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Welcome to the Presentation on. Training & Development Program of Prime Bank Limited. Chapter-1 Introduction. Background of the report:-.
Welcome to the Presentation on Training & Development Program of Prime Bank Limited
Background of the report:- • Theoretical knowledge is not enough for a student. There is difference between theoretical knowledge and practical field. So, those two should be synchronized. My report is launched mainly for this purpose. Another purpose may be is to know about the rules, regulations and environment that organization usually have before getting a job. To get some experience which help a student to get a good job, may be another purpose of the study.
Objectives of the study:- Broad Objectives: -The broad objective of study is to illustrate the “Training & Development program of Prime Bank Limited”. Specific Objectives: - To know about the training and development policies of Prime Bank Limited. - To identify the process of need assessment of training and development program of PrimeBank Limited. - To identify the methods followed by Prime Bank Limited for training & development program. -To know the attitude of employees toward the training of Prime Bank Limited. -To recommend suggestions for further development.
Methodology of the report:- Primary data:- • It was collected through questionnaire which contains relevant questions that were only close ended. I have collected mainly the Primary Data for my study by utilizing the questionnaire and interview methods. Secondary data:- • These data are collected from published sources such as Magazines, several books, and also from the help of websites and other sources. Like: Prime Bank Limited • Website: (www.primebank.com.bd) • Annual report of Prime Bank Limited (year: 2011-2012)
Sampling plan:- Sampling is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. • Population:A group of individuals or items that process similar characteristics from which data can be gathered and analyzed is called population. • Sample unit: The sample unit of the survey, employee and executives of Prime Bank Ltd. • Sampling procedure: Non-probability convenience sampling method is used in the survey. • Sample size: The sample size was 10 employees.
Limitations of the report:- • Training and development program assessment requires in depth theoretical knowledge about the topic. This is a major limitations of this study. The other limitations are:- • Major limitation of this report is time constraints. • While collecting data, they did not disclose much information due to the confidentially of the organization. • Every organization has some secrecy, which cannot be and should not be disclosed to the outsider. So I had the limitation to enter into the affairs of the organization in depth.
Foundation and Growth:- • Prime Bank Limited (PBL) is one of the Bangladeshi private banks, which was incorporated on 17th April 1995 with Tk. 1000 million of authorized capital & Tk. 100 million of paid up capital by a group of successful entrepreneurs. It is not only a conventional Bank. Its a modern, dynamic private commercial bank & plays a constructive role in the economic development of the country. Prime bank Limited is the first private bank to introduce lease finance, Hire purchase & customer credit schemes along with Islamic banking services in the banking sector in order to bring about qualitative changes in the lives of people of Bangladesh. PBL through its steady progress & continuous success has, now earned the reputation of being one of the leading private sector Banks of the country.
Prime Bank Ltd. has already made significant progress within a very short period of its way of life. • PBL through its steady progress & continuous success has, now earned the reputation of being one of the leading private sector Banks of the country. The bank offers all kind of Commercial corporate and Personal banking service covering all segment of society within the framework of Banking Company Act, rules and regulation laid down by our central bank. Prime Bank Ltd. is determined to explore the different ways to accommodate with the needs of its clients. One of these ways includes Foreign Exchange Operation and transactions which offer customers a medium of doing business globally with minimum risk associated. Prime Bank Ltd. has already made significant progress within a very short period of its way of life.
Functions and Activities of HRM:- In order to achieve the objectives of an organization, the HRM section or department must carry out a number of functions. The key functions of HRM can be summarized as the acquisition, maintenance, development and termination of employees.Acquisition: This is the 'getting' phase of HRM. It includes estimating both the future demand and supply for human resources and integrating these resources into a total human resource strategy. In other words, t6the objectives and future directions of the organization must be known before any reliable forecasts of people needs can be made. The acquiring process includes recruiting, selection and the socialization or induction of new employees.Maintenance This is the 'keeping' function and involves providing benefits, services and working conditions that are needed if individuals are to remain committed to the workplace.
Core functions of HR:- • Recruitment :- Recruitment is the process attracting, evaluating & hiring employees for an organization. • Selection:-Selection is the process of selecting a qualified job candidate for a job who can successfully do it and add value to the organization. • Orientation:-Orientation tactics exist to provide new employees enough information to adjust, resulting in satisfaction and effectiveness in their role. • Development:-A core function of HR management is development, which entails training efforts designed to improve personal, group, or organizational effectiveness. • Performance Evaluation:-Performance evaluation is the process of assessing an employee’s job performance and productivity, usually for a specified period of time. • Career Path Management:-Career path management requires HRM to plan and then actively manage employee skills in the pursuit of successful professional careers.
There are seven main functions of HR :- • Function 1: Manpower planning • Function 2: Recruitment and selection of employees • Function 3: Employee motivation • Function 4: Employee evaluation: • Function 5: Organizational relations • Function 6: Provision of employee services • Function 7: Employee education, training and development.
Training & development policies of Prime Bank Limited:- • Prime Bank Limited believes that a proper form of training contributes to the development of human resources & human resources can be developed by way of upgrading the job understanding & proficiency. Training is fundamentally a designed constant learning process & attempt by management to improve employees competency levels & thus to develop the individual ability to perform on the job. In-fact, the more information & education the bank will give to employees, the better prepared they will be to advance within the bank. • Training policies of Prime Bank Limited are given below: • A training index identifying the training needs of all the employees, it is seen form the employees point of view as well as from the respective departments point of view. • Training & development is a designed activity. Human Resource Department of PBL sets the training planning & budgets for all the departments based need & assessment & gets it verified & permitted by the respective department heads at the beginning of every year.
In PBL, a training agenda prepared for each employee. This training agenda contains the number of days of training for each of the employees in the various areas on which training would be imparted. • The training session would be conducted either by internally or by externally. • The respective department heads are the liable for the training programs or a specific department. • Once an employee has been selected for a training program he/she is bound to attend the program, any exception should have permitted by the respective designed personnel. • Training feedback would be generated from the participants & their respective superiors. Based on the rating received, decision shall be taken to continue the program in future. • Prime Bank Limited also promotes internal trainers as well external. Senior employees with expertise in a particular area & having the desire & aptitude to train would be motivated to hold such programs at regular intervals.
Identifying Training Needs at PBL: • Who needs to be trained? • What skill must an employee learn in order to be more productive? • Where training is needed?
The purpose of the needs assessment is to identify how to improve the quality of the personnel that is recruited, hired, oriented, & trained. A training needs assessment is a three step process. Decide how to complete each type of analysis using these three phases.
The need assessment of training & development programs are completed through a three phase process which are:
1. Do you think that training needs assessment is properly done to provide the training facility?Interpretation: From the graph it is seen that some employees were agreed with the statement that is the training need assessment process was properly done to provide the training facility. The graph shows that 50% of the employees were agreed where as 30% of them were neutral & 20% were disagreed with this view.Comment: Here we can say that the training need assessment process of PBL was not properly followed to find out the training need of the employees.
2. Are you satisfied with the training policies of your organization?Interpretation: From the graph, it is seen that most of the employees were satisfied with the training policies of PBL. That is 70% of the employees were agreed & 30% of them were of them were strongly agreed with this view.Comment: Here we can say that the training policies of PBL are employees friendly & help employees to flourish their capability & achieve the organizational goal.
3. Do you think that the training programs are arranged within the scheduled time?Interpretation: From the graph, it is seen that most of the employees were agreed with the statement. That is 60% employees were agreed & 40% employees were strongly agreed with this view.Comment: Here we can conclude that training programs of PBL is arranged within the scheduled time.
4. Do you think that the resource personnel are really specialists for conducting the training program of Prime Bank Limited?Interpretation: From the graph, it is identified that most of the employees were agreed with the statement that resource personnel are really specialist expert for conducting the training program of PBL. That means, the PBL selects the resource personnel very prudently for making the training program more effective. That is 60% employees were agreed & 40% employees were strongly agreed with the statement.Comment: Here we can reach at a statement that, the resource personnels are really specialists in conducting the training program of PBL.
5. Do you believe that sufficient materials are provided at the training program of Prime Bank Limited?Interpretation: From the graph, it is seen that most of the employees were agreed with the statement. That is 50%of them were agreed but 20% of them were disagreed, 30% of them were neutral with this view.Comment: Here we can reach at a statement that the training materials provided by PBL are not sufficient to all the employees equally.
6. Do you think that learning objectives of training are meet at the end of the training program?Interpretation: From the graph, it is seen that most of the employees were agreed with the statement that is 40% of the employees are agreed & 30% of them were strongly agreed with it but 30% of them were neutral with this view.Comment: Here, we can understand that the learning objectives of training programs of PBL are met at the end of the training program.
7. Do you believe that the training environment is conducive for the learner? Interpretation: From the graph, it is seen that most of the employees were agreed with the statement & some of the employees were disagreed with the statement. That is 30% employees were agreed & 20% employees were strongly agreed but only 10% of them were disagreed & 40% of them were neutral with the statement.Comment: We can say that PBL’s training environment is relatively conducive in nature as most of the employees are satisfied with their training environment but some employees are confused & some others hold negative perceptions about the training environment of PBL.
8. Do you think that the training environment is important to deal with challenges?Interpretation: From the graph, it is seen that most of the employees were agreed with the statement & that they think training program is important to deal with challenges. That is 50% employees were agreed & 50% employees were strongly agreed with the statement.Comment: Here we can recognize that there exists an immense importance of PBL training program to deal with challenges.
9. Training & development program is a routine activity to develop employees”- Do you agree with the statement? Interpretation: From the graph, it is seen that most of the employees were agreed with the statement while only one of the other employees were disagreed with the statement. That is 60% of the employees were agreed & 10% of them were disagreed with it. It was also found that only 20% of them were in neutral position & 10% of them were strongly agreed with view.Comment: Here we can recognize that regular training program is essential for developing employees performance level & skill in PBL.
10. Do you think that training can bring change in quality of performance?Interpretation: From the graph, it is identified that all the employees were agreed with the statement that training can bring change in quality of performance. That is 60% employees were agreed & 40% employees were strongly agreed with the statement.Comment: With the evidence of the above table & graph, we can recognize that training helps to bring change in quality of performance which is also recognized by all the employees of PBL.
11. Do you think that availability of feedback system is found in the Prime Bank Limited?Interpretation: From the graph, it is seen that most of the employees were agreed with the statement..That is 80% employees were agreed & 10% employees were strongly agreed & 10% employees were in neutral position with this statement.Comment: With the evidence of the above table & graph, we can undoubtly declare PBL has a strong & effective feedback system regarding training & development program.
12. Do you think that performance appraisal system of the training program is effective?Interpretation: From the graph, it is seen that most of the employees were agreed with the statement. That is 40% employees were agreed & 40% employees were strongly agreed but 20% of them were neutral with this statement.Comment: With reference to the facts of the above table & graph, we can be acquainted with the statement that the performance appraisal system of training program in PBL is effective to measure the performance of employees.
Findings:- • In my research some major findings are identified regarding training& development programs of the Prime Bank Limited are given below- • Due to the short span of time & difficulty in procedure the Prime Bank Training Institute sometime conducts training programs without proper need assessment but it happens very seldom. • To direct & develop the employees through training & development programs PBL follow the decent policy which is capable to meet up contemporary demand. • PBL follow punctuality in scheduling & arranging training program strictly.
Almost all the employees of PBL are satisfied with the resource personnel for conducting the training program of PBL. • Training materials are not rich, available & understandable to all the employees equally. • The learning purposes of training programs are met at the end of the training program. • PBL’s training environment is relatively conducive in nature, most of the employees are satisfied with their existing environment but some employees are confused & some others hold negative perceptions about the training environment. • Maximum numbers of employees recognize the importance of training program to deal with challenges.
PBL believes regular training program is essential for developing employees performance level & skill. • Training helps to bring change in quality of performance to recognized by all the employees of PBL. • PBL has strong & effective feedback system. • The performance appraisal system of training program in PBL is up to the mark to measure the performance of employees. • The overall training & development procedure of PBL is not wholly dynamic to meet al the employees need & demand positively & equally through training & development programs.
Conclusion:- Banks play important role in the modern economy; Human Resource Management issues play an important role in every organization & in the banks. No organization can achieve its goals or can be good, until or unless it satisfies employees. Human Resource or organizational members play the role of the crew who convert goals into the reality. In the banking sector, highly educated & strategic personnel are required to create a competitive position & to retain it for the long time. Training, the principle of equality, job satisfaction & career development are important in the bank. The job satisfaction of the employees is more than moderate.
Most of the employees are satisfied here. The bank is also satisfied with its employees. Bank’s salary is high but not highest in comparison with other commercial banks. Still comfortable working environment, good interpersonal relationship, & the benefits of the employees of the PBL are also satisfactory. Finally, the bank must introduce a modern banking system, adopt new technology, initiate new product, & train its employees properly to do their job & keep employee satisfied. Bank’s performance is good for its satisfied employees. The bank is on the right track. The bank’s HRM policies are of course better, it has been able to satisfy the employee.
Training is only effective if each every component of training has been taken care of before, during the training program. Each stage of training from planning to effectiveness has its own significance & challenges which cannot be ignored neglected at any cost. If the bank can turn employee into a resource by proper training & development programs, then the organizational goal can be achieved into its desired level because employee retention & overall efficiency of the organization.
Recommendations:- • As it is seen by all that the organizational & individual objectives are corresponding. The accomplishment of both organizational & individual objectives can be directed by training programs. Training & development make it possible through optimizing the optimum utilization of human resources that will inspire the employees to attain the organizational goals as well as their individual goals. • By studying & analyzing the current position of Prime Bank Limited’s training & development program, some pitfalls are identified for which the following recommendations can be suggested-
Training need assessment should be conducted more strictly & if possible make it mandatory. • Resourceful, updated & clearly understandable training materials should make available to all the employees those who are selected for training program. • Initiatives should be taken to make the training environment more conducive to all the employees. • The training & development program should be organized & maintained as a routine activity because employees efficiency in the workplace largely depends on it & they also be able to review the training as a routine based work.
The authority of PBL should make an effective reward system which will encourage employees for attending the training program. • Introduction of more training programs will be effective for sustaining professional growth & development of employees.