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Adult Ed/Business Ed/HRD

Adult Ed/Business Ed/HRD. Business & Office Technology Programs have the highest enrollment in most two-year post-secondary institutions (Community college & technical programs) Private proprietary programs (business colleges)

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Adult Ed/Business Ed/HRD

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  1. Adult Ed/Business Ed/HRD • Business & Office Technology Programs have the highest enrollment in most two-year post-secondary institutions (Community college & technical programs) • Private proprietary programs (business colleges) • Short-term training (JTPA, JOBS, Welfare Reform, Workforce Development Programs, Workforce Investment Act.

  2. Human Resource Development • The integrated use of training and development, organizational development, and career development to improve individual, group, and organizational effectiveness. • May include: Organization/Job Design, Task Analysis, Planning, and Professional Improvement Plans.

  3. HRD According to Len Nadler • Training: To do your present job better. Required – on company time – paid for by the organization. • Education: Optional. Opportunity to prepare for upward mobility. May require some time, effort, and funding by the employee. (Tuition reimbursement).

  4. HRD Continued: • Development: People are selected to participate in activities which help prepare them for management and leadership roles or advanced technical training. Paid for by the employer and may be a prerequisite for certain promotions.

  5. Training and Development (HRD) • In 1986, the average salary of trainers was just under $40, 000. By 1995, the average salary was about $50,000. • The American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) • Powerful professional organization with a national reputation. Membership is about $500 per year. Chapters in Boise & Spokane.

  6. Learning Organizations (Peter Senge) • Organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire. • Where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured. • Where collective aspiration is set free. • Where people are continually learning how to learn together.

  7. Learning Organizations cont’d.: • The ability to learn faster than your competitors. • Discover how to tap all employees’ commitment and capacity to learn. • Profound teamwork • Very different from traditional authoritarian “controlling organizations”

  8. What is Considered to be Training? • An “organized learning experience” given over a “period of time” to “bring about change or growth” for the individual within an organization. • Part of a Training & Development Plan for the individual, the group, and/or the organization as a whole. • Should not be just random “nice to know” activities.

  9. Training & Development Dollars • Investments in training and education have risen by over 30% between 1990 and 1998. • Companies are now investing $60 billion per year in education and training. • 1990 45.5 billion • 1998 60.7 billion

  10. Tuition Reimbursement Plans • More companies are providing tuition reimbursement to “Some” or all of their employees. • In 1994, just 3 out of 4 companies – 76%-- reimbursed or paid for the cost of tuition. • By 1997, 96% reported paying for the cost of tuition for at least some of their employees.

  11. 5 “New” Component Technologies • Systems Thinking. Seeing the integrated parts in motion. • Personal Mastery. Clarifying and deepening our personal vision – seeing reality objectively. • Mental Models. Deeply ingrained assumptions that influence how we understand the world. Sometimes these must be changed in order to move forward.

  12. Building Shared Vision • Bind people together around a common identity and sense of destiny. • Shared pictures of the future • Team Learning • The intelligence of the team exceeds the intelligence of the individuals. • Extraordinary capacities for coordinated action • Thinking together • A new wave of experimentation and advancement

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