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Whimsical World of Kevin Henkes: A Children’s Author and Illustrator

Explore the enchanting world of Kevin Henkes, a prolific author and illustrator of over 30 children's books and novels. Dive into his captivating storytelling and vibrant illustrations that bring characters to life. Discover his creative process and the themes that resonate with young readers.

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Whimsical World of Kevin Henkes: A Children’s Author and Illustrator

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  1. Kevin Henkes

  2. Who is Kevin Henkes? • Kevin was born in a small town called Racine in the state of Wisconsin. • He grew up taking regular trips to the local library and the art museum with his family. • Henkes always loved reading and drawing and painting. • He has written and illustrated over 30 children’s books and novels! • He now lives in Madison, Wisconsin with his wife, son, and daughter.

  3. What does he do? • Kevin writes and illustrates picture books and novels for children. • He sometimes writes books for other people to illustrate, and sometimes illustrates books that other authors have written! • Kevin knew in college that he wanted to become and author and illustrator. He published his first book when he was 21 years old!

  4. How does he write his stories? • Kevin likes to use his own childhood memories and experiences to get ideas for his books. • The first thing that Kevin does when writing a new story is develop his main character. He says that “Books begin with character; character is the seed from which a book grows.” • Kevin likes to create characters and stories that young children can relate to. He uses many different themes such as friendship, growing up, sadness, and happiness. • Henkes is famous for creating characters that are funny and life-like. His characters are often animals in the roles of children.

  5. How does he create his illustrations? • Kevin uses mostly watercolor paints and draws lines with a pen for his illustrations. • He loves to use a lot of different colors in his pictures. • He also likes to use thin lines to provide more details and thicker lines for his more simple illustrations.

  6. What tools does he use? • Kevin uses paintbrushes and watercolor paints. He also uses a crow-quill pen to draw his lines.

  7. What are we going to do? • We will be reading seven of Kevin Henkes books as a class! We will talk about his characters, themes, and how his words and illustrations work together. • To begin our study we will read the first book that Henkes published called All Alone. Then we will visit his website to learn a little bit more about him! http://www.kevinhenkes.com/

  8. Sources • (2010). Kevin Henkes. Something About the Author. (Vol. 207, pp. 66-73.) • Harper Collins Publishers • Kevin Henkes Website • Google Images

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