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This class contract outlines expectations including organization, behavior, and attendance. Topics for Semester 1 include Ecology Concepts, Soil, Seeds, Plant Adaptations, and Agriculture Issues. Stay updated through daily agendas and be prepared for assignments.
All members of this class are expected to adhere to the following contract items. • 1. Be respectful. • 2. Be responsible. • SPECIFICALLY…
a. Have a well organized Science Binder and a pencil. • Binder will include updated Daily Agendas, paper, and an updated Table of Contents followed by numbered classroom assignments. Units of study for Semester 1: 1) Concepts of Ecology, 2) Soil, 3) Seeds, 4) Plant Adaptations, 5) Issues of Agriculture. (Textbook: Elements of Ecology will stay at home). You will also periodically be asked to bring a calculator to class (no cell phones). • Your binder will be checked for organization tomorrow.
Binder Organization Table of Contents Page 1 Page 2 Add new assignments in order every day! Agendas2. Contract3. Eco. Rev. & Pre.4. … Copy agenda from board every day (also online). Page # and Name in upper corner of every page. Note: New handouts can be picked up at door when you come in. They are turned in the marked boxes below.
TODAY’S AGENDA (see white board) Copy agenda from board every day (also online): Add new assignment #’s to ToC in order every day! • 8/23/07 Letter, Contract (#2) Table of Contents, Agenda (#1), Website Ecology Review and Preview (#3) HW: (#2)-Get Signed, Binder check FRI [Journal MON]
b. Maintain a Field Journal. • Journal should be a spiral side-bound 6 in. x 9.5 in. notebook with at least 150 lined pages. • You will need your journal for this weekend’s homework and it will be due in class on Monday!
c. Be on time in class daily. • Tardies and unexcused absences will reduce your Attendance Grade 1 full grade (1 free tardy per grading period). District policy further states that 5 unexcused absences will result in loss of class credit.
d. Do homework daily. • Late daily homework will not be accepted. Long-term homework will be dropped a full grade for each day of lateness. Students who maintain a consistent work record will be invited on field trips (Semester 1: Slide Ranch, Semester 2: Point Reyes). • Other trips: MALT Farm, Bt. Bonita, and more!
e. Be an advocate for your learning. • Homework is posted daily in class and on the internet. Keep up with in-class activities, do your homework daily, complete test reviews, and communicate with your group members and teacher. Extra credit will be offered periodically. Alternate homework assignments can and will be assigned to some students. Plagiarized/copied work is not considered “help” and all involved will be given zeros, office referrals, and calls home. Grades will be a running total of points earned on all assignments throughout the semester (percentage breakdown is posted in class). Grades will be posted every two weeks or so.
Teacher contact information: • Mr. Stewart, Room 211 (Office hours: Thursday 1:30-2:10 pm and by appointment) • phone: (415) 945-3600, ext. 6211 • email: stewart@redwood.org • Internet: www.redwood.org/stewart Daily agendas posted here!
Ecology Contract: • Contract is DUE tomorrow! • Student, Teacher, and Parent/Guardian must sign.