, Microfilms, including setting up of book bank and/or strengthening of the existing book banks. • The amount up to 10% under this item may be utilized for stacking purposes. This will be within the amount allocated under this head. Equipment. The amount up to 10% under this item may be utilized for storage purpose. This will be within the amount allocated under this head.
Maintenance of Equipment • Essential spares, components, contingencies for instrument repair and maintenance • Training for teachers, technicians and students of concerned departments in the use, maintenance, repair of instruments. • Allocation may not exceed Rs.2.00 lakh for the Plan period.
Construction/extension/renovation of building • An evening college will receive assistance for building projects provided it has land of its own and does not function in a day college building. The UGC Guidelines for the Construction of Buildings may be followed. • Assistance from the UGC for all the building projects will (except those coming under Additional Grant), in no case, exceed, 50% of the total allocation.
The college need not send plan and detailed estimates for various building projects at the time of sending the initial proposal. Certified detailed estimates may be prepared, as per the Guidelines, only after the proposal is accepted “in principle” by the UGC. • Proposals for construction/extension/renovation of building will not be considered for approval during the last year of the Plan period.
Improvement of facilities in existing premises • Expenditure may be incurred on minor repairs and maintenance • No major construction. • Grant may be used for electrification and sanitary work, acquiring facilities such as aqua-guard, cooking gas and other kitchen amenities, fittings/ amenities for washrooms/ toilets, simple items of furniture, standby lighting arrangement etc. • Allocation may not exceed Rs.1 lakh for the Plan period.
Enhancement of initiative for competence building in Colleges • Motivating teachers for acquiring classroom skills (only for Lecturers having less than five years teaching experience). • Developing administrative skills for the Principal, Heads of Departments and Office staff. • Teaching-learning and evaluation (for all Teachers). • Promotion of skill development and learning of soft skills (for Students). • Participation in Workshops/Training programmes (at other Institutions within India) for Students, the Principal and other Faculty Members, Librarians, Physical Education Instructors and Office staff. • Workshops/Training programmes for Group C and Group D employees.
Expenditure may be incurred towards: • TA (travel within India). • Honorarium to Resource person at the rate of Rs.1000/ per diem. • Hospitality for outstation Resource persons. • Expenses towards board and lodging for Faculty members, Office staff and students while visiting other Institutions. • Stationery. Allocation under Competence building initiatives may not exceed Rs.2 lakh for the Plan period
Examination reform • For affiliated colleges internal examination may be reformed. • Students’ performance may be evaluated on the basis of periodic tests as well as on how they are able to tackle the projects/assignments. • Allocation may not exceed Rs.1 lakh for the Plan period.
Educational Innovation. • The college may think of submitting proposals for the introduction of innovative ideas to make the syllabus more alive. • For example, under History, the Conservation of Heritage takes one to history but makes one also aware of the present reality. • Allocation may not exceed Rs.2 lakh for the Plan period.
Field Work/Study Tours Allocation may not exceed Rs.1 lakh for the Plan period for Undergraduate colleges and Rs.2 lakh for Postgraduate colleges.
Extension Activities Specific programmes like: • Adult literacy, literacy for children, activities related to women empowerment, human rights, protection of environment, health awareness, etc. • Grant may be utilized for conducting educational activities. Expenditure may be incurred on remuneration, transportation, hospitality and contingency. • Allocation may not exceed Rs.1 lakh for the Plan period. • Colleges having NSS units are not eligible to apply for grant under Extension Activities.
[*GER: All enrolled in post higher secondary classes to total population in 18 – 23 age group.]
FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR COLLEGES FOR THE ELEVENTH PLAN (2007-2012) i. Award of Teacher Fellowship for doing M.Phil/Ph.D. ii. Participation of Teachers in Academic Conferences in India (PTAC) iii. Short-term visit of Young Faculty members to reputed institutions.
Contingency Grants :Rs.15000/- per year • Grants towards Contingency for the Teacher Fellowship for the first year will be paid to the Parent Institution of the Teacher Fellow on receipt of joining report. • The second year's Contingency grant will be paid on receipt of audited Utilization Certificate for the first instalment of grant, duly signed by the Registrar/Principal of the Institution and item-wise statement of expenditure for the second year and the report of submission of thesis.
If a Teacher Fellow fails to complete Ph.D./ M.Phil. programme and leaves it midway, he/she will have to refund the entire amount paid by the UGC during the Teacher Fellowship. • A teacher must furnish documents of submission of Ph.D./M.Phil. thesis, not later than six months after the completion of the tenure of Teacher Fellowship. • The slot shall remain occupied until the thesis is submitted and the same is reported to the UGC.
PARTICIPATION OF TEACHERS IN ACADEMIC CONFERENCES (PTAC) • The Commission will assist permanent teachers or teachers appointed on regular basis (in case of Government Colleges) for participating in academic conferences/ seminars/ workshops in India(PTAC). • A permanent/ regular teacher, whose paper has been accepted for presentation in a conference/ seminar/ workshop/ symposium, may avail of assistance under the scheme.
No prior approval of the UGC is necessary. The Principal of the College will be the nodal officer for this scheme. • The participating teacher will be provided TA/ DA as per rules of the Institution where the teacher is employed and Registration Fee allowed.
Short-term visit of Young Faculty members to reputed institutions. • The Commission will assist permanent/ regular teachers below the age of 40 years [45 years for SC/ST/OBC (non creamy layer) and Women Teachers] to spend a short time (not less than two weeks and not more than two months) at reputed institutions of their choice in order to improve and update their research and pedagogical skills. • Acceptance of the host institution must be furnished while applying for assistance to the Principal, who in turn will forward the application to the UGC.
A teacher may avail of this opportunity of academic exposure not more than twice during the Plan period. TA/DA rules of the Institution where the teacher is employed will be applicable. • Certificate from the Principal that the claims are as per entitlement under TA/DA rules prescribed by the University / State Government may be furnished.
The ceiling of assistance for the colleges will be as under, for the entire Plan period and should be claimed annually by the College: