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Declaration of Conflict of Interest. Making hunger history?. Where are we?. Much better as a result of MDGs, but in 2015 hunger won’t yet be history. What’s working, what’s not?.
Making hunger history? Where are we? Much better as a result of MDGs, but in 2015 hunger won’t yet be history What’s working, what’s not? We now know what works. 5-10 nations will keep pledges. None will forgo trade rules that favour rich at the expense of poor Where are we going? Hunger on a global scale will disappear, in 2 or 3 more 15y plans. New initiatives
Allan Davison Make hunger history? adavison@sfu.ca please disturb! www.sfu.ca/global-nutrition 3
Aid isn’t workingTrade for profit instead Profit motive hasn’t worked - aid is needed Trillions wasted! - 1 b still starving V little is wasted Population outstrips food supply Malthus is wrong Most aid corrupt dictators Corrupt multinationals MDGs won’t be achieved Broken promises Never promised 0.7% You did so! We give more than anyone! Yeah – ½ what EU gives! “Trade notaid” Trade barriers. Fair trade & aid 2008 recession “They” didn’t cause it 4
Manifest destiny of world - wealth China + India 2040? World GDP $PPP per cap (est) 1500-2100 http://ers.usda.gov/Data/Macroeconomics/
Number of malnourished world-wide See also: WHO, UN, WB, USDA, CIA, OECD, IFPRI UNICEF 2009 kcal per household surveyed water-carrier http://www.unicef.org/media/files/Tracking_Progress_on_Child_and_Maternal_Nutrition_EN_110309.pdf
World% undernourished 22% same data 14%
Number fed & under-nourished worldwide Prediction millions Target 33% 14% 11% 6% 8 8
Percentage stunted http://www.unicef.org/media/files/Tracking_Progress_on_Child_and_Maternal_Nutrition_EN_110309.pdf 60% http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/content/32/4/518.full.pdf Africa Asia 40% Latin Am 20% 1980 & every 5 years Last 2 or 3 points are projections
Paying for total strangers to eat? } Not us, not if it goes to corruptdictators” 10
“Phantom aid”, the wasted 47% “Development aid”, not spent on poverty or development Clawed back by unfair trade Emergency aid Debt relief Refugee, Tied to benefit rich Refers to ODA, notMDGs http://www.globalissues.org/article/35/foreign-aid-development-assistance#GovernmentsCuttingBackonPromisedResponsibilities
Corrupt heads of state: Rich... Accept personal & campaign “contributions” peddling influence. Could stop bribery at home & abroad by abolishing secret a/c wikipedia Lockheed SwissAir ... &Poor 1000s presidents, PMs, bureaucrats in rich 200s MNCs 10s corrupt dictators 100s bureaucrats Accept “bribes” to give trade concessions that impoverish their people 12
We know what works • Transparent & accountable , open bids • Partnerships not paternalism • Goals, objectives, timed milestones • Strategies revised annually by both partners • Externally monitored. No political pressure • Sustainable emphasis on poverty, agriculture • Serves recipient needs, not donor / ideology • Firm long-term commitments: MV, Grameen Unrealistic? Let’s see ... 13
Beyond MDGs: amazing changes • The Millennium Village project • Grameen Family of social enterprises • Billionaire philanthropists & foundations • Instant spread of innovations: agric, educ, &c • Passionate & influential voices for change • Scientists & students bring energy to future www.sfu.ca/global-nutrition 14
The End adavison@sfu.ca www.sfu.ca/global-hunger adavison@sfu.ca www.sfu.ca/global-hunger 16
% GDP/cap pa for poor nations cf % for rich USDA data 2008 GDP/capita:Developing countries 3.93% Developed countries -0.03Advantage = 3.96% year
Number stunted (Unicef Data) http://www.unicef.org/media/files/Tracking_Progress_on_Child_and_Maternal_Nutrition_EN_110309.pdf http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/content/32/4/518.full.pdf millions http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs290/en/index.html http://www.fao.org/mdg/en/ http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/reports.shtml#mdgs Most MDGs will be mostly met worldwide
http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs290/en/index.htmlhttp://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs290/en/index.html http://www.fao.org/mdg/en/ http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/reports.shtml#mdgs
Emergency aid isn’t intended for development “Phantom aid”: 47% is “wasted” http://www.globalissues.org/article/35/foreign-aid-development-assistance#GovernmentsCuttingBackonPromisedResponsibilities • Evaporating aid - promises … broken as soon as cameras turn elsewhere • $ flow benefits the rich nations – tilted trade • Aid with strings attached, contingent on UN votes, WB loans, unfair trade • Dumped food surplus local farm economy • Money given by corrupt rich people to “corrupt dictators” UK banks in Nigerian corruption Paul Collier: The bottom billion 20