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Juvenile Diversion COGMS Application Webinar

Learn how to use the COGMS grant management system for Juvenile Diversion projects. Set up your account, register for funding, and complete your application process. Important steps and tips provided.

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Juvenile Diversion COGMS Application Webinar

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  1. 2014-2015 Juvenile Diversion COGMS and Application Instructions Webinar January 7, 2014

  2. INTRODUCTIONS • Diversion Staff • Michele Lovejoy, Grant Manager • Kyle McDonald, Financial Grant Supervisor • COGMS Configuration Specialist • Lyndsay Clelland

  3. TODAY’S AGENDA • Description of COGMS • Review of Diversion Application • How to set up a User Account and Applicant Profile • Question and Answers

  4. WHAT IS COGMS? • On-line grant management system that standardizes the grant application process and is housed on a secure, web-based platform. • Includes multiple state agencies’ funding opportunities • Application through grant closeout

  5. IMPORTANT NOTES • COGMS will work with most internet browsers, including Internet Explorer (version 8 or 9), Safari, and Mozilla Firefox. • Recommend that you DO NOT use Chrome or Internet Explorer 10 or 11, as we have had some compatibility issues with these browsers.

  6. DEFINITION OF COMMON TERMS • Registrant: An individual or sole proprietor that creates a Username and Password. Multiple Registrants can exist under a single Applying Agency (Applicant). • Profile: Username, Password and Email information created during the Registrant step. • Applicant: Agency applying for a funding opportunity. • Only one primary Applicant account can exist within COGMS. • An Applicant account may contain multiple Registrants. • Each new applying Agency must go through a State verification process to avoid duplicate entries. Please allow 5 business days for this process and ensure ample time is allowed prior to the deadline of a grant funding opportunity.

  7. APPLICATION STEPS • Create user account – Individual • Create Applicant Profile – Entity/Agency • Register the “Entity” for the Funding Opportunity • Create a Project • Complete AND submit the application

  8. IMPORTANT NOTES • All Applicants must Register for the Funding Opportunity (Step 3) no later than February 13, 2014 or you may not be able to submit your Application (Steps 4 & 5) by the February 20, 2014 due date. • DCJ has created a User Account (Step 1) and Applicant Profile (Step 2) for those agencies that are currently receiving Juvenile Diversion funding. • If you are NOT currently receiving Juvenile Diversion or JAG funding you must create a User Account (Step 1) and Applicant Profile (Step 2) prior to Registering for the Funding Opportunity (Step 3). The training at the end of this session will cover Steps 1 & 2.

  9. STARTJUVENILE DIVERSION PROJECT APPLICATION[Applicant Profile has been created] https://g3.state.co.us/grantium/frontOffice.jsf Log into COGMS using your Username and Password provided by DCJ.

  10. STEP 3: Register for Funding Opportunity Click on “Funding Opportunity Registration.”

  11. STEP 3: Register for Funding Opportunity Click to view the Funding Opportunity requirements.

  12. STEP 3: Register for Funding Opportunity Review the Announcement, then click on “Back to Funding Opportunity Registration.”

  13. STEP 3: Register for Funding Opportunity Click to register for 2015 Juvenile Diversion Program Funding Opportunity.

  14. STEP 3: Register for Funding Opportunity Click “Yes” to indicate you want to register your agency for the Funding Opportunity.

  15. STEP 3: Register for Funding Opportunity Then click “Back” to return you to the Funding Opportunity Registrations page.

  16. STEP 4: Projects Click “Projects” on the left navigation bar.

  17. STEP 4: Projects Click on Funding Opportunity Name drop box. Select 2015 State Juvenile Diversion Program Funds.

  18. STEP 4: Projects Click which will take you to the Create a Project screen. Insert the name of the project in the “Applicant Project Name” field and then click the “Save & Back” button. • Enter a brief descriptive title of the project. Use a short, but meaningful title for your project (50 characters or less) • Example, if you are implementing a computer upgrade, you might call your project Diversion_Computer Upgrade 2015. This quickly distinguishes the program area, purpose, and year of the project.

  19. STEP 4: Projects Click “Submissions” from the left menu bar and then click the button to begin the application process.

  20. Juvenile Diversion Program Application • You are now ready to complete your Juvenile Diversion Project Application. • There are several main content sections in the Juvenile Diversion application. • Applicant Information • Project Summary • Goal and Objectives • Project Data • Collaboration/Sustainability • Budget • Financial Management

  21. Applicant Information Much of this information will be pre-populated, as it is from information in your Applicant Profile.

  22. Applicant Information (cont.) • PROJECT TITLE: This is brought forward from Project Set-up and is read-only. • PROJECT NUMBER: The COGMS will automatically generate this number and is read-only. • PROJECT DIRECTOR: The project director must be an employee of the applicant agency to ensure that the applicant agency is fully aware of the activities taking place with grant funds. • TYPE OF FUNDING FOR THIS PROJECT: Choose NEW or CONTINUATION from the drop-down window options. It is vitally important that this selection be correct as it opens a separate section of the application for Continuation Applicants to report on past project progress. • REQUESTED JUVENILE DIVERSION AMOUNT: Enter the amount of Juvenile Diversion funding requested in this application. Continuation applicants must show a 10% reduction from prior year funding. • PROJECT DURATION: The project period will be July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015.

  23. Applicant Information (cont.) Applicant details • APPLICANT AGENCY NAME:This is brought forward from the Applicant Profile and is read-only. • APPLICANT LEGAL NAME:This is brought forward from the Applicant Profile and is read-only. • DUNS Number: This is brought forward from the Applicant Profile and is read-only. Your application cannot be submitted unless you have a DUNS number. • SAM Registration DAte: This is brought forward from the Applicant Profile and is read-only. If this needs to be updated, it must be done in the Applicant Profile. The SAM expiration date may not be expired at the time of Application submission. • TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: This is brought forward from the Applicant Profile and is read-only. • ENTITY TYPE:This is brought forward from the Applicant Profile and is read-only. • ENTITY SUB-TYPE:This is brought forward from the Applicant Profile and is read-only. • ENTITY FUNCTION: Choose all that apply from available list.

  24. Applicant Information (cont.) IMPLEMENTING AGENCY • Choose from the drop-down window option. If implementing agency is different from applicant agency, select “No” and fill in the “Implementing Agency Name” and Entity Function for the Implementing Agency. Please note: the Implementing Agency is the agency that is responsible for the actual implementation of the project, and may be the same as the applicant agency, a component of it, or another agency entirely. For example, the applicant agency is the county, but the sheriff’s office is the implementing agency, or if the city is the applicant agency but a non-profit organization is the implementing agency. Provide the agency name and function. SERVICE AREA FOR PROJECT:Complete the following fields: US Congressional Districts, Colorado Judicial Districts, State Senate District, State House District, Counties, Cities and Regions where services will be delivered. This may include more areas than where the applicant agency is located.

  25. Contact Information On the Contact Information screen update the contact information. All Contact Information in the Applicant Profile will automatically be brought forward to this section. You may edit , add , or delete contacts so that this list contains the appropriate representatives for this specific project/application. You may have only one individual listed per Contact Type.

  26. Contact Information Enter Contact Details

  27. Contact Information (cont.) • You must have a minimum of three contacts for this application, the Project Director, Financial Officer and Signature Authority (previously called the Authorized Official). If there is an Implementing Agency other than the Applicant Agency, you must also provide Contact Details for the Implementing Agency. • Click on “Save and Add Another” to enter additional contacts.

  28. Contact Information (cont.) Project Director • Must be an individual other than the authorized official or financial officer and must be from the applicant agency. • Individual who will be in direct charge of the project and must be within the organizational structure of the applicant agency. • Combines knowledge and experience in the project area with ability in administration and supervision of personnel and will be expected to devote a major portion of his/her time to the project.

  29. Contact Information (cont.) Financial Officer • Individual other than the project director or authorized official and must be from the applicant agency. • Person responsible for fiscal matters relating to the project and in ultimate charge of accounting, management of funds, verification of expenditures, and grant financial reports.

  30. Contact Information (cont.) Signature Authority • Individual other than the project director or financial officer. • This individual is authorized to enter into binding commitments on behalf of the applicant agency. • For local units of government, this will normally be a city manager, mayor, district attorney, and/or the chair of the county commission. At the state level, this individual will be a department or division head.

  31. Contact Information (cont.) Implementing Agency • Complete when a project is being implemented by an outside agency. • Example, if the District Attorney’s Office is the applicant agency but a non-profit organization is the implementing agency, provide a main contact for that non-profit agency.

  32. Project Summary

  33. Project Summary (cont.)

  34. Project Summary (cont.)

  35. Project Summary (cont.)

  36. Project Summary • Project Summary: Provide a description of the proposed project which will be used for the memo to the Governor. Up to 1,000 characters. • Include a brief description of how your project will address the Juvenile Diversion goal. • Also include target population, estimated number to be served annually and cost per person (if applicable). It is important to use this section to “hook” the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Council members; be clear, succinct but truly show the issue or problem.

  37. Project Summary (cont.) • Agency Description: Talk about what your agency does and how it relates to Juvenile Diversion. Up to 1,000 characters. • Agency Qualification/Capacity: Describe your agency’s experience with similar projects, management of grant funds and staff qualifications. Up to 1,000 characters. • Prior Juvenile Diversion funding for this Project: • Choose “Yes” or “No” from the drop-down window options. If “Yes”, complete the table that appears listing each grant year this project was funded with Juvenile Diversion monies (the year the grant began), the amount of state funds awarded, and the grant number.

  38. Project Summary (cont.) • Problem Statement: Describe the problem the propose project will address. Up to 5,000 characters. • Describe problem in terms of causes and consequences, use published literature to support your description. • Included target population and provide local data to support description. • Talk about why your program is the only program qualified to impact the problem.

  39. Project Summary (cont.) • Project Description:Describe your proposed strategy(ies) for addressing the problem stated in the problem statement section. You should clearly link your strategy to the specified problem description. Up to 9,500 characters.

  40. Project Summary (cont.) • Your Project Description should address the following: • Program philosophy • Referral sources • Formal and informal screening and assessment tools being utilized • Acceptance criteria for referrals • Specific services being provided • List of RJ practices • Graduated sanctions • Criteria for discharge

  41. Project Summary (cont.) • Evidence-based Programs or Activities: Will the project be using EBP • Compliance with JJDP Act

  42. Project Summary (cont.) Population to be Served

  43. Project Summary (cont.) Population to be Served • In addition to completing the box a narrative description of the population to be served is required. • Talk about age, gender, race/ethnicity and any other characteristics of youth. • Describe how you intend to address any gender and language issues. • 2000 characters

  44. Goals and Objectives

  45. Goals and Objectives • These are the elements against which your project will be evaluated and which you will use to report quarterly and final progress.

  46. Goals and Objectives Goals • Please write one or more goals you will focus on through this project. • Goals are broad statements (i.e., written in general terms) that convey a project's overall intent to change, reduce, or eliminate the problem described. • For this application, the goal is not in and of itself measurable. Progress made relative to the goal should be reflected in data related to specified objectives and their related outcomes and measurement.

  47. Goals and Objectives Objectives • Describe in words what your program will achieve in relation to each goal. • The specified objectives under each goal should be logically related to that goal. • Objectives may be client-based (number served; changes in knowledge, behavior; reduced system involvement), environmental (larger changes at the community level), product-based (development of a specific product), or system improvement (specific changes to system to improve functioning) • Each objective should be measurable. This should be reflected in the corresponding statements.

  48. Goals and Objectives Outcomes • Outcomes are the change or benefit the project is expecting to produce in the target population and can include specific items of data to be use to assess a projects status towards reaching its objectives. • Write a measurable outcome(s) for each objective. Include at least one outcome reflecting the number of clients to be served (if client-based). Outcome statements should include: • The specific type of change or improvement that will occur • The number or percent of individuals impacted (where appropriate) • The expected magnitude, on average, of the expected change • If client based, include outcomes reflecting the number of clients to be served

  49. Goals and Objectives Measurement and Timeframe • Measurement is a description of what data will be collected to measure the change. Please describe the specific measurement tool(s) you will use to collect date for each outcome. If you do not have a tool please state TBD (To Be Determined). • Timeframe: The month in which the objective will be completed.

  50. Goals and Objectives Quality Assurance Plan • Limit of 5000 characters • Describe your approach for evaluating your project in response to your stated objectives, outcomes and measurement. Include in this section, at a minimum, information about the following: • Describe your plan for collecting data on each specified outcome using the identified measurement tools. Cite the methods that will be used to collect the data which will measure the effectiveness of this project. Discuss tools, approaches, timelines and staff responsible for collecting, analyzing, and evaluating the data. Include how data collected will reflect actual numbers attributable to the awarding of this grant. • The applicant agency’s approach to managing the data once collected; where data will be stored or entered.

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