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Detailed overview of health reform progress, financing availability, project implementation, training programs, patient safety improvements, and disease prevention measures in Latvia.
ESIF investments in health and progress of implementation 29.11.2018., AnnualReviewmeeting
Progress withthehealthreform, further steps andtheroleofmapping (I)Hospitallevel
Progress withthehealthreform, further steps andtheroleofmapping (II)
Progress withthehealthreform, further steps andtheroleofmapping (III)
Available financing* for EU funds supported projects in health sector * Totaleligiblefinancing (EU funds + nationalco-financing) ** Including additionalstate budget support of 15 381 160 EURforP.StradinsHospital major project
Network guidelines and quality system ESF SO 9.2.3. Project activities implementation progress: • Network guidelines – completed(http://vmnvd.gov.lv/lv/esf-projekts/zinojumi) • Quality assurance system: • International conference “Improving patient safety and quality of service in Latvia” - 07.06.2018. / Nextconferenceplannedintheautumn 2019 • Elaboration of training programmes and organization of training on patient safety and quality management - on 07.07.2017.agreement was signed with RSU / activitywasfinishedon 01.10.2018. More than 2000 personsfrompublicinstitutionsandprivatehealthcareinstitutionsaretrained • Identification of clinical guidelines and elaboration of corresponding clinical algorithms, clinical pathways and indicators in priority health areas – inimplementation (planned to becompletedby IVQ 2019) • Research (sociological) on patient satisfaction with the quality of health care services - agreement withtheprovider was signed on 23.03.2018. and the service should be provided by December 2018. To assess the possible changes in the patients’ satisfaction, it is planned to repeat the research at the end of the project in 2021 • Expert services in the area of health care quality and patient safety - 3 agreements with theprovider, were signed on 31.05.2018. / Thereportelaboratedbytheexpertteamisavailableonhttp://www.vmnvd.gov.lv/lv/esf-projekts/zinojumi (PeerEvaluationReportonthe Health InspectorateoftheRepublicof Latvia (ENG)) • Software containing clinical guidelines, clinical algorithms, pathways - consultations with professional associations are held. It is planned that by the end of 2018 the ToRof the software will be elaborated * EU + nationalfinancing
Health promotion and disease prevention measures IESF SO 9.2.4. * EU + nationalfinancing
Health promotion and disease prevention measures IIESF SO Health promotion and disease prevention plan – elaborated Methodical management and monitoring • Monitoring procedure – elaborated • On-the-spot checks –in implementation (since October 2017 till October 2018 - 90 random checks) Disease prevention measures • A pilot project to encourage smoking cessation (2018-2019) – in implementation Health promotion measures • Web page www.esparveselibu.lv - elaborated • Health promotion campaigns – in implementation (campaign to motivate people start regular physical activity are being organized) • Planed Public awareness campaigns – 5 campaigns in implementation till 2019 • Training – in implementation • Health Promoting Schools Network coordinators (organized 25.-26.11.2017.) • National Healthy Municipalities Network coordinators (7.12.2017.) • Teachers on health topics (1200 teachers) till end of 2019 • Chefs and other specialists ineducation and social institutions (since 03.2018. Planned to train 700 specialists bythe end of 2019) • Dental health and healthy nutrition program for pre-school and elementary school kids and their teachers ( 12 seminars planned to train 300 teachers; 1200 sessions for kids, total 18 000 kids) –till end of 2018. • Educational activities at the Museum of medicine (seminars, exhibitions, programs) for various population groups (since 2017) • Public health researches • Methodologies for ten researched are prepared. • Work on four research implementation has been started. Procurement progress • During project implementation there are 60 procurements planned for a total amount of 13,6 mEUR • In the year 2018 (by 31.10.2018) there are 18 procurement's contracts signed with a total amount of 1 819 507 EUR (>13%)
Health promotion and disease prevention measures IIIESF SO Implementation progress for local measure (municipalities) I call 2017-2020 • Number of municipality projects being implemented 95 projects • CDPC project municipalities 24 municipalities (1 project) • Planned project completion 31.12.2019. CoM regulations on II call 2020-2023 are in elaboration process • Simplification possibilities are evaluated • Revision of indicators is analyzed
HR accessibility in regionsESF SO 9.2.5. Project activities implementation progress: • Acceptance of applications for ESF project to recruit medical practitioners in regions started in May, 2018 • 235 applications have been submitted • 133 medical practitioners including 11 doctors, 32 doctor’s assistants, 19 nurses, 66 nurse assistants, 3 physiotherapists and 2 midwifes already have been attracted to rural areas and cities outside Riga. • Applicationscover medical services in stationary medical institutions and ambulatory practices outside Riga. * EU + nationalfinancing
Life-long learning for health care professionalsESF SO9.2.6. Project activities implementation progress: • Organized (and finalized) 9 procurements • 85 contracts signed • 31 programme has been submitted to MoH, 11 are already approved • Training has been started in one programme (concerns programmes above 170 training hours) • Training for emergency health doctors assistants specialists` qualification has begun • 4 contracts signed with field specialists • Contract signed about web page www.talakizglitiba.lv • For 2 procurements ToR are in elaboration process that are planned to be announced in 2018 • HR plans is being updated * EU + nationalfinancing
Systematically important hospital infrastructureSO 9.3.2. I call • Implementation progress: All 12 agreementshavebeensignedandprojectsareinimplementation * EU + nationalfinancing ** Totaleligiblefinancing
Systematically important hospital infrastructureSO 9.3.2. II call Designing • Construction project was submitted to Construction Board on 26.09.2018. for an opinion about fulfilment of the designing conditions. Construction Board has prepared its opinion in the end of October, revised project has to be submitted by 27.11.2018. Construction procurement • Construction procurement II stage will be announced after receiving tender documentation from designers and its acceptance (after 11.11.2018.) Parking designing procurement • After completing the procurement procedure, the contracting rights are being assigned to LLC «JOE». Elaborationofconstruction projectwithToRrevision Construction Construction projectexpertise Purchaseandinstallation ofequippment Construction procurement * EU + nationalfinancing
Local hospital infrastructureSO 9.3.2. III call • III call projects: • * EU + nationalfinancing
Local hospital infrastructureSO 9.3.2. 4 call * EU + nationalfinancing
MainindicatorsProgress (On 10.10.2018.) * approvedpaymentclaims ** submittedpaymentclaims *** plannedsubmittedpaymentclaimsby 31.12.2018. **** EU funds + nationalco-financing
Total progress (ESF + ERDF)* * On 10.10.2018., EU funds financing
ESF progress* * On 10.10.2018., EU fundsfinancing
ERDF progress* * On 10.10.2018., EU fundsfinancing
Thankyou! Kristīne Karsa; kristine.karsa@vm.gov.lv; 67 876 047 | 21