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Discover the diverse types of inflorescence, from racemes to cymes, and the intricate structures of flowers like pistils and stamens. Learn about various floral arrangements and sexual characteristics in plants.
TYPES OF INFLORESCENCE A. RACEMOSE (INDEFINITE) Raceme Spadix Spike Catkin Compound umbel Umbel Corymb
Disc floret Disc floret Ray floret Involucre Ray floret CAPITULUM
3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 5 2 B. CYMOSE (DEFINITE) 3 1 3 Biparous cyme / Dichasial 6 1 5 4 3 2 1 Scorpioid cyme Helicoid cyme Uniparous / Monochasial
Helicoid cyme Scorpioid cyme
SPECIAL TYPES OF INFLORESCENCE Ostiole Male flowers Male flower Involucre Female flower Female flowers Nectary Cyathium Hypanthodium
CROSS SECTION OF A COMPLETE FLOWER Stigma Pistil (Gynoecium) Style Ovary Pollen Anther Stamen (Androecium) Filament Petal (Corolla) Receptacle/thalamus/torus Sepal (Calyx) Pedicel
TERMINOLOGIES • Complete flower (bunga lengkap) • Incomplete flower (bunga tidak lengkap) • Actinomorphic (aktinomorfik) • Zygomorphic (zigomorfik) • Hermaphrodite/Bisexual (hermafrodit/dua jantina) 6. Unisexual (sejantina) - staminate - pistillate/carpellate 7. Perfect & Imperfect flower ??
8. Monoecious (monoesius) 9. Dioecious (dioesius) 10. Polygamous (poligamus) 11. Polysepalous (polisepalus) 12. Polypetalous (polipetalus) 13. Gamosepalous (gamosepalus) • Gamopetalous (gamopetalus) • Apetalous (apetalus) • Perianth (tepal) • Staminode (staminod) 18. Carpel (karpel)
Apetalous Polypetalous Gamopetalous Perianth Sterile ovary Staminate flower (Oil Palm) Actinomorphic Zygomorphic
SYMPETALOUS / GAMOPETALOUS Urceolate (Pitcher-Shaped) Rotate (Wheel-Shaped) Campanulate (Bell-Shaped) Salver-Form Funnel-Form
Tubular Ligulate / Ray Personate Foxglove-Form Bilabiate (2-Lipped)
AESTIVATION Valvate Imbricate Convolute (Twisted) Vexillary Quincuncial
Dioecious/ Monoecious/ Polygamous female male hermaphrodite hermaphrodite Monoecious plant Normal plant female male female male Female plant Male plant Dioecious plant
Salacca edulis (Salak) Male plant Female plant
male hermaphrodite male hermaphrodite female Poligamo-monoecious hermaphrodite female Poligamo-dioecious
UNION OF THE FILAMENTS Diadelphous (Leguminosae) Polyadelphous (Rutaceae) Monadelphous (Malvaceae)
UNION OF THE ANTHERS anther filament SYNGENECIOUS (Compositae)
ATTACHMENT OF ANTHER TO THE FILAMENT Versatile Dorsifixed Basifixed Adnate
Basifixed Versatile
UNEQUAL LENGTH OF STAMENS Didynamous (Labiatae) Tetradynamous (Cruciferae)
GYNOECIUM / PISTIL (Stigma, Style, Ovary) 1 carpel Apocarpous Syncarpous Monocarpellate Compound pistil Simple pistil
PLACENTATION Axile Central / Free central Marginal Basal Apical Free-basal Parietal
INSERTION OF FLORAL PARTS AND RELATIVE POSITION OF OVARY Epigynous flower, inferior ovary Hypogynous flower, superior ovary Perigynous flower, half- inferior ovary Perigynous flower, inferior ovary Perigynous flower, superior ovary
Epigynous Hypogynous Perigynous