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Russell VanBrocklen - Tips on How to Write An Interesting Article

Russell VanBrocklen - Tips on How to Write An Interesting Article

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Russell VanBrocklen - Tips on How to Write An Interesting Article

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  1. Russell VanBrocklen - Tips on How to Write An Interesting Article There are various types of articles like instructional articles, features, news, and profiles. All of them have specific qualities that are unique to its type. All articles share the same characteristics. From researching your idea to writing articles will give you a chance to share vital information about readers. Writing an article is like having a conversation with the reader. Everything that you are going to write should speak to the reader and engage their interest. Here are five tips to write a good quality article. It must be interesting When writing an article, it should be engaging so that the reader can read all the way through. Make it easier for the readers to get an impression of what you are writing. You can add humor and quotes. After deciding the topic and narrowed to something specific think of how you will make it interesting. If you are writing on something that other people are writing about you must be unique on how you are going to approach the article.

  2. It should be easy to read It is important that you use subheadings so that you can break up the text and make the paragraphs clear. Write in semi-informal conversational style. Ensure that there is an organization to all ideas that you have. The planning stage is important when writing articles. It is important that you spend a few minutes brainstorming ideas and select the best. Think about your subheadings and write an introduction that will let readers know what they should expect. Carry out research If you do not know the topic that you want to write then, you have research. Enter the keywords into the search engine. It will lead you to sources that you are going to write about the topic. The sources will also give you a good idea of various approaches concerning the topic. Read as much as possible about the topic, you can also visit the local library. One of the best places to look for information is online. The benefit of using the internet is that you will not consume a lot of time. Concentrate on the style and structure of the article It is important that you write with a style that makes sense. Evaluate the audience so that you can determine which method will present their information to them. For instance, a newspaper article should offer narrative, chronological format. It must be written in straightforward language. If you are writing an academic article, it should be written in formal language. When writing an article, it is prudent that you use strong sentence at the start of every paragraph so that you can move the readers forward. The sentences should be long or short. In case you find that all sentences are the same chances are that your reader will fall asleep. Short sentences will give the reader an impression that you are writing advertising copy instead of an article. Avoid plagiarism If you look at other sources, you must be careful on how you compile the information. There are some people who copy the text into one document and use it as notes for the article. When they do this, they are at high risk because the copied text will get mixed up with their work. Make sure that you track what you are going to be writing. It is not good to copy text from other sources. It is prudent that you paraphrase the text. Finish the article with a conclusion. But this depends on the article. The conclusion should be good so that it empowers readers.

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