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Religions of South and East Asia. IsLam. Islam. What do we remember about Islam? . Overview of Islam. Founded by Muhammad wanting to spread the message of monotheism. Qur’an = sacred text Name for God = Allah Country of Origin Founder Beliefs = 5 Pillars of Faith.
Islam What do we remember about Islam?
Overview of Islam • Founded by Muhammad wanting to spread the message of monotheism. • Qur’an = sacred text • Name for God = Allah • Country of Origin • Founder • Beliefs = • 5 Pillars of Faith
HinduismOne of the Oldest Religions • No single founder, but was mixed in India around 1500 BC • Hindus believe in one unifying spirit = Brahman • Who can manifest in many forms • Or in one
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6dCxo7t_aE • More of a system of living than a set of beliefs • Belief in reincarnation • But how the person lives depicts how the soul moves up or down in the next life • Obey the law of Karma • Karma is the sum of all your deeds • The Good are following Dharma • Beliefs are recorded in a number of sacred texts: • Vedas: Bodies of knowledge • Upanishads: basic philosophical framework of Hinduism • Code of Manu: Accepted as the most complete expression of sacred law • Ramayana is a creation story
The caste system (outlawed since 1948) was an important part of Hinduism. Castes are social classes into which a person is born and lives their entire life. If a person has a good karma they may be reincarnated into a higher caste. This life Next life Good Karma Higher caste Born into A caste Bad Karma Lower caste
The caste system separated Indian society into distinct social classes in which everyone knew their place and believed that if they followed the dharma of their caste, they would be reincarnated into a better caste. Brahmin Kshatriya Vaisya Sudra Untouchables
Common Beliefs • Mythology is a large part of the religion • Varies from area to area • Common belief among the different beliefs • Karma • Concept of dharma • Reincarnation • Brahman: • Believe in many gods • Brahma the creator: 4 faces to symbolize 4 Vedas • Siva the destroyer • Vishnu the Preserver: symbols of power and greatness
Work Session • You will begin to create a “Religions of SE Asia” book • For each of the religions follow the instructions written within the packet you receive. • Create beyond the packet in which you are given. They’re more like guidelines anyways • Exceed the expectations. • Do More • Etc. • By the end of today, you should have Islam and Hinduism filled out.
Buddhism is…. • A religion • ANDphilosophy • It encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, that are largely based on the teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama.
Buddhism • Began in Northeastern India. • And is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama • AKA: Buddha • He is a teacher not a ‘god’ • It is about 2500 years old • And spread through cultural diffusion to E. Asia, China, Thailand, Korea and Japan • And is based upon suffering and the need to get rid of it • The goal: Achieve Nirvana
The Buddha • Lived and taught in NE India between the 6th and 4th centuries BC. • Recognized by Buddhists as an enlightened teacher who shared insights to help other end dukkha, achieve nirvana, and escape the cycle of rebirth
Buddhism is based on the Four Noble Truths. • All life is suffering. * Suffering Exists • The way to eliminate suffering is to eliminate desire. * There is an end • Suffering is caused by desire for things that are illusions. * There is a cause for it • Following the Eightfold path will help people to overcome desire. * In order to end it follow the path
Buddhist do not believe in god(s). • Stupa/Pagoda is to Buddhists, as Mosques is to Muslims • “Dukkha” = Suffering • They believe that you are continually reborn until you reach nirvana • Sounds familiar right?
Facts about Buddhism • Buddhists go to temple, not at a special time or day, but when they can. • It is common for Buddhists to go on a full moon day. • A Buddhist temple is called Vihara and is a place for education. In a temple, you will find a shrine room with a large Buddha and statues of his disciples. You will also find relics and manuscripts. There is also a lecture room, meditation room and a library. • Usually light incense and candles when reciting verses • Shoes are removed before entering a temple for respect for Buddha.
5. Buddha is known as a teacher not a god. 6. Flowers and food are placed on the front of the Buddhist Statue. The flowers are to remind the person that they will not live forever. 7. The food is given to the Monks since they own nothing of their own and Buddhists feel that giving food will help them reach Nirvana 8. The following principles are said to help Buddhists to act well: • Not to hurt living things, • Do not take advantage of what is not there • Use senses correctly, • Speak kindly • Do not take or use drugs or alcohol.
1 • Wisdom • Morality • Meditation 3 2
Buddhism has much in common with Hinduism, but important differences. Buddhism like Hinduism: Reincarnation Karma Dharma But not Caste system Hindu gods Hindu priesthood
Work Session • You will begin to create a “Religions of SE Asia” book • For each of the religions follow the instructions written within the packet you receive. • Create beyond the packet in which you are given. They’re more like guidelines anyways • Exceed the expectations. • Do More • Etc. • By the end of today, you should have Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism filled out
Shintoism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTjmHjY-A7I
Shintoism • Was actually formed around 500 BC in Japan • Their followers consist of about 3 million people • And it’s considered a polytheistic religion • Even though it’s not really a religion • But more of spirit worship of ancestors and the like • The Kojiki, The Nihongi are texts that are used quite often. • It’s not an official text • No one knows who founded it, but it is uniquely Japanese
Shrines are places of worship and the homes of kami • Men and women can become priests • They live on shrine grounds • Can marry and have children (what is the different than?) • There are no absolutes in Shinto • Meaning: No one is perfect • It is an Optimistic faith
Kami and the Like • Kami are spirits • Which are also in nature, and geographical regions • They are no all-powerful beings • Can take human form • Shinto’s understand that they are supposed to have a balance between nature and other human beings
What you definitely need to know • Is a form of Traditional Worship • Though it has no holy or sacred book • Or god(s) • Founded in Japan • And their beliefs are: • Kami • Torii
Confuscianism • Named for a man: Confucius. • He lived in China around 551 BC and was considered the most learned (or educated) man in his lifetime • He was the first Private Teacher in China. • Not really a religion, but rather a code of ethics (or philosophy) Confucius
Founder was Kong Qiu, but later became Confucius in the 16th century by Jesuit Missionaries • Traveled to various regions to teach with a small group of disciples • But viewed himself as a failure • And it was only until after his death that Confucianism became more known • Beliefs: • Li: includes ritual, propriety, etiquette, etc. • Hsiao: love within the family: love of parents for their children and of children for their parents • Yi: righteousness • Xin: honesty and trustworthiness • Jen: benevolence, humaneness towards others; the highest Confucian virtue • Chung: loyalty to the state, etc • Taught 5 Relationships
5 Relationships • Love between Father and Son • Honor your father – Submit to your parents even if they are wrong • Duty between Rule and Subject • Chun-tzu is moral and fair and leads by example. Followers are filial • Distinction between husband and wife • Wives much be ‘complacent’ or content and comfortable with obligations to husband. So…Husband = head of house • Precedence of the old over the young • The older are greatly respected ancestors are worshiped. They have more wisdom that was acquired through life. • Faith between friends • Only one that does not demonstrate superior-to-subordinate • Both parties are equal and must maintain balance
“Do not do unto other what you would not want them to do to you.” • Meaning….? • Children are taught to respect and listen to their parents and other elders (grandparents, older persons, etc.). • They are also taught to learn from everyone they encounter • Stated: • “Heaven and afterlife were beyond human capacity to understand, and one should therefore concentrate instead on doing the right thing in his life.”
What you Need to Definitely Need to know • It’s not an actual religion • So because it’s not a religion it doesn’t have what? • It’s founder is Confucius • Who lived in China • Main beliefs would be: • Government & Social order • Peace
Work Session • You will begin to create a “Religions of SE Asia” book • For each of the religions follow the instructions written within the packet you receive. • Create beyond the packet in which you are given. They’re more like guidelines anyways • Exceed the expectations. • Do More • Etc. • By the end of today, you should have Islam, Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Shintoism filled out • If you are completely finished turn them in. If you would like to work and tweak things they are due Monday (3/17)
Ideas • Larger book • Cookbook • Poster • Pictures • Written piece • Skit • Commercials • Prezi • PowerPoint • Newspaper • Magazine
What you should have Filled out in your chart