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Hinduism and other Religions of South and East Asia. What are some quick facts about? Hinduism. It is a religion. Polytheistic 80% of people in India are Hindu. (The Spread of Hinduism). The Story of Hinduism.
What are some quick facts about? Hinduism • It is a religion. • Polytheistic • 80% of people in India are Hindu.
The Story of Hinduism • Aryan People migrated to Pakistan and India about 1500 years before Jesus was born. • Aryans spoke Sanskrit Aryan People
The Story of Hinduism • Aryans had a religion that was spread through hymns and chants. • The books were called the Vedas or Books of Knowledge.
(If the Vedas are the sacred text of Hinduism…) • What is the sacred text of Christianity? Bible • What is the sacred text of Islam? Qur’an • What is the sacred text of Judaism? Torah
(Lets review so far…) • What is Hinduism? A religion • Where did Hinduism start? Pakistan and India • Who started Hinduism? The Aryans • What is the sacred Hindu text? The Vedas
Hindu Beliefs • Hinduism is Polytheistic. That means they worship many gods and goddesses.
Hindu Beliefs • Reincarnation is the idea that after death a person’s soul is reborn into a different body.
Hindu Beliefs • Karma is the idea that a person’s actions determine what will happen after his or her death. Moral Life = Wealthy or wise reincarnation Immoral Life = Poor or sick person
Hinduism religion • Hinduism is considered a _____________, but not an ethnic group • Hinduism is _____________ which means a belief in more than one god. • Hinduism started in ________________, but has spread across the world. • The __________ people brought an early version of Hinduism to the Indus River Valley. • The Aryans were different from the people of India and Pakistan. They even had their own language called ________________. • The sacred text of Hinduism is called the _______________. polytheistic India Aryan Sanskrit The Vedas
(Final Review) • What is Karma? … a person’s actions determine what will happen after his or her death. • What is Reincarnation? …idea that after death a person’s soul is reborn into a different body. • What do Karma and Reincarnation have in common? If you live a good life you will be reincarnated as a something good, and vice versa.
Warm Up • Name two ways that Christianity and Hinduism are both the same and different.
Islam • Not just in the Middle East. • Believe Allah sent Muhammad as a prophet. • Five Pillars • Qur’an is sacred text. • Pray in Mosques 1. Faith 2. Prayer 3. Charity 4. Fasting 5. Hajj
Buddhism • Siddhartha Gautama, Buddha • 4 Noble Truths and the Eight-Fold Path • Trying to reach Nirvana. Remember the Story Board
How is this different from the teachings of other religions?
Shinto • Means “the way of the gods” • No sacred writings, no founder. • Believes Kami, spirits, are in everything. • Tori, shrine
Confucianism • A way of life or philosophy • Developed from the teachings of Confucius. • His teaching focus on human morals and making the “right action.”
Confucius Sayings • Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. • Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it. • Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses. • It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. • Respect yourself and others will respect you. • Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart. • Study as if you were never to master it; as if in fear of losing it.