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Microscope Parts, Metric System & Lab Techniques

Learn about microscope parts, metric system, and lab techniques for biology experiments. Understand measurements, conversions, and safety in a science lab.

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Microscope Parts, Metric System & Lab Techniques

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  1. Section 1-4 Tools & Procedures

  2. Warm Up 2-13-07 • Parts of a Microscope and their Function • Open your book to page 1070 • Copy the 15 parts & functions of the Microscope in your notebook

  3. Metric System – SI System • Most common system of measurement • It’s a system based on decimals and multiples of 10. • Very easy to use !!!!

  4. Common Metric Units • Length – the distance from one point to another • meter(m):slightly longer than a yard (3 feet)

  5. Common Metric Units • Volume – the amount of space an object takes up • Liter (L) – slightly more than a quart of milk

  6. Common Metric Units • Mass – amount of matter in an object • gram (g) – equal to a paper clip

  7. Common Metric Units • Temperature – measure of hotness and coldness • degrees Celsius – (ºC) - 0ºC = freezing point of H20 - 100ºC = boiling point of H20

  8. Metric System Conversions Prefix Symbol Multiplying Factor mega M 1 000 000 kilo k 1 000 hecto h 100 deka da 10 meter m deci d 0.1 centi cm 0.01 milli m 0.001 ** do not copy in notebook**

  9. English – Metric Equivalents • 1 inch (in.) = 2.54 centimeters (cm) • 39.97 inches (in.) or 3 feet 3.97 inches (in) = 1 meter (m) • 0.62 miles (mi) = 1 kilometer (km) • 1.06 quarts (qt.) = 1 liter (L) • 1 cup (c) = 236 milliliters (mL) • 2.2 pounds (lb.) = 1 kilogram (kg) • 1 ounce (oz) = 28.3 grams (g) • ºC = 5/9 x (ºF – 32) ** do not copy into notebook**

  10. Warm up 2-14-07 • Answer the following questions based on Tuesday’s lecture: (try to answer each one without the help of your notebook or book) *What is the metric system? *What is another name of the metric system? *What country does not use the Metric system? *What is the common metric unit for length? *A liter compares to what in American measurement? *What is the freezing point of water in °C and °F? *What is the boiling point of water in °C and °F

  11. Analyzing Biological Data • Scientists organize data by recording it in a table • Then they make a graph to make it easy to understand Water Released and Absorbed by Tree Time Absorbed by Roots (g/h) Released by Leaves (g/h) Water released by leaves 20 15 8 AM 1 2 10 AM 1 5 10 Relative Rates (g/h) 12 PM 4 12 2 PM 6 17 5 4 PM 9 16 Water released by leaves 0 6 PM 14 10 8 AM 10 AM 12 PM 2 PM 4 PM 6 PM 8 PM 8 PM 10 3 Time Section 1-4

  12. Microscopes Devices used to produce magnified images of structures that are too small to see with the unaided eye

  13. Light Microscopes Produce magnified images by using LIGHT. *Clearly magnifies an object 1000 times its original size ** MOST COMMONLY USED **

  14. Compound Light Microscopes • Allows light to pass through the specimen (sample) • Uses 2 lenses to form the image • Can observe both dead & alive specimens

  15. Electron Microscopes • Used to magnify images that a light microscope cannot • Uses a beam of electrons to produce image • Images produced are 1000 times better than a light microscope • Can only be used on dead specimens

  16. 2 Types of Electron Microscopes • Scanning Electron Microscope - scan back & forth across the surface of the specimen - produces realistic, 3D images of the surface • Transmission Electron Microscope - shines through the specimen - produce 3D images inside of object

  17. How to Use a Microscope Film • Write down the following questions in your notebook. You will answer them while you view the film. *Who was the 1st person to develop the microscope? *List 3 types of microscopes *The ocular is also known as the _______________. *The object being magnified is called the _______. *_______ holds the slides in place. *The light or mirror is found at the ________ of the microscope. *Course adjustment is used to bring the specimen _________ to the lens. *How much water do you use to prepare a slide? *If a specimen is too thin, you can add a drop of ____ to see it better. *When you move the slide to the left, the image will move to the _____.

  18. Laboratory Techniques • Cell Culture – group of cells that developed from one single cell - used to: 1. test cell responses under controlled conditions 2. to study interactions between cells 3. to select specific cells for further study

  19. Laboratory Techniques • Cell Fractionation – separating cell parts Method: 1. cells are broken up in a blender 2. pieces of cell & a liquid is placed in a tube 3. tube placed in a Centrifuge: - machine that spins tube 4. spinning causes parts to separate 5. scientists can study the individual parts

  20. Working Safely in Your Science Class • Safety rules are very important in our classroom • Top 3 Most Important Safety Rules 1. Always follow your teacher’s instructions 2. Always read instructions carefully 3. Always wash your hands after activities

  21. Safety Symbols Activity • Use page 1068 • Draw and define the following Safety Symbols in your notebook Safety Goggles Poison Breakage Disposal Plastic Gloves Hand Washing Sharp Object Electric Shock General Awareness Safety

  22. Study Guide for Chapter One Test • 16 vocab words – matching (words on the board) • Common metric units (meter, liter, gram, °C) • Differences between the metric system & American system of measurement • Differences between microscopes • All questions from Microscope film. • All parts of the microscope & the their function (just like quiz) • Know how to label the microscope (just like quiz) • Know the top 3 safety rules in a science classroom • Be able to label the 10 safety symbols (foldable) • Levels of organization in order & examples of each level • 8 Characteristics of Life • Know how to spell deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

  23. Vocabulary for Chapter One Cells Biology Unicellular table Multicellular graph Sexual reproduction specimen Asexual reproduction DNA (know how to spell it) Growth Develop Metabolism Adaption Homeostasis Evolution

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