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Join Lyle A. M. Benko in exploring the shift from seeking answers to asking questions in the realm of education and sustainability. Topics include sustainable development, teacher models, and taking action. Discover your role as an educator in shaping the future!
Moving From:Getting the Right Answers toAsking the Right QuestionsPresentation to:Faculty of Education: University of ReginaEducational Professional Studies 100“Colleagues”Tuesday, October 21, 20082:30 to 3:45 p.m.Education 191by:Lyle A. M. BenkoCo-CoordinatorU.N.U. RCE SaskatchewanandPresidentL*A*M*B*Environmental & EducationalConsulting (Inc.)
Introduction:a) My background: “Smart Bunny or Dumb Ass”b) Your perspective as a “learner” will impact your “teacher/learner” model and possibly the impact on your future students
II. Asking the RIGHT Questions:(What are the right answers?) ACTIVITY: A tree and a light: What do they have in common?Further considerations: a) SASKPOWER PGI Shand Greenhousehttp://shand.saskpower.com/shand b) Canadian Tire “Eco/Green Commercial
III. “Sustaining” Our Future: What are the issues? Climate Change: Is it real or is it just “An Inconvenient Truth”? From the Skeptics to the Scientists with the politicians debating the facts from the “factoids”? *Climate Change Saskatchewan Facts:www.climatechangesask.com
IV. “Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)Activity: “Two oranges & a banana”a) What is “Sustainable Development?” b) What is “sustainability”? “Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” (U.N. 1987) “ Living today while learning lessons from our ancestors of the past and borrowing the future from our grandchildren.” c) What is your role as and individual? d) What is your role as a professional educator?
V. A “Teacher” Model or a “Model” Teacher?a) What does it mean to be a teacher today? b) Will you become a “Science” teacher or a “teacher” of Science? c) Will you become a teacher of ……..?QUOTE: Students don’t “care” what you “know”, they just want to “know” that you “care!”
VI. From “Awareness” to “Action”: Your role as an educator?Activity: Balancing the Stool and Helping Hands!a) Economy vs Environment? Example: Tofino, B.C. b) Balancing the Stool: Economy/Society/Environment/Culture *Craik Sustainable Living Project*www.craikecovillage.ca c) Ecological Footprint: Royal Saskatchewan Museumwww.royalsaskmuseum.ca d) Youth Action Forums and “Action Projects” e) “Train the Trainer IV” U of R Faculty of Education 2009?
VII. Sources of Resources:a) Youth Action Projects and Ecological Footprint: www.royalsaskmuseum.ca b) Climate Change Saskatchewan:www.climatechangesask.ca c) Saskatchewan Ministry of Education: Grade 10 Science Unit on Sustainability:www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/xsci/ d) United Nations Decade on ESD:www.ias.unu.edu/ e) Saskatchewan ESD Network (SESDN)www.saskesd.ca f) GREENLIFE (SCN)www.scn.ca/greenlife.php g) Regional Centre Of Expertise Saskatchewanwww.saskrce.ca
VIII. Questions:“Moving from getting the right ANSWERS to Asking the right QUESTIONS!” >>>>YOUR TURN<<<<
IX: Evaluations (Optional) Your professors will have an “Evaluation Form” that may be completed at their discretion. Follow-up contact:lyle.benko@sasktel.net
X: Closure: “I teach: I touch the future”-Christa McAuliffe (1948 – 1986) “We SUSTAIN the futureby our ACTIONS as teachers.” -Lyle Benko (1950 - )